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06/01/20 7:12 PM

#286662 RE: CogDiss 1188X #286609

Again, you do a better job referencing “Manufacturing Consent”, as if you’re chatting from the left, but I don’t find him always that compelling these days either. It’s interesting how right-wingers chop all this left-wing stuff up and spit it back up with their own propaganda.

Again, you’re spitting out opinion, to dispute facts you’ve not actually addressed, to suggest the facts are untrustworthy, and people should just believe your opinion or ideological sources of narratives that do not really present factual data.

Those doctors you’re hinging you’re entire argument in I venture you’d have to research to learn anything about them much, and then you’re putting the world on balance for 3 minutes worth of casual research because their opinion supports your opinion.

This is why there are peer reviewed journals and research. So that random doctors with opinions, like those who based a lot on drugs, based on anecdotal observations, end up doing much more harm than good, giving false hope and pinning their opinion based observations on circumstances that may not be actual proof of their conclusions. Not saying they are lying, just that a lot of people can see a circumstance, think they understand it, completely, and based upon Pre-existing ideas and opinions in their head, make conclusions that are nonsense, like the notion that the sun rotated around the earth. If one is predisposed to believe that, and observes that it seems to be true, then absent actual unequivocal proof otherwise, one might even fight to the death to prove one’s view, or kill people as heretics who argue otherwise, based upon esoteric information and measurements that are “obvious to the ordinary man who takes Genesis seriously” false.

This is why we passed through the Middle Ages and into enlightenment, but it feels like there is a substantial element of people who really miss the Middle Ages... the earth is flat, man can’t affect climate, smoking is good for your lungs, vaccines are the work of the devil and science is nonsense.

Honestly, I don’t care much what those two doctors think, without objective and unequivocal data to back it up.