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06/01/20 12:17 PM

#286540 RE: biosectinvestor #286529

But evidence is what is important. Not just opinions.

Yes, most definitely. But virtually all the extended lockdowns were predicated on a singular lack of evidence.

The indisputable evidence of declining deaths is there for everyone to see.
(Clearly countries and regions of the world that experienced the outbreak later, such as Brazil, Mexico, Russia are not so far along the curve.)

But once again, I'll state this trend is clearly good news for the world at large.

A worldwide ban by the UN on animal 'gain of function' studies will perhaps reduce the risk of recurrence.

CogDiss 1188X

06/01/20 2:23 PM

#286609 RE: biosectinvestor #286529

It’s a feed. It’s not a NYTimes report. It is Reuters.

One would expect the NYT to exercise their famous editorial judgment on what is posted in the so-called “newspaper of record.”

It is possible to confirm that it’s not just a straight dump of the Reuter’s feed. If you search both sites you can see that NYT shows less than half of the Reuter’s articles on Italy today. Apparently the Times thinks it’s relevant.

It’s not an endorsement that it’s true.

Absolutely agree. But one would do well to question anything in the news, including the NYT and whatever it happens to endorse when it does so. As Chomsky famously demonstrated, NYT downplays genocidal actions taken by “friendly” countries, and hypes genocides by “enemy” countries. If the concept that the NYT and the rest of the media slants its coverage for the purpose of shaping public opinion is a foreign one, you owe it to yourself to watch the documentary, “Manufacturing Consent.” It’s long but worth it.

But it really gives very little to go on than these two random doctors think otherwise. There have always been some who disagreed. That’s the nature of reality.

Referring to them as “random” doctors downplays their relevance. As the headline states, one of them is a top Italian Doctor — “New Coronavirus Losing Potency, Top Italian Doctor Says.”

Additionally, the guy heads a hospital that was in the epicenter of the Italian outbreak. Not random or irrelevant at all.

But evidence is what is important. Not just opinions.

“The swabs that were performed over the last 10 days showed a viral load in quantitative terms that was absolutely infinitesimal compared to the ones carried out a month or two months ago,” he told RAI television.

He’s basing his opinion on data he generated on the scene. One can and should question the meaning of the data, but one can’t chalk it up to the mere opinion of two random doctors.