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Dr Bala

04/19/22 7:11 PM

#460969 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Doesn't change anything.


04/19/22 7:16 PM

#460970 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

It looks like the patent suggests otherwise buddy:

Can you also state your point? It is really unclear what you are trying to say. We've been around this merry go round over and over.


04/19/22 7:16 PM

#460971 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

This is, from the information I have, incorrect and false information from an inconclusive source Adam.


04/19/22 7:17 PM

#460972 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965


04/19/22 7:30 PM

#460979 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

The convo you yourself posted ends with your UCLA source saying she doesn't have the necessary expertise to answer. Where is your follow-up with LL that she wrote was needed to answer the key licensing questions?

Seems like you either forgot to follow-up or more likely you did but didn't get the answers you wanted and you would not dare to lie about what LL told you. Obviously, without the needed follow-up with LL, this exchange is just about worthless innuendo. So much for your journalistic credibility in this matter.


04/19/22 7:36 PM

#460982 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Answer this Adam, were there further communications from UCLA and did Dr. Liau take your call? The person you point to no longer works at UCLA Johnson Cancer Center.


04/19/22 7:45 PM

#460989 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

You should think that someone who is “in the industry“ and who is a “journalist” would be able to read!

No outside company is involved statement is clearly referring to the manufacturing of the vaccine. Everyone knows that UCLA are and have been manufacturing the vaccines they use for their trial patients throughout all the trials.

Misinterpretation of a simple written answer should not happen for a so called expert.


04/19/22 7:55 PM

#460995 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Denis Heady, works at Cedars Sinai

I note this very old dispute with Cedars Sinai, from December 9, 2011:

It is interesting that you blocked her contact information, why would you need to do that if she is the UCLA Johnsoon Cancer Center Media relations contact? And were you writing to her indicating you were from the Boston Globe as Senior Writer, National Biotech?

If you read carefully, Heady's description of the origin of the vaccine, and the order of where it was developed and by whom, I think a deep dive into original documents will show that she was confused. And ATL-DC is not a different vaccine, and I have evidence of that from Dr. Liau directly. So please go ahead. Fire away. Looking forward to your really going for it this time.

It will be interesting to see what the fallout will be.


04/19/22 8:06 PM

#461000 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

And better than grapefruit juice? Monsieur FUDster is back... Why? Preparing another hit piece?


04/19/22 8:12 PM

#461004 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965


As others have stated this is simply false. The lack of any journalistic integrity is alarming but not surprising after seeing some of your past work. I hope you do more research before spreading these false narratives. Have a good one Adam.


04/19/22 8:30 PM

#461018 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

It would have been better if you didn't share the source as it only makes your statement appear that much more nonsensical. I guess you want to appear to be a journalist but that train has left long ago.

Anyways, looking forward to your negative misleading articles once great tld/journal is released.


04/19/22 8:40 PM

#461021 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Blocking the email address from the “source” of your information you are posting negates any credibility you are claiming. I doubt you are AF, he’s not that stupid. GLTU


04/19/22 8:48 PM

#461028 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Mr AF,

1) ATL-DC and DCVax are same formulation & process and UCLA makes ATL-DC for their own local use at UCLA because they can and UCLA makes it at UCLA, so it’s faster and simpler than sending tumor to Cognate or Advent to make the vaccine and have to ship it back frozen, etc. Also, UCLA focuses on the research and clinical practice, and would not want to deal with the commercialization, hence the relationship with Northwest Bio.

2) Dr Liau has stated in connection with her recent presentations that ATL-DC is DCVax-L, meaning they are equivalent but the naming goes according to 1) above. Dr Liau’s presentation deck identifies nwbo as a sponsor of the combo trial with Keytruda and the Revimmune IL-7 component.

3) the combo treatment patent lists UCLA, NWBO, Cognate(CRL), and Revimmune as joint inventors (the names are listed for the companies, I.e., Dr Liau, Linda Powers, etc.)

