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09/08/15 9:18 PM

#237525 RE: F6 #237523

note -- for a view of the little Code Pink interruption beginning a bit after 11 minutes into Cheney's speech (second item in the post to which this is a reply), see from c. the 51:00 mark of the following WaPo livestream ( ) which I linked there as an alternative -- the big stud who rushes in to grab away the much smaller young lady's banner does a heckuva job (ends up losing his grip and falling backward back into his chair, immediately checking his fingernails to make sure they're all still there and all still pretty, oh so pretty):

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09/08/15 10:53 PM

#237529 RE: F6 #237523

Ultimate Video Showing Spoiled, White, Woman Immediately Feeling the Karma of her Racist Tirade

An angry restaurant customer went ballistic because they put green peppers in her order instead of red ones. She was further incensed that the employees, who were being polite, weren’t speaking English to her satisfaction.

“I’m really glad you can talk to each other in whatever language it is that you’re speaking, but it’s really rude,” the customer tells the two restaurant workers behind the counter in the video, presumably after she has complained about her order.

“If you want to be polite to the customer then you speak English to the customer in America,” says the woman, who apparently takes issue with the employees speaking in another language.

“My kids don’t eat green things, they eat red peppers,” the woman berates them, screaming and pointing.
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09/17/15 5:41 PM

#237958 RE: F6 #237523

Clinton Insider Reveals Hillary's Lesbian Sexcapades

Published on Jun 24, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Clinton insider reveals shocking details about the real hillary clinton and how she's even worse than her husband bill when it comes to chasing women!

[aired June 23, 2015] [with comments]


Pope Calls For New World Order

Published on Jul 8, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Large number of Catholics slam Vatican’s agenda! [with comments]


Pope Francis calls modern capitalism 'dung of the devil'

Published on Jul 10, 2015 by CNN [ / , ]

Pope Francis is on the last leg of his Latin American tour and spoke his mind in a way few Popes have before. CNN's Rosa Flores reports. More at [with non-YouTube of this video embedded]

Pope calls unfettered capitalism 'the dung of the devil'
10 Jul 2015 [with comments]


1 Ton, 9 Foot Satanic Monument: NWO Trojan Horse

Published on Jul 30, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

The Satanic Temple has unveiled its one ton monument of baphomet replete with two children staring up at its goat headed insolence. The nine foot tall $100,000 monument was slated to be unveiled at the Oklahoma courthouse as a legal protest of separation of church and state. The Oklahoma courthouse had been recently adorned with a Ten Commandments monument. However, a person hearing voices [(linked in) and preceding and following] crashed into the Ten Commandments monument, causing a halt to the nefarious intention of the Satanic Church. Causing Satanic Temple spokesperson Lucian Greaves to declare that the Baphomet statue would not be erected until the 10 Commandments Statue is restored.

Over the weekend The Detroit Church Of Satan held an unveiling event of the Baphomet Statue, that promised a night of noise,chaos,and debauchery. The location was not to be revealed until $25 ticket goers were informed of the location. VIP ticket holders would be given the opportunity to sit in the statue's lap for pictures.

The location was revealed saturday night on Joseph Campau Avenue. One of the oldest areas in Detroit. But the Temple doesn't intend on the statue remaining in Detroit. They are still intent on it being put up in Oklahoma or in the words of Greaves, other “battlegrounds” in other states with a state courthouse with plans to erect a 10 commandments or similar monument.

Separation of church and state is one thing. Allowing the tenets of the liberty destroying New World Order to thrive is quite another. Opening the door for this illuminati parade of anti morality and anti ethical standards to be infused into common civics will most certainly accelerate a downward spiral. The spiral we are all facing as the Architects of The New World Order close in on their endgame.

Hail Satan Rant
Published on May 22, 2013 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Jones Warning to Those Who Worship The Nwo/Satanic System! [with comments]

The State is a Satanic Death Cult

Published on Jul 19, 2013 by The Alex Jones Channel Operation Paul Revere Video Contest Entry- Directed by Micah Ellars Video is also called "The State O' Masochist and Lady Liberty" or "The Wheel" [with comments]

Satanism in Hollywood: Success Paid with Blood and Sacrifice

Published on Sep 3, 2013 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex welcomes to the broadcast filmmaker Sean Stone to discuss the situation in Syria, his father Oliver Stone's comments about Obama being a "snake" as well as the Globalist agenda to bring in a NWO system of control to put the whole world under total lockdown. [with comments]


Published on Mar 12, 2014 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Rants on the meaning of evil and true presence of the devil in our society. [with comments]

Satanists Want Your Children!

Published on May 20, 2014 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Jones comments on a video shot by Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi of Satanists confronting Christians and breaks down how this is what our society of weakness creates. [with comments]

Satanic Rituals Described by Children Goes Viral

Published on Feb 10, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel
An incredibly disturbing video which went viral over the weekend shows two British children describing how they were allegedly forced to take part in satanic ceremonies which included sexual abuse and the ritualistic murder of babies. [with comments]

The Fall Of Satan

Published on Apr 2, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Jones talks with Joel Skousen about the spiritual forces at work in the world and how we can combat them. [with comments] [with comments]


Satanists Move To Put Statue Of Goat-Headed Icon At Arkansas Capitol

[ (with comments)]

A bid to place a tribute to the Hindu god Hanuman on Arkansas state Capitol grounds was rejected in August.
They think he'd look good next to a Ten Commandments monument.
09/08/2015 [with comments]


Conviction of Things Not Seen: The Uniquely American Myth of Satanic Cults

Was Michelle Smith brutalized by Satan's minions?
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

How quack psychology helped pundits invent the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and '90s.

Dan Shewan
September 8, 2015
Updated September 9, 2015

Jim Jones and David Koresh are among the small handful of men who remain even more infamous than the cults they led. Not every middle-aged American will remember the People’s Temple of the Disciples of Christ, but most know who Jones was. The Branch Davidians might not be a familiar name, even to those who remember the siege that claimed the lives of 76 of Koresh’s adherents—but his name, and that of Waco, Texas, survive in infamy. (The fate of Jones’ doomed commune is so widely known that the figure of speech “drinking the Kool-Aid,” a phrase describing the liquid poisoning of more than 900 people, has become a fixture in everyday discourse—a casual and rather sickening disavowal of the scale of the tragedy that unfolded at Jonestown.)

Satanism lacks a Jones or Koresh. Satanism has no Jonestown, no Waco, no Kool-Aid, no casual point of reference. This is because Satanic cults, as imagined in popular culture, do not exist. Still, some places across the country—West Memphis, Arkansas; Manhattan Beach, California; Edenton, North Carolina; Austin, Texas—belong to a brotherhood of cities united not by the stunned, silent grief of a tragedy like Waco’s, but by the shame of having left innocent families’ lives in ruin in the fervent pursuit of an imaginary evil.

Before she died at age 82 in 2003, Margaret Singer, arguably the world’s preeminent expert on cult psychology and brainwashing, estimated that there might be as many as 5,000 new religious movements—the term such groups prefer in favor of the widely maligned “cult”—operating in the United States alone. Not one of them is or was Satanic in nature, at least not in the most common understanding of the term. However, the myths surrounding Satanism in America are no less harmful in the absence of devious yet charismatic leaders or scenes of appalling tragedy. The “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s and early '90s was arguably even more frightening than a typical cult precisely because of this lack of a central figure or place; anybody could have been involved, and nobody was above suspicion. The greatest danger, however, was the paranoia about Satanic cults abducting, sexually abusing, and murdering American children; this paranoia made it much harder to prosecute genuine cases of child abuse at a time when such cases were already viewed with skepticism.

The period of nationwide moral hysteria that came to be known as the Satanic Panic began in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, a biographical account of the repressed memories of the childhood ritual abuse purportedly suffered by Canadian psychiatric patient Michelle Smith. Written by Smith and her psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder, whom she later married, Michelle Remembers detailed the abuse that Smith alleged she experienced at the hands of her mother and other members of a Satanic cult during the mid-1950s in her native British Columbia. Pazder, who was originally treating Smith for depression following a miscarriage, helped Smith surface these memories by means of regression hypnosis, a highly controversial psychotherapeutic technique whose validity has been widely called into question by members of the mental health community.

