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02/21/23 4:45 PM

#40309 RE: DarthYoda #40295


First of all, BTC is not intended to ever take over any world currency. It is an alternative store of value and a system that is more efficient than our historical fiat financial systems. Because it is in its "infancy" stage and because it takes time for world adoption, it is extremely volatile. The volatility will one day, go away or be greatly reduced. However, I would speculate that this volatility will take a long time (maybe decades) to flatline. When it does, bitcoin (or perhaps other cryptocurrencies) will dominate all financial transactions. All world banks will be participating and profiting off it. All governments will likely have their own "crypto" currencies backed by the same current government reputations. There will be very similar regulations throughout the world as there is now with fiat currencies.

Because of the above, it makes your questions regarding satoshi being unknown, to be a non-issue over time. I don't know nor care who satoshi is. I respect the system (white paper) that he/she started and will leave it at that. I do know, if whomever satoshi is, were to suddenly try to "cash in" huge amounts of bitcoin, it would crash bitcoin and possibly this particular crypto currency forever. This would destroy satoshi's entire project and reputation. Why would anyone do this. They could, of course, slowly liquidate as much of their holdings as they want over time and reap all the financial benefits they ever dreamed of (a smarter way to cash in) while not destroying the system. You simply have to decide, which approach is more likely in the long run? If you believe satoshi won't eventually destroy his/her invention/system, then you can participate in this new industry.