This FUD premise is just that, FUD.


04/19/22 8:56 PM

#461037 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Adam if It doesn’t work, what does it matter who has the rights?


04/19/22 8:59 PM

#461038 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

A real journalist would just contact NWBO and ask them to explain.

There are several questions one should ask to finalize this line of questioning, but your agenda limits your effort here. Bottom line is if you are working to undermine a new therapy coming to market at this stage the therapy must be close to coming to market.

First you claim DCVax is grapefruit juice now you claim NWBO has no claim to the grapefruit juice. You were wrong about it being grapefruit juice and I am sure you are wrong again. Most of us know your agenda is not truth but rather the opposite. It is time you start to earn an honest living. May you find the inspiration to do so.


04/19/22 9:14 PM

#461045 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Seems that a few weeks after you’d asked Denise Heady at UCLA (back in January 20, 2020) whether the vaccine they were using for their combo trial in recurrent GBM trial, I’d met and spoke directly with both Dr. Linda Liau and Dr. P. Leia Nghiemphu in person at a small event held in Orange County on February 12, 2020, where they both told me directly that the vaccine they were using was indeed DCVax-L, but that they couldn’t use the trade name, since Northwest was not sponsoring the trial.

So were Linda Liau and Dr. Nghiemphu lying when they told me that?
Was I lying?

Here’s a link to the event:

And listed below is my post that I'd made while I was present at the event stating that she'd told me this.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020 9:16:19 PM
Re: None
Post# 264504 of 461022 Go
So I’m at the UCLA event right now, and it’s pretty small. I saw LL standing with another UCLA doctor -Dr. N -her name is a bit hard to remember without looking it up. Anyhow, since there wasn’t really anyone talking to her, I was able to introduce myself. Of course, I prefaced that I was an investor in NWBO. She told me she wasn’t part of the company, bless her heart (she’s so cute and sweet and little). Anyhow in our conversation, I was able to confirm that the vaccine in the UCLA trial being combined with Keytruda (she corrected me and called it Pembro, and then confirmed that Keytruda was the brand name of the same) is hands down DCVax-L.. but they can’t use the trademarked name since NWBO isn’t sponsoring the trial (because they don’t have the money to do so right now). But she can use the DCVax-L formula there at UCLA as it was developed at the University.

The presentation hasn’t started yet, but I imagine that will likely be the most material thing I will learn here. :)

The next day, I’d written another post indicating that I’d spoken with Dr. Nghiemphu and that she, too, had confirmed that the ATL-DC vaccine UCLA was using in their combo trial was indeed DCVax-L.


Thursday, February 13, 2020 1:44:08 AM
Re: jdheart101 post# 264505
Post# 264533 of 461018 Go
After the presentation, I had an opportunity to speak with Dr. N (Nghiemphu) who also told me, unsolicited (she brought it up to me - I didn’t ask) that they are using DCVax-L with Keytruda in the recurrent GBM trial. There wasn’t an opportunity during the Q and A... in fact, the Recurrent trial itself was not mentioned during the presentation. The presentation was more broad and generalised.



Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:54:37 AM
Re: longfellow95 post# 264585
Post# 264604 of 461020 Go

Dr Prins supposedly stated in an email,

We have always had our own IND with the FDA for this vaccine and I think this is in keeping with the vaccine still being DCVax-L, it’s just that UCLA has their own IND to work with it.

But hands down, LL and Dr Nghiemphu stated the autologous DC vaccine was DCVax-L, but that they couldn’t use the trade name.

About Dr. P. Leia Nghiemphu

Adam writes that Northwest Bio doesn’t have the rights to ATL-DC. Of course, that’s a rather sloppy way of putting it, but let’s dive down on what he might have meant by that statement.

Does Adam mean NWBO doesn’t have the right to control the combo trial at UCLA?
Okay, he’d be right. It’s UCLA’s trial, not Northwest’s.

Does Adam mean NWBO doesn’t have the right to use the data to the combo trial at UCLA?
He’d be right about that, too. It’s UCLA’s data.

