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12/23/06 11:10 AM

#224826 RE: S.A.G. #224825

"I was reading some posts from yesterday and see that someone said that they were told about a trading halt for SLJB."

It was a rumor, nothing more and the stock opened like it does every trading day.

"Why hasn't ANYONE at the company received any request for information from the OSC or SEC?"

How do we know they didn't? Because the same people that have promised us multiple PR'S in the past say they didn't?


12/23/06 11:15 AM

#224828 RE: S.A.G. #224825


Don't you think this is an over reaction?
We don't know that trading has been halted?
Do you know that trading has been halted?
Have you spoke or text messaged someone at SLJB?

Perhaps a bombardment of the OSC or SEC might bring an adverse reaction? Attention where attention is not due.

You have the inside track with you have
reason to believe that we have been halted?



12/23/06 11:19 AM

#224829 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Airys418, You have lost it buddy! Protecting criminals now! Too Much! - Misterbull


12/23/06 11:22 AM

#224832 RE: S.A.G. #224825

airys, I think if the SEC gets a bunch of emails saying not to halt a stock that the SEC has not even considered halting, that would get their attention. And not in a good way.

I also think the worst thing that could happen would be for someone to try to "rally the shareholders" and flood the SEC's inbox.

But that is just me.


12/23/06 11:24 AM

#224835 RE: S.A.G. #224825

If a trading halt were to occur, it does not directly injure the company, it only stops present stockholders from dumping their shares on unsuspecting new prospective purchasers.

If anyone on this board has a desperate need for cash, I am sure he could contact a potential buyer who still "believes" in Sulja and the Tooth Fairy here.

They could then negotiate some kind of private contract to circumvent a trading halt.


12/23/06 11:30 AM

#224837 RE: S.A.G. #224825

More important, IMO, is WHY lawyers are muting SLJB. Right? You've overlooking the basic premise for their inability to "defend themselves". Lawyers wouldn't mute them if they had legit business to PR and if everything was "ok". Also, why do you continue to converse and "believe" what you're told by a person who was mentioned in a recent PR as a NON-management member?

Also, IYO the deals and contracts are real. Right, in your opinion... because PV told you so, right? How truthful and honest do you feel he's been with others before you? Airys, step out of the box for a minute. IMO, The SEC isn't going to halt it because of emails, and they're even less likely to "un-halt" due to emails. Don't you think that every stock which is halted is packed full of shareholders who feel it shouldn't be?? The answer to that is YES.

Good luck, though, if you think this situation boils down to who sends more emails. I wonder if the SEC might perk up (something you don't want) if shareholders flood them with "don't halt our stock" emails? You think they'd be surprised that shareholders don't want the stock halted??


12/23/06 11:39 AM

#224848 RE: S.A.G. #224825

The OSC will not halt trading in SLJB period. They may contribute to Petar and others being arrested or something, but they cannot halt a US traded pink sheet. I live in Ontario. The SEC is another story.
Airys, have you always been this...let's just say 'confused'? My goodness man, look back at your post.

"We as investors should be down right outraged and I encourage all investors who have an interest in saving their investment from pure manipulators to stick up for themselves and speak up in VOLUME to the SEC and OSC to combat the negative complaints from people who have not heard the company's side or even given the company a fair chance to defend themselves."

That is the funniest thing I have seen written on this board yet. How you have twisted reality in your own mind screams your lack of understanding and possible mental instability that this stock has caused you.
Why are lawyers not allowing them to say anything? Because they know they have lied so many times in the past and they are trying to keep them out of jail, clearly Steve and Petar are such fools they don't realize how many lives they have ruined. Haven't been given a chance to defend themselves. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a scam company given more chances to defend their lies in my life.


12/23/06 11:43 AM

#224856 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Airys: why make a stink about nothing? Believe me, if the RCMP stopped by to investigate the very same thing, there is little use for the letter or email. Irregardless, I believe before calling a halt, they would have to first approach the company and give them a chance to defend again there is nothing to worry about.

Your post suggest desparation which may have been the result of risking tooooo much into a known risky stock. YOu continue to buy and raise your stress levels. You have let this board and stock consume you. This stock should only be ONE in a bag of varied stocks...

