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09/13/17 9:13 AM

#119984 RE: Fireman02360 #119961

Fireman. I find your post to be one of the better ones that have been on this board lately The amount of speculation as to all of the possibilities that Anavex would/could/may have is really getting crazy.
I completely agree with you about Missling not protecting this Anavex stock from the many short attacks that have taken place over these six months.
I also agree with you that Missling IS NOT using the data to his advantage.

Your point about Missling being a former investment banker and should completely understand all of the intricacies of how to play this game is again something that I also believe to be true.

As a CEO , I believe that he is somewhat overwhelmed about what to do moving forward if the science is what we all hope it is. I know they we all hope this is the real deal and will forever change the future of Medicine ! However, with the way Missling has handled this company the past couple of months is perplexing at best.

Fireman, stay safe out there, Thank you for what you do. Lucky
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09/13/17 9:25 AM

#119992 RE: Fireman02360 #119961


I presume you are referring to Jensen Huang? If so, the difference between his position and Dr. Missling's is that a company like NVIDIA is generating revenues, coming out with new products -- basically it has a pipeline that can support its growth, so shorting it is a risky proposition in both the long and short term.

Anavex, on the other hand, has no revenues. It has a promising drug that is still early in the FDA approval process. Someone who wants to short the stock knows there is no immediate long term risk -- the company only really busts out when FDA approval or buyout happens, and the likelihood of either taking place at this stage in the game is minimal.

Missling could dare shorts all he wants. But at the end of the day, even the best news will create only a temporary spike -- look at the past price action. Then, as people realize that the news is good but it isn't game-changing from a revenue producing perspective, the demand lessens in the near term and shorts jump back in.

One day, hopefully, Missing will announce that there's either a buyout offer or FDA approval. That will be the final nail in the coffin for anyone who was willing to short this. On the other hand, shorts believe with just as much conviction that Missling will one day announce that it was a valiant effort but Anavex didn't succeed, and now it's back to square one.

What I am trying to say is that while Missling might not be handling this perfectly, and I do think his compensation package is a bit higher than it should be, he isn't necessarily in a position to go on the offensive because he doesn't have the ability to back anything up. All he can do is say, "wait and see what happens" but even he doesn't know how this will play out in a randomized blinded trial with 300+ individuals.

NVIDIA, on the other hand, has a product that it knows will sell. Its CEO can make threats and be more aggressive because all that is required to change his situation is better marketing. Anavex doesn't yet have a product to market.

Stay safe out there!
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09/13/17 2:02 PM

#120055 RE: Fireman02360 #119961

Fireman, I agree with your assessment that Chris Missling has been less aggressive in managing our stock valuation. On the other hand, I posted recently a short synopsis on where he has taken the company in the four years he has been CEO which has been quite amazing for a penny stock baby bio.

Additional, a while back I compared ANAVEX with a dozen or more full time employee to Biogen with its workforce of 7500 people and the ample scientific, marketing, PR, legal, govt relations and management staffing. Our little company is having to accomplish or seek outsourcing for all the same functional responsibilities as the "big guys". It takes longer and some things will not get the same level of attention. IMHO, Chris Missling is focused on results which will ultimately reward share holders and the long term investors will be able to ride out the present volatility.

That said, the company needs to hire a more competent PR firm. Putting out the last releases which is very much like a similar one about a year ago and which says very little that make ANAVEX stand out was a poor decision.

Hope for cooler/wetter weather for you thru the end of the fire season. People in Southern Oregon are hopping mad over UFS, BLM and State management of these fires. My personal opinion is that the Federal Government does not have the resources or an adequate plan to mange all the millions of acres of forestlands it is responsible for in the western states. Maybe, I could get your expert opinion in a private response.

Stay safe, Talon