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08/27/03 12:20 AM

#7925 RE: Bluefang #7923

Bluefang you said: "We have behaved like a cult, blindly following our leader"

Please speak for yourself. I do not feel like am in a cult at all. I looked at my investment and I measured the risk and reward. I liked what I saw, especially at $.82. I think $3.05 is going to look just like $.84 did a few weeks ago, very soon now.

So, you and HhH may feel you are in a cult, or looking at a cult, but I sure don't.

I have owned other stocks for 6-7 years and I do not feel I was in a cult when I owned them. And I don't feel it now. I am an investor. If I see something that were to turn me off I would sell Wave in a heart beat.


08/27/03 12:32 AM

#7927 RE: Bluefang #7923

Bluef (Mr. Ang),

You say the article points out the good the bad and the ugly. What you don't say is that what little good is presented (there was plenty of stuff on the good side left out of the article), is presented with a 'look what they believe...can you believe it?' attitude.

Actually, I'd like you to point one single positive part of that article that wasn't offset by a semantic negative...


08/27/03 12:40 AM

#7929 RE: Bluefang #7923

a bluelight special

dude, was the headline " fair and balanced" like Fox News? Was the close of the article? i don't think so.

all the subheads are skewed too.

the five biggest PC tech concerns get together & abolish the TCPA, which necessarily abolished the UN veto structure. The UN accomplished nothing during the height of the Cold War b/c of the veto for perm. sec. counsel members. TCPA followed a similar structure & went nowhere ('cept the TPM specs).

TCG provides Softee no veto. Softee makes products that are bug-ridden & have vulnerabilities that allow stuff like "i love you San" & SoBIG.f... that same company is now going to develop profound security?!? Even if we assume it is true for arguendo, Softee is notoriously late w/releases & Longhorn is likely no exception (& given the scope of the release, it'll likely be even later). BTW, have you noticed what Softee says about SSCs?

you wrote: "...could have crushed Wave at a vulnerable time and sent investors and shareholders running for the exits."

that sure smells like agenda Blue. You, much like Patterson, imbued yer prose with words that foment doubt. Writers push agenda through the words they choose & all sorts of other devices.

i could go on & on & on about yer post...

just buy back yer shares @ the open & be done w/it!




08/27/03 7:32 AM

#7933 RE: Bluefang #7923

Bluefang: I was addressing cpa's perspective, not Patterson's. I did not review Patterson's piece -- just as I was not interviewed for it -- so I don't know on what basis you say I missed its gist.

Best wishes,