The book, which earned Pazder and Smith more than $340,000 in hardcover and paperback rights alone, became a phenomenon. Tabloids publicized the new book widely, after which Pazder and Smith embarked on a lengthy book tour across the U.S. As Michelle Remembers gained in popularity, the media rarely questioned the truthfulness of Smith’s account of her supposedly abusive upbringing and the atrocities she endured. Smith claimed she had been imprisoned in cages among live snakes, forced to watch as members of her mother’s cult slaughtered kittens in front of her, and even endured 81 consecutive days of consistent physical abuse as the cultists engaged in a prolonged ritual to summon Satan himself. In 1989, almost 10 years after the publication of Michelle Remembers, Oprah Winfrey featured Smith as a guest on her show alongside Laurel Rose Willson, author of the equally fictitious Satanic ritual abuse survival memoir Satan’s Underground, which was published under the pseudonym Lauren Stratford. Both women’s experiences were presented by Winfrey as incontrovertible fact, and not once did she question the authenticity of any claim in either book.

In the years that followed the publication of Michelle Remembers, people all over the country began to come forward with stories of their own latent memories of childhood abuse at the hands of Satanic cultists, or allegations of pedophilia and devil worship against members of their own communities. Law enforcement agencies nationwide began holding seminars intended to help officers recognize the signs of Satanic ritual abuse. The now-famous Pazder, who had become a leading authority on the matter, attended hundreds of such seminars throughout the 1980s. Appearing on ABC News’ 20/20 in May 1985, Pazder claimed [ (next below; with comments)]:

These people cover their tracks very well. When they dispose of a body, they use that body as well. They will cremate that body, they will use the ashes that will become part of what they will continue to present to that particular group. And they will disperse that. They’re not going to do some simple murder and leave a body in a stream for you to pick up the pieces of.

In the vast majority of reported cases of Satanic ritual abuse, it was the testimony of the allegedly abused children themselves that damned dozens of innocent people to lengthy prison sentences and a lifetime of social exile. However, subsequent review of these cases revealed that much of this testimony was obtained through coercion and suggestive interviewing techniques by overzealous social workers, and that these statements were rarely questioned by investigating officers. Despite the utter lack of evidence to corroborate claims of Satanic cult activity, new cases continued to be reported—and believed—nationwide, yet officials were no closer to uncovering any vast organized conspiracy by intergenerational Satanic cults.

* * *

In 1992, the Department of Justice published a monograph for investigators written by Kenneth Lanning, a Supervisory Special Agent with the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit in Quantico, Virginia, that debunked claims of systemic ritualistic occult abuse in America.

“My role in the FBI Behavioral Science Unit was as a case consultant,” Lanning says. “Eventually I consulted on hundreds of cases, including some from outside the United States—far more cases than I could ever have personally investigated," he says. "In my FBI position, I also became a kind of informal clearinghouse for most of the cases from their beginnings in the early 1980s until the growing skepticism took hold in the early 1990s. Before most professionals had seen their first case, I had consulted on and analyzed dozens of them.”

Lanning’s report critically examined the often-fluid definitions of Satanism that were used interchangeably by many law enforcement agencies, as well as debunking supposed indicators of Satanic crime highlighted during police training seminars such as symbolism in heavy metal music and fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. Lanning also offered several alternative explanations for similarities among the disparate eyewitness accounts, including pathological distortions commonly observed in cases of Munchausen syndrome. It was the first time anyone had objectively challenged the commonalities in cases of ritual abuse that police forces across the country were taking as irrefutable evidence of Satanic cult activity.

"Generally, the response [to the report] was positive," Lanning says. "Several law enforcement supervisors thanked me for bringing objectivity to the issue. Of course, nothing I wrote would reach or convince everyone of my point of view. I received several letters from some questioning aspects of what I had written or said. One officer wanted me investigated by Congress. Perhaps most upset were those law enforcement officers who were making money and getting status as experts in this area."

In addition to questioning the criminal significance of occult symbolism, Lanning’s report also warned of the danger of reducing the complex issue of child abuse into a pat, simplistic narrative—a tendency that marred many cases of Satanic ritual abuse and raised the important question of why so many people accepted wild allegations about Satanic cults in the absence of any hard evidence.

"Although I did not realize it at first, I came to learn that the last of my key questions was actually the most significant. If something wasn't happening, why do so many intelligent, well-educated professionals believe it is?" Lanning says. "Regardless of intelligence and education, and often despite common sense and evidence to the contrary, adults tend to believe what they want or need to believe; the greater the need, the greater the tendency. There was a need to believe. In my opinion, this concept, more than any 'moral panic,' was the foundation of Satanic ritual abuse allegations—the need to believe the children even without corroboration. If you do not believe everything a victim alleges, what do you believe?"

This need for belief complicated matters considerably for investigators handling already sensitive cases. As the burden of proof became irrelevant in cases of Satanic ritual child abuse allegations, Lanning noticed a gradual shift in the dynamics of victimology. Although impossible to prove, it is plausible that at least some of what children were claiming had been done to them was true. The difficulty, according to Lanning, was separating the truth from the fantasy.

“The focus on the Satanic or bizarre elements did not prevent investigators from doing their job; it just made it difficult to prove what actually happened,” Lanning says. “Most people would agree that just because a victim tells you one detail that turns out to be true, this does not mean that every detail is true. But many people–and the criminal justice system–seem to believe that if you can disprove one part of a victim's story, then the entire story is false. I believe people should be considered innocent unless proven guilty, but I also believe that a certain number of these cases involved a seed of truth that got buried.”

Two years after the publication of Lanning’s report, the federal government began to seek out those seeds of truth, hoping to determine just how widespread the problem of Satanic ritual abuse really was. The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect commissioned a study to assess the claims being made by clinicians across the country. The project's principal investigator was Dr. Gail Goodman, a psychologist at the University of California–Davis specializing in memory development, particularly on questions of children’s reliability as witnesses in the criminal justice system.

“I was conducting scientific research on children's testimony, and the children were often very accurate, especially if five years old and above,” Goodman says. “The courts had started to open more to let children testify. Obviously we didn't want innocent people to suffer from false allegations, if that what was happening. Moreover, these allegations were re-igniting doubts about child victims of sexual abuse generally.”

Goodman and her team reviewed the responses of 6,910 mental health professionals across the U.S., including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers. While roughly one-third of respondents indicated they had encountered either occult or religious-based abuse cases—a crucial distinction that was often overshadowed by the lurid tales of human sacrifice and ritual murder—most had only handled one or two. Conversely, a tiny group of respondents (approximately 1.4 percent of Goodman’s cohort) stated they had reviewed hundreds of cases of Satanic ritual abuse or religious-based abuse.

“We did find evidence for individuals or small groups who did bad things to children using Satanic themes,” Goodman says. “We are conducting a new longitudinal study of child abuse victims now that they are adults. It's heartbreaking to hear about some of their experiences, many of which we had documents on from their child protection records years ago. If you were religious and thought all things bad as by definition ‘Satanic,’ some of these acts might qualify, but they don't involve cults of non-humans in league with a devil.”

* * *

The breathless Geraldo specials on suburban cannibalism and the ominous 20/20 reports on backmasking in Led Zeppelin records captivated American audiences for years, but eventually even the media grew weary and turned its eyes elsewhere. Sensationalist reports of Satanic ritual abuse were gradually replaced by harrowing footage of the Rwandan genocide, courtroom broadcasts of the O.J. Simpson trial, and news reports of Ted Kaczynski’s arrest. There was certainly no shortage of fresh horrors with which to tantalize and terrify audiences in the absence of imaginary Satanic cults. To most people, the Satanic Panic had finally come to an end. In reality, however, it merely went underground—a fact that Lucien Greaves, founder of The Satanic Temple [ ], knows better than most.

The Satanic Temple is a non-theistic religious organization that Greaves founded in 2012. Contrary to common misconceptions, The Satanic Temple is not a cult or sect, nor do its members worship a literal devil, eschewing the supernaturalism common to many other religions and instead basing their beliefs on the principles of individual freedom and the pursuit of knowledge. The Satanic Temple’s seven core tenets, including the inviolability of one’s body, acting with respect for the liberties of others, and the principle that personal beliefs should be based on sound scientific knowledge of the world, stand decidedly at odds with many traditional religious organizations.