Not to be unkind but please try to remember that moderators come and go on this board, and so do the people who seem to dominate it. Hogster has kinda backed off making himself and his actions and opinions a focal point of discussion and perhaps so should you.

You are taking on the role of The Lone Ranger here but hey, I don't need saving from myself from the big bad company. Its pinky land and a coin toss. You are way too involved and emotional about this stock and this bad habit will eventually get you.

The company is gonna do what its gonna do, nothing what YOU do is gonna change that, except for the fact that by going to visit and reporting, you provide them with an excuse to NOT pr the information, and puts the spotlight on YOU.

If you have a family Airys, let me tell you that you need to get priorities straight and spend more time with them instead of with us. Its Christmas time, so get with the family and friends program....peace to you and yours bro', whatever you do this Xmas.



12/23/06 11:47 AM

#224861 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Airys418, after reading many of your posts, I have come to feel very comfortable with your intentions and with what you post here. I would just add that that there is no way the SEC would halt trading in SLJB without first requiring the company to show its proof at which time the lawyers would have to open up, at least to the SEC.

I feel comfortable that the true intentions are known to us through you and a few others to the best that we can know them at this time. Assuming that the company is not a scam, and at this time I do not believe they are, then the lawyers will do what is best for the company and what is best for the company will be what is best for us in the long run.

I do not have a lot invested here and I realize that any and all pennies are true gambles, but I feel as secure with my SLJB investment as I can at this time and I will enjoy the holidays and look forward to an enlightened new year.

Merry Christmas to all and to all the best of holiday wishes.



12/23/06 12:01 PM

#224881 RE: S.A.G. #224825

That was me and it's the Ontario Securities Commission put a halt on Ontario firms trading SLJB on their accounts based with firms in Ontario. This should all be confirmed next week when trading starts. I heard this from my broker late fri. afternoon. He is not one to bullshit and said he was informed by his head office at Scotia McLeod.He said he tried to reach Sulja for a comment but no luck. Maybe you can find something or we'll have to wait until tues.Again, it was just the OSC, nothing from the SEC. Hopefully this will help getting answers.GLTA


12/23/06 12:04 PM

#224885 RE: S.A.G. #224825


My friend, I am a long and thank you for all your work, but when you make statements like:

"Show them that the majority of ALL shareholders strongly oppose a trading halt until the company has been given a fair chance."

a fair chance, they have had plenty!!

One thing comes to mind STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.

Step away from the computer and go spend some time with your family, you don't have to protect all of us.


12/23/06 12:08 PM

#224888 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Look it is not anyones fault other than the so called management of this company for any trading halt or investigation. They did it to themselves and the stockholders. Blaming this on the "Lawyers" is a deflection for their own incompetence. The truth is they are trying to keep themselves out of jail. You can't run a public company, including a pinkie, with this much attention and not draw the irration of stockholders and the feds.


12/23/06 12:17 PM

#224894 RE: S.A.G. #224825


Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy this time. A rumor is circulating and it is just a rumor. If an actual halt has taken place then it will have to be dealt with and won't be reversed by any campaign by shareholders; cshd shows that point.

I for one do not believe this one will go down that easily, there are many more pieces to this puzzle.


12/23/06 4:31 PM

#225005 RE: S.A.G. #224825




janice shell

12/23/06 4:49 PM

#225015 RE: S.A.G. #224825

From what I understand, the only way a trading halt can happen with SLJB is if the SEC gets involved because SLJB is a Nevada corporation and the OSC controls Canada securities only.

As I said yesterday, the OSC could order Canadian brokerages not to fill orders for SLJB shareholders resident in Ontario. Since SLJB doesn't trade in Canada, that's all they could officially do, as far as I know. The Saskatchewan authorities did that with CMKX.

Show them that the majority of ALL shareholders strongly oppose a trading halt until the company has been given a fair chance.

The company's been given every chance in the world. Presumably audited financials would have made the situation clear. They promised those financials for months, and in the end didn't produce them.

