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01/28/20 11:22 PM

#261889 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thank you Umibe. Excellent updates.


01/29/20 12:00 AM

#261891 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

What a great post. Thanks lot the latest news.


01/29/20 12:29 AM

#261893 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

If we are that close, then it would be a simple thing to say if they are expecting data lock in the first or second half of this year. He made it sound closer to you, but they always do stuff like that over the phone. Classic Les. It’s not like the “shorts” didn’t just read everything Les apparently said to you, so for God’s sake Les, please make a public statement regarding what half NWBO is expecting data lock.


01/29/20 2:54 AM

#261900 RE: Umibe5690 #261888


Thanks for your post .....

He acknowledged that the SAP took longer than anticipated but that they are extremely pleased with the outcome.

I am afraid to ask ....

that sounds like SAP is resolved - meaning - SUBMITED AND APPROVED

but maybe that's not what it means - and I have to relearn english?

Feels like yesterday ...

Ms. Powers continued: “We believe it is now appropriate for the Company to move forward with the
several stages of work that are needed to reach completion of this trial program,
despite the fact that

-- there are good arguments for allowing the data to mature even further.

The upcoming stages include

-- finalizing the Statistical Analysis Plan,
-- conducting the final data collection,
-- data validation and data lock,
-- and then unblinding and analyzing the data.

“Each of these are multi-month processes, and will involve tremendous work by both our team and teams of outside experts.
In addition, virtually all aspects of the Company’s work involve pioneering.
There is no well established pathway, and any projections or predictions are subject to material changes as we go along.”


01/29/20 3:13 AM

#261902 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Another month or so....he means after april 27. It has nothing to do with sap.


01/29/20 4:38 AM

#261908 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

It would appear that there is a management vendetta against short sellers of this stock. There seems to be appetite for wiping out the short position in one fell swoop. If management is successful at holding positive trial and regulatory news until the verge of approval, there would be a MASSIVE singular day correction on this security. We could go from .20 to $20 in weeks. Based on your conversation with Les, that appears to be management’s real goal. Crush short sellers with a massive correction and hurt them further with a potential overcorrection. It sounds personal.

We’ll have to see how it plays out, but this would support a conversationI I had with Cofer at ASCO last year. He basically admitted that catching short sellers through regulatory agencies was futile. The only way to beat them is to catch them in their own game. Crush them on the battlefield, even if they’re breaking the rules.

NWBO has the science to do it. If management is successful in delaying good news as long as possible, the correction will burn shorts to the ground quickly.

My sell orders start small around $15. I wonder if any of them will need to cover there.


01/29/20 5:41 AM

#261909 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thank you Umibe for this post.
It discribes what my opinion is as well.
Let's hope this will all play out well for us.

p.s. I read that you were a shareholder in Avanir years ago.
I was one too and made a great profit with the BO at $ 17.50 by the Japanese company.
Were you on the message board of AVNR on I.V. ?
If yes, did you have another nickname overthere ?

Again thanks for your great post.



01/29/20 6:51 AM

#261912 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thanks Umibe5690 for sharing your phone conversation with Les, it’s a great “pick me up” for the weary troops still battling in the trenches!

Makes tactical sense that they don’t want to telegraph their intentions or even hint on the timing of TLD release.....keep the price manipulators on edge and hope some break ranks!

We have waited so long for the results and suffered frustration at their hands, it’s our turn to slow roast the pack!


01/29/20 9:00 AM

#261932 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thanks Umibe5690.

Assuming this is accurate, it further confirms my opinions about management of NWBO.


01/29/20 9:16 AM

#261940 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Great post if all accurate but these words are a massive red flag, IMO. The language, the motivation...practically an admission of holding back material information. Then to even mention a scam...Wow. And all this allegedly funneled through one shareholder. Yikes. Can't tell you how many times I've been told similar (and by lawyer execs) only to find it was all a big lie. But thanks for sharing.

