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11/08/21 12:29 PM

#415809 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

My guess is, LP could have dismantled the SNO hype by saying DCVax-l will not be presented there.

She did just that ahead of the last ASCO and it did not shock price per share.

She did not do that for this SNO.


11/08/21 3:22 PM

#415883 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

If data was great they would've PRed it.

There's no need to wait when people with GBM are dropping dead.

The company is mining the data for any spec of positive spin they can put on it. Unfortunately the mine collapsed when they changed the endpoints to historic control and all the miners are dead.


11/08/21 10:33 PM

#415953 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

Great post welcome. I’m a novice I just follow along and try to decipher what these people, who are a lot smarter than me, say. Can’t wait to read some answers


11/09/21 6:42 AM

#415982 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

There is 0 evidence that the company is releasing TLD at SNO. People are fed up with waiting and have decided that SNO would be a perfect place for it, that’s all there is to it. It is not based on anything concrete at all.

Once they are ready we will know.


11/09/21 7:34 AM

#415986 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

RE: hoffmann6383 -

There is a large drumbeat on these forums that if NWBO doesn't present at the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) the data is somehow bad, the management is poor, the management doesn't know what they are doing if the release of the TLD doesn't coincide with a presentation at a major conference, etc. It is setting up a BIG LET DOWN and giving bears ammo for more forum fodder/spam.

I tried to caution people here: and have done so in the past. As you suggest, people are trying to bend the information we have to fit what they want to happen and it is likely to just lead to increasing disappointment if it does not happen. So in answer to your question: No, there is nothing to suggest that NWBO will present at SNO.

As you point out, late-breaking abstracts do not appear to be designed for what NWBO has to offer. TLD has been available for a year. The thought is that using late-breaking abstracts, the company can keep everything a surprise so that they can 'own the shorts' or something. Why you would want a company to delay publication of TLD on the off-chance of catching some short sellers is a mystery.

The sad thing is that there are an awful lot of people who seem to think that they are in a better position to judge the appropriate time and method of data release than the people who have been: A) running this trial for over a decade; B) in possession of the actual unblinded data; C) advised by a Scientific Advisor Board made up of top people in the field; D) in talks with the regulators; E) dealing with medical journals and knowledgeable about the status of the publication; F) familiar with current production capacity and future expansion of same; G) aware of current financial position, burn rate, amount of income now and projected, financing opportunities; etc. It is really a shocking display of hubris.

To quote Linda Powers from 2019: (

"ASCO is certainly a great venue and it's been great for us when the timing has worked out, to be able to, as we did last year we had just announced the first interim data from our phase III trial, three days before ASCO, that just happened to work out beautifully on the timing. And a few years before that we had unveiled our initial DC Vax-Direct data. So we agree with you that it's great when that works."

So they are not going to wait on a major conference, they are going to release the data when they are ready and if it works out that that time is at or around a major conference, great.


11/09/21 7:35 AM

#415987 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802


The most important PR was probably in August of 2020 when the company gave guidance that they are moving towards data lock and anticipate TLD in September of 2020 (last year).

The October 5th 2020 PR was a rug pull that signalled the 'quiet period' we're experiencing now. It took a few more months for us here to decipher that TLD will be released immediately before a medical journal publication (the embargoes for which are lifted about 24hrs before), and which take about a year to complete. This took months for us to absorb, and the last time there was meaningful excitement on the board was in the run up to the shareholders meeting in May, and ASCO a few weeks after that.

There is no evidence, save the circumstantial, that TLD will be released at SNO. In any case that would invalidate the exclusivity that any decent Medical Journal insists on before publishing. So you can't have a journal article and a conference presentation about the same thing. It's either/or. This is an assumption on my part and would love to hear what others have to say about this.

I think it's perfectly feasible that we get TLD and a Journal article a few days before the conference, and a Late Breaking Abstract that is related to, but not exactly that which is presented in the journal. Perhaps the LBA is a follow-up, presenting data which has become available outside of data lock (October 2020 - October 2021).

The current optimism is mainly due to how obscenely overdue top line is, and the fact that it would make sense to start an NWBO victory lap at the Society for Neuro Oncology. But there have been many such opportunities in the past, and there are many in the future. I have been in this for five years in February and this is the first time that I'm not CERTAIN, that something will happen in a couple of weeks. Defense mechanism, or the Reverse Psychology of the degenerate gambler? I've no idea. Everyone's tired.

I'm hopeful that at least some of the last fourteen months were spent building a Public Relations head of steam; as was the case in May 2018 when another, hugely delayed paper containing the encouraging BLENDED data was released, and got very good science coverage in the UK press. It was the lead item (save a terrorist incident) on the BBC 6 o'clock news.

To my mind, the most reliable - not to say personally, intellectually and emotionally invested individuals posting here are: Flipper, Basin Street Blues, Sentiment Stocks, Gus McRea, Lykri.

I won't list those whom I think it is safe for you to ignore. These individuals can be discerned by the Clown-Car noises you hear in your head when reading their posts.


11/09/21 9:11 AM

#416016 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

Hoffmann. I like what you have posted and agree with the point you are making. I would just like to say, though. NWBO and Linda Powers can NOT be compared to other companies and how they released their results. This is a company that a few years ago was trading in double digits, (many of us were here for that OUCH). We watched, as did LP, as we were DESTROYED by AF and others, likely for reasons NOT just for making money by shorting. Results will be released strategically in a well thought out plan, I personally support LP. I think she is brilliant, strong minded, and has other great minds surrounding her. The company mentioned publication. That is what we CAN expect. When or if something precedes the article is anyone’s GUESS!!!! Good luck and welcome.


11/09/21 9:52 AM

#416043 RE: hoffmann6383 #415802

hoffmann., IMO, you have underestimated the value of personal opinion, by dismissing them wholesale, while assigning value to those who bring their personal experiences to their commentaries. If we were to expect our piers on this board to participate actively, when or if they had, "intel", which suggests they would have data not easily acquired, still, that wouldn't assure us anything to believe the information is well balanced, vetted, or comprehensive enough to establish great confidence. At least enough to de-risk as much as we hope the information would.

The forum is merely a platform that brings a wealth of knowledge and perspective in one place. It's to each individual investor to discern what is appropriate for them to use to satisfy their expectations. Well debated views which include those that are contrarian, offer a unique means to uncover gems that would have otherwise remained hidden from our understanding.