But if the ATL-DC vaccine for which the trademarked name is DCVax-L (which is what Adam's emails indicate to be the case) extends life for rGBM patients in combo with a checkpoint inhibitor, where would a patient go to obtain this ATL-DC vaccine for which the trademarked name is DCVax-L?

How would a doctor prescribe it?

Would they prescribe an ATL-DC vaccine and tell the patient to head on down to UCLA to have it made?

Of course not.

Does Adam mean that NWBO doesn’t have the manufacturing rights to the ATL-DC vaccine for which the trademarked name is DCVax-L?
Well, I doubt that. As it is obviously NWBO and not UCLA that will be filing for the manufacturing licenses with the regulators to manufacture the ATL-DC vaccine trademarked as DCVax-L.

And if the vaccine works in the combo trial, no matter what you call DCVax-L, that only helps Northwest, because the only place a patient will be able to get their vaccine manufactured will be from Northwest who will be (hopefully) licensed to sell it.

I hope this helps. — senti. :)


04/19/22 10:39 PM

#461088 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

This is a definite bullish signs that shorts are desperate and worried. For some reason, I am getting very bored and sleepy. I’m hearing and reading a lot of white noise, but it is not saying anything of substance :-)


04/19/22 11:10 PM

#461102 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Stick to Poli Sci bro!!

When he tweets, stocks tumble. And biotech executives quake.

Doc logic

04/19/22 11:13 PM

#461107 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965


Grapefruit juice?; ). Best wishes.


04/19/22 11:59 PM

#461116 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Rule#1: Always do your due diligence before opening mouth.


04/20/22 11:01 AM

#461212 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

We could also say that UCLA has no rights to DCVAX. What does it matter? The value is in the manufacturing. The product is the same. UCLA is not developing the manufacturing or commercialization to mass produce ATL DC. NWBO is developing the infrastructure to commercialize it. UCLA is just going to help prove it works, just like any other research site. They’re in the business of treating patients. NWBO is in the business of producing vaccine. It’s a shame that a health science reporter wouldn’t know the difference in these business models.


04/21/22 5:40 PM

#461594 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

but Adam, wait. You promised us ages ago this was a failed product, in a study that everyone knew failed years ago. Why on earth are you troubling yourself with who owns rights to a failed product?? Oh, I'm SO confused. I feel almost like... a snowflake... on a witness stand...


04/22/22 10:45 AM

#461833 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965


05/05/22 6:38 AM

#466024 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

$1.63 and rocketing higher with news on long-term long-tail survival coming next week rumor has it being delivered by Dr. Linda Liau

MI Dendream

05/05/22 7:26 AM

#466038 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Nuts, I can’t figure this gif thing out

</iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>


05/07/22 5:09 AM

#467315 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965


"2022 UCLA Virtual Brain Tumor Conference"
Date Time: May 6, 2022 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Ask anonymous attendee:
assuming success of the autologous dc vaccine in the combo trials, will UCLA be the commercial manufacturing lab?

Cloughesy, Timothy F. 01:10 AM
The trial we are running at UCLA is not a registration study so will not lead to any FDA approval. UCLA can only produce vaccine for clincal trials under an IND approved by the FDA

Timothy Sommers 12:01 AM
is ATL-DC the same as DC-Vax-L?

Cloughesy, Timothy F. 12:10 AM
yes, that is correct

And watch this part of the conference:


05/07/22 10:12 AM

#467383 RE: AdamFeuerstein_STAT #460965

Will Adam Feuerstein keeps his word?

RE: TheFollower post# 47494
Post# 47497 of 467378
Friday, 12/18/2015 07:35:03 AM
DCVax approval in US or Europe.

Friday, December 18, 2015 7:22:01 AM
Re: Adam_Feuerstein post# 47491
Post# 47494 of 467375
Adam: simple question...
What would it take for you to become a supporter of Northwest Biotherapeutics?