The Temple’s many opponents, including much of America’s mainstream Christian establishment, have made dozens of hysterical claims against the organization since it was founded. Some have said The Satanic Temple is intent on the very destruction of Christianity itself in America, while others have branded the Temple’s members “intellectual terrorists.” The reality, however, is that The Satanic Temple has become one of the fastest-growing politically active religious organizations in the U.S., and Greaves and his fellow Satanists have campaigned vigorously to defend the rights and liberties of some of the country’s most marginalized groups.

Before Greaves founded The Satanic Temple, he wrote about and kept a close eye on the careers of many of the mental health practitioners who were involved with the Satanic Panic for many years. According to Greaves, these psychotherapists have continued the pseudoscientific approaches of the 1980s, perpetuating dangerous, paranoid ideas that have no place in the mental-health field—including the controversial regression hypnosis treatment and highly suggestive therapy that Goodman and her team reported in their research. Yet Greaves says such therapists are hardly on the fringes of the mental-health community, and that several major mental-health organizations, including the International Society for the Study of Dissociation and Trauma and the American Psychiatric Association either actively support these retrograde practices or do little, if anything, to discourage them.

“The ISSTD is really the last, largest refuge for professionals who still buy into bullshit claims of Satanic ritual abuse and occultic conspiracies,” Greaves says. “The ISSTD presents itself as merely this professional organization for people involved with dissociative disorders, but you don’t have to look very far beneath the surface to find that it’s full of all the old claimants of Satanic ritual abuse.”

Given the immense responsibility entrusted to therapists and other mental-health professionals, Greaves believes significantly more must be done to hold those practitioners who advocate and promote theories of Satanic ritual abuse accountable.

“I think most of them, if not all of them, should entirely lose their licenses,” Greaves says. “I think people should be aware of what the ISSTD is, how they put forward debunked notions and debunked diagnoses and how harmful they are, and how instrumental people within that organization were to the undoubtedly horrific moral panic of the '80s and '90s. I would also like to see the American Psychiatric Association take some kind of ownership. We’re in a situation where people who harbor delusions can go to a mental-health professional and actually have those delusions cultivated, if not given to them outright. I think that’s self-evidently damaging and needs to be reformed.”

Greaves alludes to one such case, in which multiple mental-health professionals gave dangerously misleading information to a suggestible, emotionally disturbed client: Gigi Jordan, a Manhattan heiress who sought treatment for her eight-year-old autistic son, Jude Mirra. Believing her son to be the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a Satanic cult, Jordan murdered the boy in a suite at New York’s upscale Peninsula Hotel in 2010; she later told jurors it was a “mercy killing.” Jordan mixed a large quantity of Xanax and Ambien with vodka and orange juice before forcing it down Jude’s throat with a syringe, then swallowed a fistful of painkillers herself. Before losing consciousness, Jordan changed her mind and attempted to resuscitate Jude, but to no avail.

“She was under the belief that Jude was not autistic at all, as claimed by responsible doctors, but that what looked like autism was actually a psychophysiological manifestation of his reaction to sexual abuse trauma because he was also being abused by a Satanic cult,” Greaves says. “She claimed to be able to draw forth this narrative from Jude, who had little to no verbal skills at all, by way of facilitated communication—a debunked method of attempting to communicate with disabled people who have few verbal skills. It’s often a type of muscle-reading procedure where somebody will guide the disabled person’s hands over the keyboard and claim to discern where that person means to type, and then help them type these things out. What’s been found, in study after study, is that the person who’s facilitating the communication is typing out the responses on their own and has nothing to do with what the disabled person is trying to convey or think. This was the case with Jude, who was supposedly typing out these bizarre stories of Satanic ritual abuse and making these types of claims.”

Jordan also sought the expertise of numerous other psychologists whose medical advice Greaves says ultimately contributed to Jude’s death at the hands of his clearly troubled mother—self-styled experts whom Greaves has expressed an interest in exposing as part of the Satanic Temple’s highly visible social and political campaigning.

“Gigi Jordan’s narrative of Satanic ritual abuse certainly couldn’t have been helped at all by her seeking consultations from Ellen Lacter, head of the ISSTD’s Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Special Interest Group,” Greaves says. “If you look at Ellen Lacter’s own website, you’ll find the most bizarre and delusional tales and insinuations about Illuminati conspiracies, Satanic cult crimes. This, to her, isn’t a dead issue from the '80s and '90s. She’s still very much a believer in Satanic ritual abuse and this overarching conspiracy that threatens us all and the moral structure of the entire world.”

Jordan, who never formally reported allegations of her son’s abuse to the police, was ultimately sentenced to 18 years for manslaughter in May. The case raised many important questions about our response to allegations of the sexual abuse of children—and about wider social attitudes toward mental illness.

“Here was a woman who actively sought medical assistance and the help of licensed mental-health counselors, and what she got was delusional characters from the ISSTD, including Bessel van der Kolk, who’s a big advocate of these ideas of physical manifestations of trauma,” Greaves says. “The fact that this asshole has the audacity to offer expert testimony today is amazing. Ultimately, an eight-year-old kid was murdered, and I feel the medical professionals involved in that case are culpable and they’ve never been held accountable.”

Michelle Smith and Laurel Rose Willson—the two women from the Oprah segment—eventually brought their ruin upon themselves by fabricating their accounts of surviving Satanic cults. Some argue that Smith genuinely believed her account, while others claim she was exploited by Pazder. Regardless of whether such claims have any more truth to them than those in Michelle Remembers or Satan’s Underground, both Smith and Willson willingly invited the scrutiny and disgrace that followed the publication of their falsified stories. To some extent, Smith, Pazder, and Willson must also accept some responsibility for advancing ideas—for personal gain—that led to wider hysteria that imprisoned dozens of innocent people, obfuscated legitimate claims of child sexual abuse, and ultimately inspired the murder of Jude Mirra.

Still, while Smith, Pazder, and Willson purposefully deceived the public, the real victims of the Satanic Panic had little say in the narratives that were constructed around their private lives. The McMartins and Buckeys of Manhattan Beach, California, defendants in the infamous 1983 McMartin preschool trial, were destroyed by the false accusations of Satanic ritual abuse leveled at them by hysterical parents, some of whom Pazder and Smith met during the trial.

Children testifying against the family made dozens of disturbing and darkly inventive allegations, including being led through a series of labyrinthine tunnels beneath the daycare center to secret rooms where they would be photographed naked, and that they witnessed Raymond Buckey flying through the air with witches. In 1986, Peggy McMartin Buckey, her son Raymond and daughter Peggy Ann, and her mother Virginia McMartin were charged with 135 counts of molesting 14 children. Raymond served five years and Peggy served two before the case collapsed from a lack of corroborating evidence, and their sentences were overturned. The case, which ultimately spanned two trials, lasted eight years and cost Los Angeles County more than $15 million, making it the most expensive criminal case in American legal history.

Dan and Frances Keller, who ran a daycare center from their Oak Hill home in Austin, Texas, were sentenced to 48 years in prison in 1992; the charges were that the couple had dismembered infants, abused the children in their care (even using those children to carry the bones of corpses exhumed from a local cemetery), and making the children drink Kool-Aid mixed with human blood. This conviction, for crimes they did not commit, was based wholesale on the fantastical testimony of coerced children and tenuous circumstantial physical evidence presented by a Dr. Michael Muow, an emergency room physician who treated one of the girls the Kellers were alleged to have abused.

Muow later recanted his testimony. The Kellers were finally released in 2013, having served more than 20 years of their sentences.

The Kellers may have been fortunate in having their sentences commuted; Andrew Chandler Jr. is still behind bars. Chandler, a bus driver from Madison County, North Carolina, was convicted in 1987 of five counts of first-degree sexual offense, six counts of taking indecent liberties with a child, and one count of a crime against nature, in the wake of the allegations made against the proprietors of the Little Rascals Day Care Center in Edenton. Chandler has served 27 years of his life sentence at the Avery/Mitchell Correctional Institute in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Lawyers at the Wrongful Convictions Clinic of Duke University’s School of Law are contemplating taking on Chandler’s case.

