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05/14/20 1:00 PM

#273616 RE: rafunrafun #273591

Totally agree with this. Amicus briefs might flesh out the story from different angles that Singer is not allowed to explore on an appeal. Hopefully painting a picture of this drug not being promoted to US patients if the company responsible is not given patent protection.

In a perfect world we'd see briefs from the ADA, ACC, AHA, ICER, the USPTO, and any BP that doesn't want to be sitting in Amarin's spot when generics come for their new drug using this case as precedent.


05/14/20 1:32 PM

#273626 RE: rafunrafun #273591

Excellent idea and very practical but who do you want to deputize to either file personally or approach any BP industry leader to produce such an amicus brief in the sort time frame remaining?
JesseL comes to mind as the obvious candidate but I have not seen any positive reactions to previous attempts to conscript him for such an endeavour..
@Marjac would also be qualified.
So how do you propose to get this done?


05/14/20 9:56 PM

#273803 RE: rafunrafun #273591

raf and TTE...

There is no bedrock legal thinking that supports. the rights of the government to supersede the property rights of ownership.Unless there is a clear and an eminent danger. Or a right of domain. And if it is eminent domain then the government must pay market value for seizing the property. the USA economics is based on free enterprise..Which means the property owner can charge what ever price will bear..But that might not stop SJWs from dipping their pens into the ink...

There always has to be some skepticism revolving around decisions that give away the property rights of someone else..Why should Amarin not start a campaign against the exorbitant high salaries of Federal Judges..or senators or other politicians..If the government wants to relieve the burden of the elderly or the impoverished..Then it (government) should increase taxes and subsidize the health care of the elderly and the poor..But don't steal the property of its citizens

Giving away the property of the innovators like Amarin, which ICER shows actually cuts the over all costs of medicine is not the correct solution.In fact it is exactly the wrong solution...Because if these do good judges gift Vascepa to the generics...This is going to greatly lower the chances of seeing new Vascepa's in the future..
Does anyone on this board think Amarin would have continued to spend their and the shareholders money..Money that shareholders could have better spent...If they thought the federal courts could just move in and hand their property to someone else who did no work or invested (risked) no money...This is nothing less than theft by the legal system..

Last time I looked we were not a communist country...

":>) JL


05/20/20 5:37 PM

#274951 RE: rafunrafun #273591


Cheap drugs for the masses - how can we (Amarin) persuade a SJW judge that generics (SPECIFICALLY in Amarin's case, not in general) will not be much cheaper (if cheaper at all) and certainly will not get to the masses?

Jonathan Singer can't really say that, but who/what can?

Amicus Briefs!

There 100% must be one filed by a reputable source debunking the cheap/masses narrative and citing the ICER report!

Major problem would be addressed.

do you think the current Amarin amicus briefs meet that standard?


05/20/20 6:53 PM

#274969 RE: rafunrafun #273591

I received an alert this afternoon that a transcript of Dr. Reddy’s earnings conference call was available to read. I found the following interesting, if not informative:

1) Dr. R is waiting to hear from FDA on pending approval of 97 ANDAs now on file.

2) in Q&A, Neha Manpuria (JP Morgan) asked:

....”My second question is on generic Vascepa. Post litigation win at the district court, just wanted to get a sense on where we are in terms of the product with the FDA?”

3) Erez Israeli:

“So it’s a great win for us. And we believe that this is a product with a lot of potential.
And right now, and as you know, there is still a legal process in there, and we are walking(working?) toward exploiting the potential of this one.

4)Neha Manpuria:

“But do we have a target action date on this? Or is there a CRL on this from an FDA perspective?”

5) Erez Israeli:

“There is no regulatory issue on this one.”