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05/01/20 9:36 PM

#6744 RE: Clonemaster #6743

I'm sorry, but no. I'm just a few years out from the age demo you outlined and the branding and marketing you say applies to them doesn't.

The marketing and branding NGW is appealing to seems more in line with what a 13 year old would like and think edgy and cool.

I agree with others comments they should drop the bs labels and branding and just distribute under a simple NGW brand


05/01/20 10:19 PM

#6745 RE: Clonemaster #6743

But that same target demographic are the ones who buy ‘Two-BucK-Chuck’ at Whole Foods, not Robert Mondovi at $100.00 a bottle.


05/02/20 12:03 PM

#6746 RE: Clonemaster #6743

Brand names need to create a pleasing image in the mind of the consumer. For me Next Green Wave creates a serene image of waves breaking on the beach.

SD Cannabis creates nothing, Sketchy Tank creates the feeling the product is sketchy, Junkyard reminds me of a Junkyard, King Louie is already a strain name so that's confusing when packaging a different strain inside,

The SDC business plan didn't work, and the acquisition is "fully impaired" according to the report. NGW has lots of positives going forward, but the SDC royalty based branding is not one of them, and actually creates a financial disadvantage with the competition. imho gl