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06/22/16 6:17 PM

#28538 RE: michael03332002 #28537

Got me. They swear to uphold the Constitution, must be a secret one they're not sharing, makes just about everything at a federal level as it pertains to law enforcement/creation/interpretation contradictory. Look at the two SCOTUS rulings on the DOMA and gay marriage. Complete contradiction and they're supposed to be the back stop for the Constitution......
Probably always been that way but it's so in our face now. Not trying to hide it anymore. Let's give em the guns and see how it works out.
Yeah good back and forth. Enjoyed it.
First thing on the agenda better be to lock the borders down, for real not so much from the illegals/criminals wanting in, would think they be wanting out at that point.
It's the overwhelming number of yahoos such as myself wanting in that could be a good way but half the population is 150 million or so headed your way.


06/23/16 6:59 AM

#28549 RE: michael03332002 #28537

If the President gives an order that violates the constitution and the consequences of this are in fact grave then Articles of Impeachment should be initiated by congress and the POTUS should be removed

The problem is we as a country are so past this to the point it's citizens don't even know there own history. Someone mentioned that public servants of the Legislature should be part time? I think that would solve much of this dilemma and bring the power of the purse and the creation of laws back to Congress

Currently congress subordinates everything to the current Communist in Chief imo