So far there's been no SEC intervention that we know of. We do know that the RCMP questioned Petar, and that the RCMP was in touch with the OSC. Is the OSC investigating? Again, we don't know, but I'd say probably it is.

None of that happens if you don't screw up somewhere along the way.

janice shell

12/23/06 4:51 PM

#225016 RE: S.A.G. #224825

They want to give us ALL of the answers we want but they are not allowed to! Is this fair???

"Fair"??? Sounds like an excuse to me. If they could easily explain away all the little "problems", their attorneys wouldn't have gagged them. For that matter, they wouldn't have needed attorneys to begin with.


12/24/06 12:58 AM

#225541 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Nice post, Airys.

Wow man, post of the year IMO. No kidding, that was true heart and you said some profoundly important things.

Let's encourage the SEC or OSC to proove out legitimacy.

Rock on Airys man!


12/24/06 1:26 AM

#225562 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Alright man....

I submitted to the SEC complaint thing... yes, I was in the prone position! Man, this hypnotiq and hennesey is NICE...

Oh yeah.. any ways... Dude, what a pain in the... NECK. It took me a whole 15 minutes of entering personla data and cutting out the unnecessary parts of your "Post of the Year" to get under the 3000 character limit.

OH WAIT, 15 minutes is nothing! LOL

Yeah, so no big deal and thanks for the post again Airys. You rock the microphone: BIG TIME!

So if anyone else wants to contribute here is what I put in the complaint section and it was UNDER 3000 characters:

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

This is to request clarity on the legitimacy of Sulja Bros. Building Supply (SLJB).

I request that this stock not be haulted during any investigations unless absolutely necessary and based on tangible evidence that fraud has been attempted by SLJB.

Thank you in advance for all the hard work you do.

The following is an explanation that I have cut and pasted from an on-line trader at by the name of Airys418:

I was reading some posts from yesterday and see that someone said that they were told about a trading halt for SLJB. I cannot find anything under the SEC or the OSC web sites about this.

From what I understand, the only way a trading halt can happen with SLJB is if the SEC gets involved because SLJB is a Nevada corporation and the OSC controls Canada securities only.

I checked the SEC web site again this morning and didn't find anything about SLJB.

In the past I've seen so many posters here talking about reporting SLJB to the SEC and other government agencies for fraud. In volume, they could affect this stock with sending many negative complaints to the SEC.

I have been told many times by the company that they have PROOF that they are not lying about their deals and contracts.
I have been told by them that they STILL have proof that PWC WAS involved in doing our audit just as they stated.

The company says that they have all the proof at hand to defend themselves against allegations made in the past and all they want is a chance to defend themselves fairly.

They cannot defend themselves against all of the things that are said in message boards or other places until they are given a chance to do it.

They want to give us ALL of the answers we want but they are not allowed to! Is this fair???

Let's just suppose that there is some truth to this Cease of Trading some say may happen. Why hasn't ANYONE at the company received any request for information from the OSC or SEC?

We as investors should be down right outraged and I encourage all investors who have an interest in saving their investment from pure manipulators to stick up for themselves and speak up in VOLUME to the SEC and OSC to combat the negative complaints from people who have not heard the company's side or even given the company a fair chance to defend themselves.

I honestly feel that hedge funds and others are involved in this attempt. They would be the ones who benefit from any collapse of our stock.

IMO this company is REAL, the deals are REAL and the revenues are REAL. Fight back and send your complaints to the SEC NOW and DEMAND that no action be taken to halt this stock UNTIL the company has provided them with the info they need and have ready to deliver once asked to do so.

You have my permission to copy and paste this post and insert it in your complaint to the SEC and OSC.

El Camino

12/24/06 1:31 AM

#225565 RE: S.A.G. #224825

Done! Had to trim comments (3000) max. Good luck on the trip. Anything you find out will be more than we know now. I think last trip was a success in that we finally started to open communication again. They really need to get their web site back up and operational. Question & Answer first but it needs to be answered not ignored as in the past. Unsupervised BLOG should not even be an option, it turned into a big mistake before. Either supervise it or do not even make it a feature. All this is IMO... You & Hog both have my email address let me know if there is anything I can do.


