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07/25/17 1:12 PM

#111499 RE: Jimzin #111494

ask the company to do their job


07/26/17 9:17 AM

#111515 RE: Jimzin #111494

The potential's and direction's available to this company are in my opinion "limitless". I've explained my interpretation of Multi Levels concerning this company. It starts from a single product's use having expanded to Multi Level's of use for Multi Levels of ailments, in Multi Markets. The products have just recently become a part of the truly Global Market, giving access and opportunity for sales in Multiple countries around the World. Now that the giant "yoke" placed around its neck by the unjust decision by FDA for 8 years, has been removed, advertising and exposure can begin. We saw what 10 min. on National TV produced several years ago in one day. We now find ourselves in a scramble to secure alternative products, to help remove us from pain and people killing drugs. So in my humble opinion, the results from the 10 min., years ago, will be multiplied. First exposure was online, what happens when the BIEL product hits the shelves in local stores, hmmmmmmmmmm. Yes it's a new dawn, a new day with access to two Multi Million Dollar Markets in one giant Market Place. This is no"yoke". Again it's all my humble opinion do your own DD. I see the current silence as Golden, $$$$$$$$$$. Have a great day all, and let the theories fly. My post for the day.