>>They want to release "stupendous"(yes, he used that exact word) information all at once and to catch the shorts unaware. NWBO knows who they are and have amassed considerable and compelling evidence. He said releasing piecemeal good news only gives the shorts opportunities to prepare and short. Releasing "stupendous" information in one fell swoop is what they want to do and will not give any timeline guidance so as to catch them unawares. Management also does not want to run afoul of the SEC by "cherry picking" piecemeal information. Les said that we are on the 3 yard line and they are not going to fumble the ball. They have come too far to risk that so silence, no matter how frustrating it may be and regardless of the share price lack of support, is the strategy they are following until the appropriate time.


01/29/20 10:31 AM

#261973 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thanks a million umibe for detailing the very interesting conversation you had with LG.

I wonder whether the "stupendous" information that NWBO is going to release all at once may mean that we will not get TLD separately and more detailed results later but rather much of everything at the same time?

LG's comment about having identified the naked shorts is also very encouraging.


01/29/20 12:15 PM

#262009 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

He acknowledged that the SAP took longer than anticipated but that they are extremely pleased with the outcome. He sounded extremely confident.

does that mean WE HAVE AN OUTCOME? Is the SAP now a done deal? If so, what are we waiting on now?


01/29/20 12:31 PM

#262026 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

They want to release "stupendous"(yes, he used that exact word) information all at once and to catch the shorts unaware. NWBO knows who they are and have amassed considerable and compelling evidence. He said releasing piecemeal good news only gives the shorts opportunities to prepare and short.

What good is it to "have amassed considerable and compelling evidence" about who the shorts are, if they do not use that information to actively fight them? You do not need to know who they are if your only weapon against them is not releasing information to everybody.


01/29/20 12:34 PM

#262028 RE: Umibe5690 #261888



01/29/20 1:11 PM

#262068 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

This clip reminds me of your conversation with him explaining the strategy of out foxing the shorts and then seeing it posted in a public chat room. I’m guessing they will be “quite surprised” to learn that the “Stupendous” news is coming in one dollop and will catch them quite obviously unaware.....

It also reminds very much of this clip as well -

All very amusing!


01/29/20 2:19 PM

#262096 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Les said that we are on the 3 yard line and they are not going to fumble the ball.

Their own 3 yard line.

Doc logic

01/29/20 3:41 PM

#262127 RE: Umibe5690 #261888


Thanks for your response. You were the doubting Thomas among longs until you saw the recent hires so that gives you some cred amongst those in like situation. Your conversation with Les confirms many of the strong suspicions we have had on this board about what is happening and the rational for continued silence. Also good to see that Les indirectly came clean about the reported comment to Dr. Al Musella about knowing when an announcement will be made. Best wishes.


01/30/20 3:45 AM

#262231 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thanks for posting,,,,,,sometimes Les is more.


01/30/20 9:17 AM

#262245 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Thanks for the post Umibe, I appreciate your effort to share, even if others don’t. It sounds like there was confirmation that they may be in control of the timeline like we suspected. It also doesn’t sound to me like they are in Merck’s pocket like others suspect, or maybe it’s just Les’ paranoia. Sometimes I feel like we are like “the blind men and the elephant” I know there is a well thought out plan here. Every piece helps, but I’m anxious to get the whole picture. So many unknowns with this trial and company!


01/30/20 12:01 PM

#262299 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Les specifically said that if the FDA follows these guidelines, cross-over is no longer an issue.

So Less is either a liar or an idiot or both. The guidance does not magically wipe out the potential of confoundment due to crossover.

On another subject, anytime management talks about setting traps for shorts and stuff, run as fast as you can. They are playing to suckers.


01/30/20 1:18 PM

#262340 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Umibe5690 many thanks for the great post

It was that good that I have read it over and over and without doubt it was full of great detail and honesty.

Also enjoyed the final comment
"look take all the time you need. I want you to get it right. Rather take two months." Les said "you are close and that is all I am going to say."
which was very very telling.

Again many thanks (and take no notice of the attackers, we know exactly why they're doing it)


01/31/20 11:14 PM

#262704 RE: Umibe5690 #261888

Even more ridiculous is Les, according to Umbibe, over the phone again, strongly suggesting that they will get topline data in about two months, when my request, that a public statement be made by NWBO regarding whether they anticipate data lock in this half of the year or next, has to go through more channels. Ridiculous. What is he doing on the phone again recently?