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02/07/19 8:31 PM

#213502 RE: CogDiss 1188X #213269

I wonder if you felt your suggestion regarding Gøtzsche fell on deaf ears, but no, it did not. I did google him, and wow, I found it all very interesting.

Google “Gøtzsche fired” to explore in more depth, fellow truth seekers.

Every year I see my "female" doctor and every year she tells me to get that damn mammogram. I never want to - I always figure I'm just exposing myself to all that radiation, and it's horribly uncomfortable to boot. So I hem and haw, and then get it done about every 3 years, which frustrates her to no end. Well heck, it doesn't even run in my family so...

Anyhow, I'm going to get his book now on "Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy". I'm supposed to get one now - I think it's been 2 years now - however I believe for now, I'll pass. Especially after watching his video, and reading several reviews of his book.

Two very interesting videos, perhaps you've watched them.

Dr Peter Gøtzsche talks about his views on prescreening for breast and prostate cancer

Survival of a Whistleblower

Thank you so much for posting about him. :)


02/08/19 8:16 AM

#213540 RE: CogDiss 1188X #213269

Hi CG.
Gotsche is maybe a bit of a firebrand. But I wouldn't really criticize him for that.
And it's difficult to know the rights and wrongs of the Cochrane affair. Certainly the organisation provides or has provided a vital function in reviewing research evidence. And they take no 'commercial or conflicted funding'. Any dilution of their fiercely independent stance would be a great shame.

What I do know is that if you read his book: 'Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime. How big pharma has corrupted healthcare.' you will never view things quite the same again. I have a copy.