Not every alleged case of Satanic ritual abuse became as infamous as the McMartin case, but many more lives were blighted by spurious claims of abuse. The numerous cases in Kern County, California, in 1982; the Fells Acres Daycare Center case in Malden, Massachusetts, in 1984; and the trial of Frank Fuster in Country Walk, Florida, in 1985 all shocked and divided close-knit communities, and left the lives and reputations of the accused in ruin. The specifics of these cases vary, but they all serve as sobering examples of what happens when hyper-vigilance and moral panic take precedence over accepted scientific methodologies and hard evidence.

“Americans prefer black-and-white problems with simple answers,” Lanning says. “Society seems to especially have a problem addressing any sexual-victimization case in which the adult offender is not completely ‘bad’ or the child victim is not completely ‘good.’ Part of the appeal of Satanic ritual abuse was that when someone we knew molested a child after our protection efforts had failed, it was easier to escape guilt by blaming it on an evil Satanist who was part of a cunning and highly organized group. However, even without the Satanic element, the sexual victimization of children remains a highly emotional issue, with simplistic stereotypes of offenders as evil predators and victims as innocent angels still prevalent and problematic.”

The specter of Satanic cult hysteria continues to color many cases marked by unusual barbarity and cruelty, little having apparently been learned from the lessons of the 1980s. In some quarters, crude symbolism and token teenage dabblings in the occult are still seen as evidence that legitimate, violent Satanic cults exist. Christian evangelicals still insist on seeking out and fighting a literal enemy in their midst with the same zeal and apparent disregard for the consequences of their crusade today as they did 30 years ago. Perhaps most troubling, many people still cannot—or will not—accept that Satanic cults, and the unspeakable evils they supposedly perpetrate, are nothing more than the product of America’s overactive imagination and cultural insecurities.

After leaving a cult, apostates have to essentially re-learn how to think for themselves; to come back to reality and slowly re-build a broken sense of self. In a sense, America must undergo its own de-programming when it comes to Satanism and the occult. Until we reject simplistic, inadequate narratives and accept that evil can and does exist independently of demons and malevolent institutions, until we challenge pseudoscientific therapeutic techniques and the members of the mental health community who promote them, until we refute demonic paranoia as the well-worn cultural trope it is, the wages of the Satanic Panic will never truly be over.

Cults and (Sub)cultures [ ] is Pacific Standard's series of reported essays on all things cult, from religion to pop culture.

© 2015 The Miller-McCune Center for Research, Media and Public Policy (emphasis in original)


Date Of Destruction September 23, 2015

Published on Aug 1, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Roughly three months, or 500 days from when The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and John Kerry made a vague announcement, it will be September 23, 2015. The occult beliefs of the illuminati stress the importance of the dates following the Autumn Equinox. The occultists believe that a veil separating the Earthly realm from the demonic realm reaches its most allowable for the transfer of demons until midnight on Halloween. The events leading up to, on and nearly following the date of September 23, 2015 are numerous and many of them are as yet unconfirmed claims. Note to mainstream media, uncomfirmed claims here, we are simply taking a look at what is being said.

An asteroid is said to be approaching Earth that will hit the coast of Venezuala and Brazil and create an extinction level event. The update and ramping up of the Cern large Hadron Collider and the possible Universe destroying opening of other dimensions within our own dimension or access to a gate that has been closed. The culmination of Jade Helm, a large scale psyop operation targeting pockets of the United States with the largest density populations of patriot data to be utilized by military intelligence and Canada’s Maple Resolve Operations a large scale readiness exercise movement of military vehicles. Meanwhile, the closing of large retail chains beginning in August and resolving around early September due to the success of online retail and dwindling median income. With claims of eyewitnesses in Canada reporting Target stores being converted into underground military bases. The Day of Atonement lands squarely on September 23rd and heralds in the 70th Jubilee year which the Angel Gabriel delivered to the prophet Daniel signaling the second coming of Christ in 2016. And the ominous historical meeting scheduled between President Obama and the openly blatant cheerleader of The New World Order Pope Francis.

The level of predictive programming leading up to this foreboding date with destiny has been ongoing. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark. Those with open eyes keep a watch as the elite gradually disappear to their cities underground, economic cycles come to pass, and military movements increase on domestic soil. Again we are simply evaluating the signs here mainstream media, we wouldn’t want you to be envious of our ability to analyze what you are paid to cover up. [with comments]


Some Mormons stocking up amid fears that doomsday could come this month

George Frey via Getty Images
[ (with comments)]

‘Preppers’: Citing prophecies, politics and economy, many expect a catastrophe by the end of September.

First Published Sep 10 2015 07:27PM
Last Updated Sep 13 2015 03:22 PM

Mixing a brew of biblical prophecies, the Hebrew calendar, a volatile economy, world politics, a reported near-death experience and astronomical occurrences, hordes of Utahns have become convinced that calamitous events are imminent — maybe by month's end — and are taking every precaution [ ].

They are called "preppers" and are buying up food-storage kits, flashlights, blankets and tents. Some are even bracing to leave their homes — if need be.

At American Fork's Thrive Life, which sells mostly freeze-dried food, sales have shot up by "500 percent or more in the past couple of months," says customer- service representative Ricardo Aranda. "There is a sense of urgency, like something is up. A lot of people are mentioning things about September, like a financial collapse."

Jordan Jensen, a salesman at Emergency Essentials, said his Bountiful store has been "crazy busy, sales up by definitely a large amount."

Those 72-hour emergency kits are "almost impossible to keep on the shelves," Jensen says, "and we get a shipment every day."

A lot of customers, he says, believe "this is the month it will all happen — with a 'blood moon' and a currency collapse and everything."

Here's how the doomsday scenario plays out: History, some preppers believe, is divided into seven-year periods — like the Hebrew notion of "shemitah" or Sabbath. In 2008, seven years after 9/11, the stock market crashed, a harbinger of a devastating recession. It's been seven years since then, and Wall Street has fluctuated wildly in recent weeks in the wake of China devaluing its currency.

Thus, they believe, starting Sept. 13, the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days, there will be another, even larger financial crisis, based on the United States' "wickedness." That would launch the "days of tribulation" — as described in the Bible.

They say Sept. 28 will see a full, red or "blood moon" and a major earthquake in or near Utah. Some anticipate an invasion by U.N. troops, technological disruptions and decline, chaos and hysteria.

Some of these speculations stem from Julie Rowe's books, "A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil" and "The Time Is Now."

Rowe, a Mormon mother of three, published the books in 2014 to detail a "near-death experience" in 2004, when the author says she visited the afterlife and was shown visions of the past and future.

Though Rowe rarely gives specific dates for predicted events, she did describe in a Fox News Radio interview "cities of light," including scores of white tents where people will live in the mountains and sometimes be fed heavenly "manna." She saw a "bomb from Libya landing in Israel, but Iran will take credit."

And "Gadianton robbers" of Book of Mormon infamy, meaning secret and corrupt leaders, are "already here."

Her purpose in speaking out, Rowe told interviewer Kate Dalley, was "to wake more of us up. ... We need each other as we unify in righteousness and continue to build a righteous army. When we need to defend the [U.S.] Constitution, we will be ready."

For the past year, the popular writer has been sharing her experience and visions at Mormon venues nationwide, drawing crowds of eager — and worried — listeners. Her two books have sold more than 20,000 copies apiece.

In a rare move, officials with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent a memo to administrators and teachers in the Church Educational System, saying, "Although Sister Rowe is an active member of the [LDS Church], her book is not endorsed by the church and should not be recommended to students or used as a resource in teaching them. The experiences ... do not necessarily reflect church doctrine, or they may distort doctrine."

The late Mormon apostle Boyd K. Packer said in the October 2011 LDS General Conference that the "end" was not near and urged young Latter-day Saints to plan to live long, productive lives.

"You can look forward to doing it right: getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren," Packer said.

Rowe and her Rexburg, Idaho, publisher, Spring Creek Book Co., declined to be interviewed for this story.

However, Rowe later issued a statement, saying she agrees the curriculum for church classes "should only come from the sources recognized by the LDS Church as being authoritative."

"My story is not intended to be authoritative nor to create any church doctrine," she said. "It is simply part of my personal journey that I have chosen to share in hopes that it can help people to prepare for the times we live in by increasing their faith in Christ and by looking to our prophet and church leaders for guidance."

