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08/23/19 8:25 PM

#210796 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Welcome home! Take care and don't push too hard.
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08/23/19 8:29 PM

#210797 RE: jessellivermore #210795

I had a feeling something serious had happened to you.

God speed in your recovery.

Take good care.

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08/23/19 8:31 PM

#210798 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL, glad to hear all turned out in some sort of positive outcome. Rest and get well soon.
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08/23/19 8:33 PM

#210799 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Wow JL, wishing you all the best
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08/23/19 8:36 PM

#210800 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Hi JL - Glad all is well!
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08/23/19 8:36 PM

#210801 RE: jessellivermore #210795


Hospital,is actually Advent Health Fish located in Orange city (very close to Debary Fl.

":>) Jl
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08/23/19 8:37 PM

#210802 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Glad ur still here with us. Get well no more golf on hot days
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08/23/19 8:46 PM

#210808 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Glad to hear that there was a successful resolution to your health crisis. Having had a PE myself I know how dangerous they can be, though mine was nowhere near as threatening as yours. 3 or 4 days drugged up and flat on my back and a couple of months on warfarin and I was good as “ new”. I missed your posting and thought maybe you’d become exasperated and sold out. Praise God you received quick diagnosis and treatment. I look forward to your continued posts.
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08/23/19 8:48 PM

#210809 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Welcome back JL. Hope you are feeling better, and it's always nice to be back home!
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08/23/19 8:52 PM

#210810 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Glad to hear you are ok and back home.
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08/23/19 9:04 PM

#210815 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Wow- what a story- was concerned about you. Hope to see you in a couple months and hope to play golf wit h you again Best wishes!
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08/23/19 9:49 PM

#210820 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Wow JL ... incredible story .
Glad you got to the hospital in time .
Looking forward to your follow up analysis .
Glad you made it thru this
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08/23/19 10:03 PM

#210823 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Wow...wasn’t expecting to catch up on this news. Really happy for the outcome. Doesn’t really make most of these issues seem all that important in the grand scheme of things. Difficult few weeks for you I’m sure. Wishing you a quick and full recovery.
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08/23/19 10:10 PM

#210828 RE: jessellivermore #210795

So very happy to hear you are ok. Feel better quickly
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08/23/19 10:19 PM

#210832 RE: jessellivermore #210795

God Bless JL. I'm glad your ok.
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08/23/19 10:56 PM

#210837 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Keep recovering my man. Just now reading your post at 10:40 ET and had no idea you’ve been through this. I guess God knows you personally though and knows your needs. Once again, most wont believe this but I just put you on the prayer role tonight as I was leaving the Lord’s house at 9pm ET. Never have done that before for anyone on this board because there is no deep personal relationship and anonymity is important because of some of my responsibilities to others. I listed some close friends and family members struggling and couldn’t figure out why your name kept coming to my mind and why I should put your name on there. I don’t know you and you certainly don’t know me and yet it was a strong prompting to put your name on the prayer role so I did. I don’t know your actual name but I am sure God does. Just put jesselivermore on the roll and figured He can take it from there. You should have people praying for you for the next two weeks. It’s clear you are appreciated and loved.

About these types of pulmonary emboli, You are spot on. Saddle thrombi are deadly and the fact you are still here says something about the medical staff and that you still have things to do and people to help. Get ready to be on blood thinners for the rest of your life and wouldn’t doubt if Vascepa’s anti-thrombotic effects were beneficial.
I’m thrilled you are back home and improving. . Get better buddy so we can all rejoice together when we finally get our label expansion! Let me know if I can personally help in any way.
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08/23/19 10:58 PM

#210839 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Great to hear you are improving JL - I have seen some bad outcomes with saddle emboli.

Interesting that in the old days they sometimes referred to PE's as EPA (Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery)

Who knows maybe Vascepa's thrombus stabilization effects may have saved your life.

