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06/23/16 10:01 AM

#28557 RE: jt6455 #28549

that is exactly my point

ideology wins out over right and wrong

example if any republican had done 1/10th of what Hillary has done what would the response be?

You see to democrats AND republicans its not about right and wrong
any more, its about staying in power and in control so if YOUR guy or girl has done wrong, its time to whistle past the graveyard
but if the OTHER person does it, gut them

THAT is the problem, we are to segregated and polar opposite to the degree that right and wrong never enter the equation

I say fine, then you go your way, we go ours but this domination and control to the degree that what one side wants is FORCED onto the other side is what is going to rip this open and lead to a bad ending.....

men in the ladies room, churchs having to provide abortions, illegal activity just swept under the rug if you dont want to prosecute and then hold the other side to the minutia

not going to go on much longer


06/23/16 10:48 AM

#28560 RE: jt6455 #28549

True but please no more "creation of laws". We have too many as it is! I always laugh when people get angry when congress isn't passing many laws. I would hope that's how it always would be, personally.