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05/04/16 10:02 AM

#43897 RE: pantherj #43892

I am delighted that POST#43004 will always be here that
everyone can read. It will not go away.
State case going forward.
Fed case will follow.

Line number 22 says removed for cause.

Meaning of removed because of cause..


Read it and weep Joe and Steve.

The both of you fit the above to a TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

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05/04/16 10:05 AM

#43898 RE: pantherj #43892

Another EXAMPLE of an inaccurate statement made by the former board members and their cabal that has no credibility.

The facts are Mitch Chester has never been the attorney for Supreme Energy in the federal case. He is the attorney representing shareholders and the company on the state case and will continue to be the attorney that will prevent Energy Supreme from stealing trade secrets.

Serifini was the attorney on the federal case that summited poorly prepared information that was not appropriate and he was removed as the attorney.The court records show the facts.

What is absurd is mixing up cases ,attorneys and the facts. It is also absolute nonsense for the boot brothers and their cabal to state how the judge felt when reading the third party claims filed by Supreme or how the judge personally felt about the way Serafini worked and presented his file.

No one believes their opinions....

Only crooks at heart like JOE AND STEVE would try to smuggle something past THE JUDGE,THE PATENT OFFICE,THE SHAREHOLDERS AND Marc Walther because they have no respect for anyone or anything.

I am going to delight in the day when boot brothers lose at both the state and federal level.

Criminals with huge egos that think they won't get caught often are careless and end up getting caught.

The theft of trade secrets, and lying when applying for the patent will be their downfall.

If the boot brothers do not settle, shareholders will go after them for their tortious interference and theft of trade secrets while they were board members and directors at Supreme Energy.

If they stop delaying and the court cases proceed and Supreme Energy presents a mountain of evidence they will lose and the DA will bring charges against them for their illegal actions.

Either way IFUS and Supreme Energy will continue.

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05/04/16 1:35 PM

#43900 RE: pantherj #43892

It is beyond belief that the former board members and their cabal continue to slander Mitchell Chester the attorney representing IFUS at the state level along with FALSE statements concerning IFUS ceo Marc Walthers.

Now they actually list how they know how the judge thinks and felt which is equally absurd.

It has been repeatedly posted that the Federal Court Judge Ungaro in her order of last year in the federal case against IFUS and Supreme Energy that she labeled MW a “smuggler”.

This is absolutely not true. In a foot note from her order found on Pacer this is what she said.

“ In reviewing the Amended Thirty Party Claim, it appears that Supreme Energy attempted to smuggle in a new claim arising under section 20(a) of the Exchange Act. In the initial Third Party Claim, Supreme Energy did not allege this claim. Nothwithstanding the fact that this Court finds a claim was insufficiently pleaded, Supreme Energy did not seek leave of the Court prior to alleging this claim. Accordingly, this Court is sua sponte dismissing Count II in Supreme Energy’s Amended Third Party Claim. “
In the interests of being accurate and based on the foregoing excerpt from the order itself, found on Pacer, it think it would be fair and reasonable to conclude that any prior posts citing Judge Ungaro as having called Marc Walther a smuggler are totally inaccurate and deliberately misleading.
Given that the then attorney of record should have known to seek leave of the court to file such a claim can hardly fall at the feet of the client. How can a client possibly know what and what is not allowed. That’s why unfortunately we have to rely on lawyers. If they screw it up, we as clients suffer.
But in any event, Supreme, via its attorney, was accused was trying to smuggle in a claim … I am sure it is a tactic used all the time. Marc Walther was not mentioned whatsoever.
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Darth Trader

05/04/16 11:53 PM

#43902 RE: pantherj #43892

He said, she said at best and the context is wrong. At the end of the day it's been dismissed and for blah blah blah who issue.