12/24/06 7:59 AM

#225640 RE: S.A.G. #224825




01/11/07 10:30 AM

#242145 RE: S.A.G. #224825

let's play, 'who posted this'?
Remember, the SEC doesn't get involved until a lot of people start calling and sending them emails complaining. If anything happens, it may very well be due to the complaints they have already received.

I have been told many times by the company that they have PROOF that they are not lying about their deals and contracts.

I have been told by them that they STILL have proof that PWC WAS involved in doing our audit just as they stated.

The company says that they have all the proof at hand to defend themselves against allegations made in the past and all they want is a chance to defend themselves fairly.

good reading, follow the replies and the replies to the replies.
look at the date it starts. 12/23. company knew by then.


04/07/07 5:36 PM

#258562 RE: S.A.G. #224825

so, how'd that work out?
dont you think 3 1/2 months is more than enough time??
have been told many times by the company that they have PROOF that they are not lying about their deals and contracts.

I have been told by them that they STILL have proof that PWC WAS involved in doing our audit just as they stated.

The company says that they have all the proof at hand to defend themselves against allegations made in the past and all they want is a chance to defend themselves fairly.

The problem is that they are being kept quiet by the lawyers, which in my eyes only hurts us more. IMO, the lawyers may have contributed to what has happened to us. I know it sounds crazy but that's how I feel.

They cannot defend themselves against all of the things that are said in message boards or other places until they are given a chance to do it.

How could they defend themselves when they can't even speak about it in PR's? Believe me guys, the company would love nothing more than to show everyone their proof and evidence that they have done nothing wrong.

They want to give us ALL of the answers we want but they are not allowed to! Is this fair???

Let's just suppose that...

na, the suppose didn't work out. like your 'what IF'
where's the proof? over 3 months later! you(airys) should the replies. lotta good points made. some questions for management too.


05/14/07 10:45 AM

#266685 RE: S.A.G. #224825

i just realized this rant was BEFORE the OSC investigation was announced. how's that?

I have been told many times by the company that they have PROOF that they are not lying about their deals and contracts.

I have been told by them that they STILL have proof that PWC WAS involved in doing our audit just as they stated.

The company says that they have all the proof at hand to defend themselves against allegations made in the past and all they want is a chance to defend themselves fairly.

The problem is that they are being kept quiet by the lawyers, which in my eyes only hurts us more. IMO, the lawyers may have contributed to what has happened to us. I know it sounds crazy but that's how I feel.

They cannot defend themselves against all of the things that are said in message boards or other places until they are given a chance to do it.

How could they defend themselves when they can't even speak about it in PR's? Believe me guys, the company would love nothing more than to show everyone their proof and evidence that they have done nothing wrong.

They want to give us ALL of the answers we want but they are not allowed to! Is this fair???

Let's just suppose that there is some truth to this Cease of Trading some say may happen. Why hasn't ANYONE at the company received any request for information from the OSC or SEC?

What kind of investigation is this?


05/14/07 12:52 PM

#266712 RE: S.A.G. #224825

FINANCIALS WILL BE OUT on 5/15/09 at 9:am


12/09/07 10:07 AM

#290223 RE: S.A.G. #224825

I have been told many times by the company that they have PROOF that they are not lying about their deals and contracts.

I have been told by them that they STILL have proof that PWC WAS involved in doing our audit just as they stated.

The company says that they have all the proof at hand to defend themselves against allegations made in the past and all they want is a chance to defend themselves fairly.

The problem is that they are being kept quiet by the lawyers, which in my eyes only hurts us more. IMO, the lawyers may have contributed to what has happened to us. I know it sounds crazy but that's how I feel.

They cannot defend themselves against all of the things that are said in message boards or other places until they are given a chance to do it.

How could they defend themselves when they can't even speak about it in PR's? Believe me guys, the company would love nothing more than to show everyone their proof and evidence that they have done nothing wrong.

They want to give us ALL of the answers we want but they are not allowed to! Is this fair???

Let's just suppose that there is some truth to this Cease of Trading some say may happen. Why hasn't ANYONE at the company received any request for information from the OSC or SEC?