Apocalyptic views and fretting about the end times, of course, are nothing new.

In 1991, dozens of chapters of the conservative, mostly Mormon American Study Group sprouted across the Intermountain West, preaching a cataclysmic scenario, which included a global economic collapse, primarily in the banking industry, followed by rioting and natural disasters.

The group, which was based in part on teachings of the late, ultraconservative LDS prophet Ezra Taft Benson, had more than 5,000 participants in 35 to 40 chapters.

Next week, the Ezra Taft Benson Society will host a banquet for members in Orem, under the title "Exposing and Stopping Modern Gadianton Robbers."

Apocalyptic beliefs are hardly unique to Mormons.

"Any messianic religion has built-in expectations that the Messiah will return," says Patrick Mason, Howard W. Hunter chair of Mormon studies at Claremont Graduate University in Southern California, "and that God will make right everything that's wrong."

That belief, Mason says, is "deep in the DNA of religious people who look at the world and sense that they're not winning and that their side isn't in power."

It was shared by early Christians who were being thrown to lions, by medieval Christians being wiped out by the plague, says Mason, and by 19th-century Mormons being driven from state to state.

Today's Christian conservatives might worry about financial uncertainty, he says, about President Barack Obama, or about feeling their rights are being obliterated.

As for the blood moon, Mason says, "people have been looking to the sky for signs ever since Jesus said to."

Believers are warned to be on the lookout always, he says. "But if the end times come with the kinds of disasters and calamities scripture describes, food storage ain't gonna save you."

Copyright 2015 The Salt Lake Tribune [ ] [with comments]


Utah Town of Hildale, Ravaged by Floods, is Home to Secretive FLDS Sect

A flash flood left at least eight people dead in Hildale, Utah. Others were rescued.
Chris and Lydia Wyler / St. George News

by Erin McClam and The Associated Press
Sep 15 2015, 9:02 am ET

The little Utah town where at least eight people were killed in a flash flood [ ] is the home of a polygamist religious sect whose leader was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting girls he considered brides.

The town of Hildale, a 3-square-mile patch of land along the Arizona state line, is the headquarters of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which split from the Mormon Church a century ago.

On Monday night, a strong thunderstorm caused a flood that sluiced through the canyons north of town and killed at least eight people and left five more missing. It was described as a wall of water so strong that it swept away a van and an SUV carrying 16 people in all. Three were rescued.

"This hit with a vengeance we haven't seen for some time," said Kevin Barlow, the assistant fire chief.

The 8,000 people who live in Hildale and next-door Colorado City, Arizona, are split between defectors from the FLDS sect and loyalists to Warren Jeffs, the former leader.

The sect, which is believed to have about 10,000 followers, believes that plural marriage is a path to exaltation in heaven — and that Jeffs, now 59, is God's earthly spokesman.

In 2008, police raided an FLDS compound in West Texas [ ] and placed more than 400 children in protective custody. Authorities discovered pregnant underage girls during the raid.

In August 2011, Jeffs was given the life sentence for sexually assaulting an underage follower he had taken as a bride. He was given an additional 20-year sentence for assaulting a 15-year-old girl. DNA evidence showed he had fathered a child with her.

Jeffs, now 59, maintained that he was a victim of religious persecution.

A profile of Hildale published by The Associated Press earlier this year described the town as a patchwork of upscale homes and unfinished houses where construction was stopped in the early 2000s, when Jeffs ordered that the sect focus on building the Texas compound.

Women and girls can still be seen in home-sewn prairie dresses around town. A photo [the photo above] from the flood on Monday showed women in the ankle-length dresses joining hands to escape the waters.

From prison in 2010, Jeffs ordered his followers to build him a new compound in Hildale, meant to house him after his eventual acquittal and release. Jeffs' former bodyguard bought it in 2013 and turned it into a bed and breakfast.

©2015 Press [with embedded video report], [with comments]


In Hildale, a nation ‘needs closure on the grieving, not just a community’

Searchers from the National Guard and Utah Task Force 1 keep looking for a missing boy.

First Published Sep 16 2015 09:54AM
Last Updated Sep 1 2015 [c.] 09:40AM

Hildale • As searchers continue to comb through mud and debris in search of a missing 6-year-old boy swept away in the dramatic flash flood that ripped through this Utah-Arizona border town, former members of Hildale's predominant faith are pondering a public memorial to honor the dead and heal the heartbroken.

In all, 13 women and children died in the flood that spilled over the banks of the Short Creek Wash, which cuts through Hildale and its sister community of Colorado City, Ariz. — a loss that has emotionally devastated residents in and out of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and garnered sympathy from across the nation.

"This is a nation that needs closure on the grieving, not just a community," said Dee Barlow, a former FLDS church member. He said a public vigil is in the planning stages but likely would not be held until the body of missing Tyson Lucas Black is recovered.

As search efforts resumed Thursday morning, the boy's body was unaccounted for, despite the efforts of the team of 26 Utah National Guard's 2-222nd Field Artillery Battery B and 24 searchers of Utah Task Force 1, whose specialty is searching through the aftermath of disasters.

Search teams walked with dogs and hand tools, prodding the ground for the boy's remains along a 7-mile section of the wash, which begins near the mouth of Maxwell Canyon in Utah and stretches across the border into northern Arizona.

On Wednesday, Hildale's residents, many of them women in long, 19th-century-style dresses, also took up shovels on their own, digging into piles of damp mud despite warnings from Washington County officials about the dangers of banks giving way.

The Hildale flood has been called the single most deadly weather event in Utah history.

The disaster occurred about the same time Monday that seven hikers were swept away by raging water in Zion National Park's Keyhole Canyon, roughly 45 miles northwest of Hildale. The bodies of six people had been recovered by park officials by Wednesday night, and one person was missing. None of their identities had been released.

All of the Hildale victims are believed to be members of the Warren Jeffs-led FLDS church, which practices polygamy as part of its religious beliefs.

Among the dead were sisters Della Johnson and Naomi and Josephine Jessop, Hildale Mayor Phillip Barlow said at a news conference Wednesday.

Della Johnson, who was married to Sheldon Black Jr., was in an SUV along with five of the couple's children, ages 5 to 10.

Two of the children, both boys, survived, officials said.

Josephine and Naomi Jessop were in a 15-passenger van with eight of their children, who were between ages 5 and 11. One child, also a boy, survived, authorities said. He appeared in public on Tuesday when his father, Joseph Jessop, met with a group of reporters. Church marriage records seized by police during a 2008 raid on an FLDS ranch in Texas list both sisters as Joseph Jessop's wives. The documents also list Joseph Jessop as one of the drivers who ferried the now-imprisoned Jeffs between church enclaves and safe houses in 2005 when he was on the run from law enforcement.

On Wednesday, however, multiple sources told The Salt Lake Tribune that like many church members who had fallen out of favor with Jeffs in recent years, Jessop had been sent away by church leaders and had not seen his family for at least two years.

The names of the deceased children are to be released once the last boy is found, authorities have said.

Of the survivors, two boys climbed out of the vehicle they were riding in near where the cars washed up — about a quarter-mile from where they became caught up in the flood. The third escaped his vehicle about a mile down the wash and swam to safety, said Washington County Sheriff Cory Pulsipher, who met with two of the boys.

"They're really traumatized," Pulsipher said. "It's hard for them to communicate."

Rescue workers recovered six bodies in Utah and six in Arizona, Pulsipher said.

The bodies recovered in Utah have been taken to a mortuary, and a state medical examiner is expected to conduct autopsies, he said. The status of the bodies located in Arizona was unclear Wednesday, he added.

At a news conference, Phillip Barlow said he was pleased with the support, assistance and resources the community has received from state officials and law enforcement.

"I'm amazed at what's come to help us," the mayor said.

The outpouring of kindness may also ease some of the distrust from the normally insular community, which historically has feared law enforcement and where church members are discouraged from mixing with outsiders or with former church members, even if they are family.

"I would sure hope so," Phillip Barlow said. "Because it sure has been wonderful."

FLDS church leaders — who continue to look to Jeffs to lead the church despite his incarceration in Texas after a conviction on multiple sexual assault charges — have not issued any public statements about the flood or the deaths of church members.

The flood has forced many current and former FLDS members to work shoulder to shoulder despite the deep community divides, and it has reconnected some family members who haven't spoken in years.

