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05/14/22 9:11 AM

#94665 RE: Long term #94664

He should repeat that in front of the judge to see if efforts of this sort, intentionally designed to deceive, are a common practice in legal filings.
I doubt it and do not believe it, and hope all UOIP longs stay well.


05/14/22 12:29 PM

#94666 RE: Long term #94664

Why would he tell you that? Think that through. What would motivate him to say that? What would his team have to gain or lose by telling you that? Seriously. Think that through. He isn't a "nice guy", you know - he's an attorney and knew who you and ZW are and how you fit into the ihub puzzle. He had a reason to interact with you and tell you what he did. He - they - wanted that information to be shared here, and it was. You have done what he wanted you to do.


05/14/22 2:50 PM

#94673 RE: Long term #94664

One other point, LT - we know that ihub is monitored by opposing counsel, right? BA was even quoted in a filing....remember that? So, if opposing counsel is monitoring ihub and you and ZW are making plans to attend the latest hearing, they know you're going to be there and they know you will report back in here on ihub what happened and what your reaction was. And, such reports are appreciated - but - if opposing counsel knew that the redacted settlement amounts had led to pretty accurate guesses by shareholders and discussed here on ihub - and that you and ZW were attending the hearing and knew you'd be posting here afterwords, do you think they would intentionally come off in an aggressive, rude, off-putting way? Or would they make nice and try to give you false information to carry back and report? Opposing counsel are adeptly working toward a goal and that goal doesn't include paying shareholders their due.....their goal is focused on their clients interests and we aren't their clients. By introducing doubt about the size of the settlement here on ihub, they add to the sentiment that helping with legal action is wasted money. That's exactly what they want UOIP shareholders to think and believe because that helps them achieve their client's goals - and, once again, UOIP shareholders are NOT their clients.