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CogDiss 1188X

02/10/19 5:22 PM

#213922 RE: sentiment_stocks #213502

Senti, great to hear that you found some value in digging deeper into Gotzsche and appreciate that you let me know I’m not just talking to myself (although of course I like the sound of my own voice, so it’s not necessarily completely pointless ;-) )

But seriously, I empathize with your hesitation on getting mammograms and the uncertainty that results from going against conventional wisdom. This is especially so when it is pushed relentlessly by people in positions of authority on questions that can directly impact how long one might live. This scenario seems to be a recurring theme with me and it’s never a pleasant experience, given the knowledge that we are imperfect judges dealing with incomplete knowledge on highly contested topics. I understand why Cipher (in The Matrix) comes to believe, “Ignorance is bliss.” Or as my niece said in response to that scene in the movie, “Hook me up to the machine!”

Let us know if you come across any particularly striking or noteworthy info in Gozsche’s book. I plan on getting it eventually but I have a lot of other books on tap that seem more relevant at the moment.

Don’t forget it’s important to read and understand the pro arguments too — Good luck with your decision!