On Wednesday, for example, LeRoy Stubbs, who left the faith in 2002, was standing with his stepbrother on a bridge overlooking Short Creek Wash when an FLDS woman he recognized walked by. Stubbs said he asked the woman if she were "a Barlow." She replied with a "yes."

"Hey, that's your Aunt Maxine," Stubbs told his companion.

It was, he said, the first time in 13 years he had spoken to the woman, even though the two had grown up together.

Neither Barlow nor Pulsipher knew Wednesday whether the families of the deceased had made funeral arrangements, and the sheriff said he doubted such events would be public.

"They're private, and they are going to mourn in their own private way," he said.

However, a fund to cover expenses to support the families had been established using the same post office box as a Hildale construction company, Phaze Construction.

Dee Barlow, however, was among a group of former FLDS questioning whether any donated funds would reach the families if the money goes through Phaze.

A Salt Lake Tribune investigation found that the company helps finance the FLDS church by sending some of its payroll dollars directly to the sect.

"There are concerns that the donations are fronts for the church," Dee Barlow said.

Copyright 2015 The Salt Lake Tribune [ ] [with comments]


Pedophile Ring Now In Full Control Of The Vatican

Published on Aug 5, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones details the perils of our time on the ground in Rome
and how the vatican has been taken over by pedophile ring. [with comments]


Alex Jones: Is The Pope The Devil?

Published on Aug 8, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones reports from outside the Vatican City on Pope Francis and just how incredibly evil he truly is. [with comments]


Congressman: U.S. has ‘disrupted’ a threat before Pope Francis’s visit

September 13, 2015 [with comments]


Pope Francis: ‘Jesus was popular and look how that turned out’

Pope Francis blesses a painting depicting the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus during the weekly audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on March 25, 2015.
September 14, 2015 [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Alex Jones: Why It's Cool To Be A Trendy Slave

Published on Aug 5, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex submits to the soft tyranny of low expectations, carbon taxes, and anemic horsepower in this sardonic midnight street prophecy. [with comments]


Hillary’s Plan To Seize Unlimited Power Revealed

Published on Sep 2, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this worldwide transmission we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols.

Hillary will appoint Bill as Secretary General of the UN, accomplishing what they said they would do in ’86. [with comments]


TOTAL EMERGENCY ALERT Update: Global Meltdown Begins

Published on Sep 5, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex ties together the shocking events that are hurtling us towards a worldwide meltdown. All the crucial factors are set and the moment is fast approaching.

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating
Published on Jun 20, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel
Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity of the current global climate. Insider information pointed directly towards global financial meltdown and global war. [with (over 13,000) comments] [at/see (linked in) and preceding and following] [with (approaching 4,000) comments]


Wait for it...

September 10, 2015 [with comments] [the above YouTube of this video at (with comments), another at (with comments)]


How should Congress vote on the Iran nuclear deal?

Published on Sep 9, 2015 by Brookings Institution [ / , ]

On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 U.S. Senator John McCain joined three top policy experts to go head-to-head in our next Brookings debate over the highly contentious Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran.

Arguing "vote approve" were Suzanne Maloney and Bruce Riedel. Arguing "vote disapprove" were John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Leon Wieseltier. We invited the audience to vote before and after the debate to determine whether the arguments heard have influenced the opinions of those watching.

Uncorrected Transcript

Follow Brookings on social media!
LinkedIn: [no comments yet] [the Brookings livestream of the same at (with comments)]


European Migrant Crisis: A Trojan Horse For ISIS Invasion!

Published on Sep 9, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Muslim “refugees” in Budapest chanted “Allahu Akbar” and “f**k you” while others in Italy attacked an old lady and threw feces at bystanders as Germany announced that it would be prepared to take 500,000 asylum seekers every year. [with comments]


Ted Nugent On Fire: It's Time To Get Radical

Published on Sep 9, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones is joined by legendary wild man Ted Nugent to discuss Verizon's cancelation of the Sportmans Channel.

For more information about Verizon's cancellation of Sportsman Channel, visit [with comments]


Trump, Cruz attend rally against Iran deal (complete event)

Streamed live on Sep 9, 2015 by Washington Post [ / , ]

GOP presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Jim Gilmore attend a rally in opposition to the international nuclear deal with Iran in D.C.

Partial List of Speakers [also e.g. Michelle Bachmann, Jerry Boykin and Ken Blackwell]:

Brian Babin
U.S. Representative
[R] Texas

Robert Bartlett
Vets Against the Deal

Anne Bayefsky
Human Rights Voices

Glenn Beck
Political Commentator

Marsha Blackburn
U.S. Representative
[R] Tennessee

Mario Bramnick
Chapter Director
Hispanic Christian Leadership Council

David "Dave" A. Brat
U.S. Representative
[R] Virginia

Ted Cruz
U.S. Senator
[R] Texas

Ron DeSantis
U.S. Representative
[R] Florida

Trent Franks
U.S. Representative
[R] Arizona

Brigitte Gabriel
Founder and President
ACT! for America

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
Founder and President
Center for Security Policy

Jim Gilmore III
Governor (Former)

Louis "Louie" B. Gohmert Jr.
U.S. Representative
[R] Texas

Richard Hudson
U.S. Representative
[R] North Carolina

Tim Huelskamp
U.S. Representative
[R] Kansas

Niger Innis
National Spokesman
Congress of Racial Equality

Sonnie Johnson
Political Pundit

Mike Kelly
U.S. Representative
[R] Pennsylvania

Morton Klein
National President
Zionist Organization of America

Jenny Beth Martin
President and Co-Founder
Tea Party Patriots

Ryan Mauro
Clarion Project

Mark Meadows
U.S. Representative
[R] North Carolina

Penny Young Nance
President and CEO
Concerned Women for America

Sarah Palin
Governor (Former)
[R] Alaska

David Perdue
U.S. Senator
[R] Georgia

Michael Pregent
Executive Director
Veterans Against the Deal

Kay Rivoli
Tea Party Express->National Grassroots

Matt Salmon
U.S. Representative
[R] Arizona

Matt Schlapp
American Conservative Union

Sarah Sterns
Founder and President
Endowment for Middle East Truth

Kenneth Stethem
Vets Against the Deal

Donald Trump
Presidential Candidate
[R] United States

Genevieve Wood
Senior Fellow
Heritage Foundation->Communications

James Woolsey
Director (Former)
Central Intelligence Agency

Ted Yoho
U.S. Representative
[R] Florida

Lee M. Zeldin
U.S. Representative
[R] New York [with non-YouTube video of the complete event embedded] [the festivities commence at c. the 35:30 mark and conclude at c. the 3:58:05 mark; with comments]


R.E.M. Slams Trump For Using Their Song As Part Of His 'Moronic Charade Of A Campaign'

Michael Stipe doesn't mince words.
09/10/2015 [with comments]


R.E.M. To Trump: Go Fuck Yourself

“Go fuck yourselves, the lot of you — you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men. Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign.”
September 9, 2015 [with comments] [h/t arizona1 ( )]


Hillary Clinton addresses the Iran nuclear deal

Published on Sep 9, 2015 by Brookings Institution

On September 9, 2015 Brookings live streamed remarks from former Secretary of State Clinton on her view of the significance of the Iran nuclear deal and its implications for the future of U.S. foreign policy in the region.

Brookings President Strobe Talbott provided introductory remarks and Brookings Executive Vice President Martin Indyk moderated the following discussion.

Uncorrected Transcript [with comments] [the Brookings livestream of the same at (with comments)] [also at ]


Islam's Rape of the West Exposed

Published on Sep 10, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones goes off on how the dregs of Islamic cultures across the world are being used to destroy and influence the western world. [with comments]


Man Almost Gets Punched Out For Hillary Shirt

Published on Sep 10, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Final segment, Joe biggs talks about the Hillary shirt and how popular it is.