Make sure you stay on it:


Higher levels of n-3 FAs were associated with a lower risk of recurrent VTE or total mortality in elderly patients with VTE, but not with greater bleeding risk.
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08/23/19 10:58 PM

#210840 RE: jessellivermore #210795

OMG JL, you went thru so much in the last 3,4 days. Thank God, you are ok now and conversing with us. We are all aging and like FFS said like a death in the family this AMRN is driving us nuts in the last few weeks. We are all aging, hope we take this non sense easy and survive thru alright. I too think taking V is helping us in these ordeals. I think ARNA is having a drug for PE. Glad you are back with us.
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08/23/19 11:14 PM

#210842 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Geeeez JL....thank God you’re okay.. All best wishes.

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08/24/19 4:23 AM

#210849 RE: jessellivermore #210795


Wishing you a speedy recovery and all the best.

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08/24/19 5:46 AM

#210852 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL sorry to hear this , that was a close call. I have seen people die in front of my eyes with diagnosis of saddle embolus even after they get to the hospital. Get well fast.From what I read you have a very physically active life .Were you traveling recently by a car or a plane ?that would have triggered a clots in the legs, do you have a family history of blood clot’s ? if not I think you still have to see a pulmonary or heme to have a complete hypercoagulable work up to make a decision as to how long to anticoagulate.
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08/24/19 7:26 AM

#210854 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Glad it was treatable and you are back, value everything you say, absolutely one of those who kept me going in the "bad times"
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08/24/19 7:54 AM

#210857 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL glad you're ok- scary stuff no doubt.
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08/24/19 8:42 AM

#210866 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL, Very Glad You Made It Through

I suspect with your Brother's death and you almost dying

has clarified just how important Vascepa is in saving lives

but also how unimportant all of our ranting are ;-)))

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The Irishman

08/24/19 8:43 AM

#210867 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Dear JL,
It would appear that the Good Lord has plans for you. Looks like he wants you to stick around a bit longer. For that we are glad.

Best wishes & God Bless
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08/24/19 8:54 AM

#210870 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL, I'm so glad you came through and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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08/24/19 9:44 AM

#210873 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL, great news that you followed your instincts and went to the hospital..!
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08/24/19 10:20 AM

#210876 RE: jessellivermore #210795

Sorry for your trials but so glad you are good and back home.
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Dancing in the dark

08/24/19 10:40 AM

#210877 RE: jessellivermore #210795

way to stick the landing!
be well
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08/24/19 10:47 AM

#210878 RE: jessellivermore #210795

omg----glad you are ok.
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08/24/19 11:37 AM

#210879 RE: jessellivermore #210795

@ JL...Glad you're OK...very serious condition.

I am curious about the pulmonary embolism. Is there a specific cause for the type you experienced? I have heard about the lower extremity ones being more common to a sedentary individual, hence the recommendation to move around a bit on a long-range flight.

I figured with the hot temps & high humidity here in central Florida that you would have sweated everything out of your system!

Continued best wishes on your recovery.

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08/24/19 11:43 AM

#210881 RE: jessellivermore #210795

So glad you are okay. This should be a good reminder for all of us that life is short and you should live it to the fullest.
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08/24/19 12:48 PM

#210884 RE: jessellivermore #210795

JL - So glad you're on the path to recovery. We hope you'll be a bit less stoic regarding future warning signs. Sounds like they gave you a thorough going over so hopefully no more surprises anytime soon. Belated condolences for the loss of your brother, and welcome back.
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08/24/19 5:34 PM

#210922 RE: jessellivermore #210795

That's a crazy story JL...

I'm glad you're ok and doing better. Godspeed!!

KG ;)
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08/25/19 11:51 AM

#210979 RE: jessellivermore #210795

My brother in law just barely avoided a similar fate as you two days ago - one of his legs swelled up terribly, pain was horrible, went to ER, was diagnosed with DVT and they found clots in his lungs too - got put on Eliquis after they dissolved the clots with heparin. Scared my sister to death - she has MS, can't take care of herself, so if the BIL has a stroke they're both up shit's creek. I know you won't see this, but I hope you have a speedy recovery and no complications - don't wish ill will upon anyone regardless of any disagreements we might have.