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09/19/16 12:05 AM

#83292 RE: Karma11 #83286

$SFOR Remember,All Past($MSFT),Current(DUO,CENTRIFY,TRUSTWAVE) & Future($GOOGLE..) cases are same i.e Infringement of $SFOR MFA/2FA/OOBA Patent

Since SFOR has a looooong list of potential infringers, they want to "build" a case history.

That's exactly Mark KAY is doing.

All Below cases are Similar

1. MSFT-

2. DUO-

3. Trustwave -

4. Centrify -

5. Google is NEXT

Current Pacer Update for DUO & Trustwave:09/16/16

Current Pacer Update for Centrify:09/16/16

Besides PACER Confirmation-Email confirmation from Mark for all 3 settlements

Only Difference between MSFT and DUO, CENTRIFT, TRUSTWAVE will be Payout/Settlement amount. MSFT was settled for $9.7m but current lot will go for as low as 3x the damages + Royalties etc

Read the highlighted portion carefully:

Treble damages, in law, is a term that indicates that a statute permits a court to triple the amount of the actual/compensatory damages to be awarded to a prevailing plaintiff.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, StrikeForce, respectfully requests this Court to
Award Plaintiff StrikeForce treble damages due to Defendant Trustwave’s deliberate, willful, and knowing conduct

3x damages for willful intent

Email from Mark:
Going After Centrify/DUO & Centrify for much larger money than $MSFT >$10m (3x=$30m) for treble damages

Do the Math

If You read the March PR-

StrikeForce 2016 Financial Strategy Update- four-pronged strategy

First Prong Strategy
is i.e.

The first prong is to expand on our existing litigation strategy for our patented ProtectID® Out-of-Band Authentication technology. Our Out-of-Band patent lawsuit award has proven to be a sound financial strategy.

$MSFT already settled $9.7m with $SFOR, Centrify, DUO & Trustwave will go as low as 3x and as high as 10x with treble damages. Do the math.

!!!!!!!!!The settlement will come any day IMO!!!!!!!!!!