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09/22/20 7:46 PM

#300775 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772 put to much weight on the greatest horse in history (Secretariat) and you have an everyday nag.....unfortunely Thero and Mngt. inexperience has proven the same.


09/22/20 7:53 PM

#300780 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772

Yeah I agree, I think it’s too low here. But the upside, in my mind, has dropped 8-10 fold.

I would have been out 35-45 before. Now I’m thinking more like 7-10? Unfortunate but a reality. I’ve collected about $14 in premium per share selling calls, and had about 35% of my position called away above $20, so I’ve been very lucky in that respect. However, I obviously would have done a lot better with a $50 BO...which I’m assuming was never presented.

I really hope people on this board didn’t have a high % of their net worths in here, but my observation is too many retail investors get hurt on these moves.

I agree with you numbers, were almost trading below cash value if you include loss carry over. But we won’t be at a reasonable level going forward, I think we’ll be underpriced based on purely sentiment for a very long time. Good news is, I think we’re near the bottom...


09/22/20 7:58 PM

#300783 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772

LBL, Glad to see you post. (They always lift my spirit.)
As I posted here earlier today, JT wants to leave open the
option of "doing something with a larger company." Seems
to me like that's a contorted way to suggest a BO by BP without
saying the words BO or BP. I certainly hope JT is engaged in
such a process. Assuming that he is I cannot understand why he
would tolerate such a depressed share price. In BO negotiations
a higher price is much preferred for many reasons. Glad to hear
you are optimistic.


09/22/20 8:01 PM

#300786 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772

LBL - good to hear from you! Your posts always have a certain reassurance to them. Thank you.

What do you figure AMRN is worth at this point? (Considering EU/ROW)


09/22/20 8:47 PM

#300811 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772

Great post!


09/22/20 8:52 PM

#300812 RE: Larrybirdlegend #300772

LBL and amarinbull, I appreciate the positive message. I’m in agreement with both of your posts. Thanks