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04/20/16 4:58 PM

#244915 RE: wavedreamer #244914

Microsoft subsumed everything Wave was trying to accomplish.

This was inevitable from the beginning. Some even tried to make this point to the Wavoids. They were threatened, banned & booted for their effort.


04/21/16 8:32 AM

#244917 RE: wavedreamer #244914


"microsoft subsumed everything".

1. Your response to Bluefang is well written.
That said, it is fatally flawed.

Your comment about Microsoft above is not only true about microsoft, but about other very large security companies both hardware and software.

The problem was that all of the DREAMERS like you were just that, wishing, hoping, dreaming and being led around blindly by people on a sterilized board.

NONE of you wanted to reasonably listen to arguments from people like myself or Blue, or MMBG and the hard cold financial data showing that WAVX was more about bluster than anything.
The CEO was LIAR, and the replacement was as well.

And yet, all the dreamers totally pretended like every word he said was gospel truth.

Yet those pesky financial statements always told the truth. Ignatius, Player, MMBG, myself, Blue, and many more all pointed to these and yet, it fell on deaf ears.

I personally wrote two or more posts regarding the fact that Intel and other large gorillas on whom WAVX was totally dependent, do not play nicely when it comes to market share and potential ptofits to be had.

Think DELL, HP, do you remember AMD and Dr. Jeffrey ???? How about all the money we were going to make from being in the hard drives? Remember Thibadeaux??? Oh, he was going to put wavx on top of the world.

And none of it ever happened..... Not one time, yet people like YOU continued your attacks and assaults on people like myself and MMBG and BLue who tried to point out to you all that this was a SHAM and SCAM and going down the toilet.

The first clue you ask???

The first reverse split. I was drummed out of the LONG camp because I said at that time before it ever happened it would be a death spiral.

What happened??? I was right.

Intel had no need for Wave Systems and neither did Microsoft. Neither did Dell, HP or IBM or Acer.

ALL were capable of their own solutions and as of today, there is no shortage of security companies that are viable, with revenues in the hundreds of millions who are doing well.

YES, as I said a hundred times before, there are many ways to skin a cat and accomplish the end goal, which was to protect data and endpoints. They did not all have to be the same yet the very same sales dollars in the market were being divided up amongst different methods and styles.

Of course, because I was personna non grata in your circles because I dared to get off the kool aid and not be led by a group of leaders who were dead wrong, folks like you did not heed the warnings or the advise given.

The endless DOT TO NOWHERE campaign was in full swing and was all the rage.

I feel sorry for those who really got hurt. They were scammed. As were you. For all your hopes and dreams you were fully taken advantage of by predators. You know who they are.

My suggestion would be to help call out and bring these pumpers who made money off of your backs to some accountability so that they do not do it again to another unwitting group of trusting people.

My best wishes for you and your future, hoping that you are NOT irreparably harmed monetarily.
