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10/02/21 4:07 PM

#670293 RE: Royal Dude #670291

RD, hopefully, we are riding the coattails of the Big Money Players as
Walrath stated and what we are to hopefully receive was basically homogenized and fixed so that when one starts receiving ALL starts receiving.

HOWEVER, to your point, obviously, no way to know for sure until something is filed and/or happens good, bad, or indifferent.


10/02/21 4:35 PM

#670295 RE: Royal Dude #670291

MARSHALL & BRAY are Self-Dealing Sucbags who don't care a Hoot about COOP Shareholders,Let Alone us Wamu Escrow-holders...There are a lot of their lackey shere but They Are NOT our Friends, Period! We need to act to Stop the Continuing THEFT of our Monies, if We don't hear anything by EOY 2021.


10/02/21 7:31 PM

#670308 RE: Royal Dude #670291

RD , what about ‘Yoda’ and Sunshine’s numbers ?
(500B to 600B)


10/02/21 11:04 PM

#670315 RE: Royal Dude #670291

RD: I've written Judge W., the Law Firm she sent me to, countless Reporters at WSJ, CNBC, Kristen Grind etc etc etc. All refused any kind of responsibility or help.

I'm ready to start a solicitation for Real Legal Representation. We have nobody looking out for us Mom and Pop Escrow Shareholders.

Let's start that GoFundMe account I spoke about years ago and place an advertisement seeking help.

We've been lied to every step of this disaster.

12 years is a travesty ...

I'm tired of it ...

You said ...

Between newflow and LG , We have the best for our dd . I however have a big problem that we are finding the way we are being screwed and how they are stealing our value instead of a plan to not enable them to ignore us. The scum bags are winning and my frustration is that we have no feduciary looking out for our interest. Is IT NOT ABOUT TIME FOR MARSHALL OR BRAGs TO STEP FORWARD TO THE BENEFIARIES OF LEGACY ESCROW???? Who is representing us??


10/03/21 8:11 AM

#670325 RE: Royal Dude #670291

Who is representing us??

No One.

Who is screwing Us??

Everyone invested in the Company starting from Willy akka the Jammy Boy.