Infowars is releasing this limited edition run of Hillary Clinton For Prison: 2016 t-shirts. Wear them loud, wear them proud and help get the word out that all of these globalist criminals, Republican and Democrat alike, should be held accountable for their crimes.
** ** [with comments]


Senate Democrats Clear Way for Iran Nuclear Deal

President Obama at a meeting to discuss the Iran nuclear accord at the White House on Thursday.
Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Harry Reid of Nevada, left, the Senate minority leader, and Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the minority whip, answered questions after the Senate voted Thursday on a measure involving the Iran nuclear agreement.
Credit Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Associated Press

SEPT. 10, 2015

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats delivered a major victory to President Obama on Thursday when they blocked a Republican resolution to reject a six-nation nuclear accord with Iran [ ], ensuring that the landmark deal will take effect without a veto showdown between Congress and the White House.

A procedural vote fell short of the number needed to break a Democratic filibuster [ ]. It culminated hours of debate on the Senate floor and capped months of discord since the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China announced the agreement with Iran in July.

Debate over the accord divided Democrats between their loyalties to the president and their constituents, especially Jewish ones, animated the antiwar movement on the left and exposed the waning power of the Israeli lobbying force that spent millions to prevent the accord.

“Regardless of how one feels about the agreement,” said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, one of four Democrats to vote against the president, “fair-minded Americans should acknowledge the president’s strong achievements in combating and containing Iran.”

Acknowledging the tortured decision he and other skeptical Democrats traveled, Mr. Schumer said, “I also have a great deal of respect for the careful thought and deliberation my colleagues went through,” adding, “I recognize for them, that this is a vote of conscience just as it is for me.”

Yet President Obama’s triumph in securing the international agreement — without the support of a single member of the party now in control of Congress — is refashioning the definition of victory for a waning presidency in an era of divided government.

While bipartisan victories tend to be those most celebrated outside Washington, in the current political climate, success by the president is now often measured more by the scope of the policy achieved than by any claim of sweeping consensus. And losing has its own evolving meaning. Republicans will use Mr. Obama’s triumphs — as they did with the health care law [ ] — as a means to attack Democrats in anticipation of next year’s election.

Mr. Obama may go down in history as a president whose single biggest foreign policy and domestic achievements were won with no Republican votes, a stark departure from his 2008 campaign that was fueled by the promise of uniting. As with the Iran accord, the health care law — passed exclusively with Democratic votes — was a policy achievement that has come to define his presidency, in part through the vehemence of its opponents in Congress.

“President Obama can claim that he found a way to move an extremely important, yet controversial, diplomatic agreement through the political process,” said Julian E. Zelizer, a history professor at Princeton University. “For conservatives the deal fulfills every negative view that they have about how President Obama and the way Democrats handle foreign threats,” he added. “The narrative is built for the campaign trail — a Democratic president agrees to drop sanctions on a horrible regime that even most Democrats agree shows little signs of reform.”

With an ample majority of Republicans running the House but a narrow one in the Senate, Mr. Obama has learned to measure when and how he can hold congressional Democrats together when he needs them — as is the case with the use of the filibuster for the Iran disapproval measure — but also when he needs to turn to Republicans to help flatten his own party, as was the case with a major trade package over the summer.

But the sheer partisan nature of the Iran matter does not bode well for impending fights on Capitol Hill, including one over whether to raise the debt ceiling [ ] and how to deal with spending.

Related Coverage

What’s Next for the Iran Nuclear Deal
SEPT. 10, 2015

A Senseless Delay on the Iran Deal
SEPT. 9, 2015

Iran Deal Debate Delayed as Talk of Secret Deals Divides G.O.P.
SEPT. 9, 2015

Hillary Clinton Backs Iran Nuclear Deal, With Caveats
SEPT. 9, 2015

Iran’s Supreme Leader Says Israel Won’t Exist in 25 Years
SEPT. 9, 2015

Plutonium Is Unsung Concession in Iran Nuclear Deal
SEPT. 7, 2015

© 2015 The New York Times Company [with comments]


The President Speaks with Veterans on the Iran Deal

Published on Sep 10, 2015 by The White House [ / , ]

President Obama held a roundtable with veterans to discuss the Iran nuclear deal and what it means for our national security and the men and women who serve our country. September 10, 2015. [with comments], [embedded at]


Statement by the President

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
September 10, 2015

Today, the Senate took an historic step forward and voted to enable the United States to work with our international partners to enable the implementation of the comprehensive, long-term deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This vote is a victory for diplomacy, for American national security, and for the safety and security of the world. For nearly two years, we negotiated from a position of strength to reach an agreement that meets our core objectives. Since we concluded these negotiations, we have had the most consequential national security debate since the decision to invade Iraq more than a decade ago. Over the last several weeks, the more members studied the details of this deal, the more they came out in support. Today, I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike. Going forward, we will turn to the critical work of implementing and verifying this deal so that Iran cannot pursue a nuclear weapon, while pursuing a foreign policy that leaves our country - and the world - a safer place.


Key reasons why opponents hate the Iran nuclear deal

In this Sept. 9, 2015, photo, Speaker of the House John Boehner of Ohio, pauses while speaking about his opposition to the Iran deal during a news conference with members of the House Republican leadership on Capitol Hill in Washington. Even though opponents of the Iran nuclear deal can’t win in Congress, they aren’t going to go quietly. “This debate is far from over, and frankly, it’s just beginning,” Boehner said on Sept. 10.
(Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press)

By Deb Riechmann?
September 11, 2015 at 3:13 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — Even though opponents of the Iran nuclear deal can’t win in Congress, they aren’t going to go quietly.

Conservative Republicans are vowing to take President Barack Obama to court, claiming he has broken the law by not providing Congress with all relevant documents pertinent to the deal.

“This debate is far from over, and frankly, it’s just beginning,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Thursday. “This is a bad deal. ... We’ll use every tool at our disposal to stop, slow, and delay this agreement.”

Here are the key reasons why critics oppose the deal.


Republicans in the House claim that the Obama administration has not provided Congress with the text of two so-called “side agreements” that the International Atomic Energy Agency negotiated with Tehran. The law that gave Congress a chance to review the agreement for 60 days required the president to give lawmakers all relevant documents.

The conservative Republicans claim the 60-day clock never started and that they can’t cast votes on the deal because they are still waiting for all the documents.

The administration says it doesn’t have the separate agreements, and the nuclear inspection agency says confidentiality agreements prevent it from releasing them.

Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., is undeterred.

“We have members of Congress stand up and demand that they see the text of bills that rename post offices and yet this is a historic agreement and many of my colleagues are saying they are going to vote for it without even knowing what the details are about important components about how we’re going to verify whether the Iranian regime has complied with this agreement,” he said.


Opponents are outraged that Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, will be getting at least $100 billion in relief from economic sanctions that have choked Iran’s economy for years. They worry that Iran will use the money to ramp up its weapons programs and expand military assistance to forces in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and elsewhere that oppose the U.S. and its allies.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew says that after sanctions are eased, Iran will be able to freely access about half of some $100 billion in foreign reserves. He said more than $20 billion is inaccessible because it is committed to projects with China and tens of billions of other restricted funds are in non-performing loans to Iran’s energy and banking sector.

Moreover, as the deal progresses, world powers say they’ll eliminate oil, trade and financial restrictions that have severely damaged Iran’s economy. Such action could create hundreds of billions of dollars in economic growth.

Opponents remain skeptical. “What do you think they’re going to do with the $100 billion? Do you think they’re going to build roads and bridges?” asked Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.


Critics of the deal have said repeatedly said that the inspection regime outlined in the plan will not be rigorous enough to prevent Iran from cheating.

“Rather than anytime/anywhere inspections, the deal creates a process within which Iran can delay inspections for at least 24 days,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

The Obama administration rebuts that claim, saying Iran will give U.N. inspectors more access to its nuclear program. If inspectors identify a suspicious site, an arbitration panel with a Western majority will decide whether Iran has to give the agency access within 24 days. The administration says all sites, including military ones, may be inspected if the agency has solid evidence of undeclared nuclear activity.


The White House says Iran has reaffirmed as part of the deal that “under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any nuclear weapons.” Opponents say that Iran will still be able to develop nuclear weapons in the future.

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who was one of just four Democrats in the Senate to oppose the deal, said the deal only manages or works to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“My overarching concern is that it requires no dismantling of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and only mothballs that infrastructure for 10 years,” Menendez said.


As negotiators neared a deal, Iran insisted that U.N. restrictions be lifted immediately to allow Tehran to import or export conventional weapons and buy ballistic missile technology. In the end, Iran accepted the arms embargo for up to five more years. For ballistic missile technology, the ban expires after no more than eight years.

“The hardliners can use the freed-up funds to build an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) on their own as soon as sanctions are lifted and then augment their ICBM capabilities in eight years after the ban on importing ballistic weaponry is lifted, threatening the United States,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who also opposed the deal.

Secretary of State John Kerry said that during the negotiations, Iran wanted the arms embargo lifted immediately and that the U.S. and its partners won a victory by being able to continue the arms embargo for five years and the missile one for eight.

© 2015 Associated Press [with comments]


American Jewish 'online troll' arrested in alleged Kansas City 9/11 memorial bomb plot

Boy among some of the 3,000 flags placed in memory of lives lost in the September 11, 2001 attacks, at park in Winnetka, Illinois, September 10, 2015.
(photo credit:REUTERS)

Joshua Ryne Goldberg distributed information to an informant on how to manufacture a bomb and instructed the informant to make a pressure-cooker bomb and fill it with nails, metal, other items.

09/11/2015 10:46

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Jewish man from Florida has been arrested and accused of plotting to detonate a pressure-cooker bomb at a memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, to commemorate the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, the US Justice Department said on Thursday.

Joshua Ryne Goldberg, 20, was arrested on charges of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction, the department said. His arrest was announced a day before the 14th anniversary of the attacks.

If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison, the department said.

The criminal complaint said Goldberg distributed information to an informant on how to manufacture a bomb and instructed the informant to make a pressure-cooker bomb and fill it with nails, metal and other items dipped in rat poison.

When the informant claimed to live near Kansas City, Goldberg instructed the informant to place the bomb at an upcoming memorial in Kansas City that was commemorating 9/11, the complaint said.

The complaint details numerous conversations from the Twitter account of someone using the names AusWitness and AusSecret, who presented himself as a Muslim living in Australia who supported the Islamic State militant group.

However, the complaint also says that Goldberg, who was using his mother's computer in Orange Park near Jacksonville, was responsible for Internet hoaxes and had taken over the identities of other people online.

The complaint said a witness from Australia had identified Goldberg as an "online troll," who had used numerous identities.

In the complaint, FBI investigators said a computer owned by Goldberg's mother had the IP address of the computer associated with the email and Twitter accounts through which the conversations with the informant took place.

In one conversation recounted in the complaint, the FBI informant, referring to the possibility of a Jihadi attack, said: "We could probably figure something out," adding that he had "learned a lot" from a Syrian.

The AusWitness account replied: "That sounds good. What do you have in mind? Do you have any bombs already?"

Later, the AusSecret Twitter account sent guidelines on how to make bombs and suggested that the informant bomb Kansas City since he was near there.

© 2015 Thomson Reuters [with comments]


Florida man plotted Sept. 11 attack in Kansas City, FBI says

(MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

By Justin Wm. Moyer
September 11, 2015 at 4:40 AM

Almost a decade-and-a-half after the Sept. 11 attacks, the anniversary has receded in the minds of many.

Not so for one man in Florida, authorities say. A criminal complaint filed in federal court alleges that Joshua Ryne Goldberg, a 20-year-old living with his parents near Jacksonville, posed as an Australian jihadist and encouraged an attack in Kansas City on Friday — the 14th anniversary of Sept. 11. He was charged with distribution of information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction.

“Hopefully there will be some jihad on the anniversary of 9/11,” Goldberg reportedly told an FBI informant in a direct message.

How Goldberg allegedly came to be radicalized — and adopt the personality of an extremist on the other side of the world — is not clear. But the complaint includes quite disturbing, lengthy exchanges between Goldberg, who authorities said went online under variations of the handle “AusWitness,” and the informant, identified only as “CHS.”

The FBI became interested in AusWitness after someone using that name claimed responsibility for the attack at a “prophet Muhammad cartoon contest” in Garland, Tex., in May on a Web site.

“You might know me for inspiring the attacks in Garland … where two mujahideen entered an event mocking the Prophet Muhammad … with intent to slaughter,” the post said. The author lived in Perth, Australia, he said, and was a refugee from Lebanon “enamoured with the Islamic State’s ideology.”

“The Jews are the worst enemies of Allah,” the post read. “When Islam conquers Australia, every single Jew will be slaughtered like the filthy cockroaches that they are.”

Informant CHS and AusWitness chatted in July. As AusWitness said he was “trying to get a mujahid in Melbourne to carry out Jihad, but he keeps delaying it,” the FBI linked his Twitter account to Goldberg’s residence in Florida. The conversation grew more serious in the weeks to come.

CHS: “I don’t have any bombs. I don’t know how to make them.”

AusWitness: “What weapons do you have brother? I can send you guides on how to make bombs if you need help.”

The promised guidance, the complaint alleged, was sent. But where would the bombs be set off?

AusWitness: “Have you decided what kind of attack to carry out on 9/11 … I was thinking a bombing. We could make pipe bombs and detonate them at a large public event.”

CHS: “I’m in the Midwest the closest place is Kansas City if you’re familiar.”

Kansas City was settled on.

AusWitness: “Where will the most people be in Kansas City on 9/11? That’s where we need to target.”

AusWitness found the “perfect place” — the Kansas City 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb, an annual event during which “343 Firefighters will embark on a 110 story climb to the top of the Town Pavilion high rise in downtown Kansas City in remembrance of the 343 firefighters killed on 9-11-2001,” as the event’s Web site explained [ ].

AusWitness: “Be careful … When you go there to place the bomb, make sure the bomb is VERY well hidden.”

CHS: “Where do you think would be best near the fire fighters or the crowd?”

AusWitness: “Good thinking … put the backpack near the crowd.”

AusWitness’s further advice for the pressure-cooker bomb: use “metal and nails” and “dip the screws and other shrapnel in rat poison before putting them in.” Those hit by them “will be more likely to die.”

Goldberg was arrested at home on Wednesday. He “claimed that he intended for the individual to either kill himself creating the bomb or, if not, that he intended to alert law enforcement just prior to the individual’s detonating the bomb, resulting in … credit for stopping the attack,” the complaint read.

The FBI also received information from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) that someone with usernames linked to Goldberg had made comments about “pretending to be ISIS.” An AFP informant described Goldberg as an “online troll.”

“These guys are … keyboard warriors,” Goldberg allegedly said online when asked if he feared his comments would result in an actual attack.

Goldberg’s family expressed surprise at the charges. His father told First Coast News [ ] he was “shocked.”

“We have no information to give you,” Frank Goldberg said.

A neighbor who spoke to Fox News [ ] described the family’s son as a bit of a recluse.

“They are active in the neighborhood association and their other kids come to community events, but the older son has never even walked down the street that I’m aware of,” Al Keene said. “I’m not surprised at all if his parents didn’t know anything about this. They seem like a great family.”

Goldberg faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.


Pamela Geller, the incendiary organizer of Texas “prophet Muhammad cartoon contest”

© 2015 The Washington Post [no comments yet]


FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump Campaign Rally Dallas, Texas Monday 9/14/2015

Published on Sep 14, 2015 by Ron Gibson [ / , (the #2 uploader/{re}distributor of Alex Jones videos on YouTube, behind only The Alex Jones Channel itself)]

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center on September 14, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. More than 20,000 tickets have been distributed for the event.

Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports and entertainment. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance. An accomplished author, Mr. Trump has authored over fifteen bestsellers, and his first book, The Art of the Deal, is considered a business classic and one of the most successful business books of all time. [with comments] [also at (no comments yet) and (with comments)] [the WaPo livestream at (with comments) cuts off within the first half of Donald's appearance, but does include the preliminaries, with the festivities beginning at the c. 42:05 mark with Southern Naptist megachurch (First Baptist Dallas) Pastor Robert Jeffress leading the assembled in a prayer]


Senate Democrats Again Block Vote to Reject Iran Deal

SEPT. 15, 2015

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked another vote on a resolution disapproving of the Iran nuclear deal, reprising the result of a vote last week.

Senator Mitch McConnell [ ] of Kentucky, the Republican leader, had called for a second vote despite protests from Democrats that it was a waste of time. Mr. McConnell insisted that senators needed to rethink their support for the accord, but 42 Democrats — the same number as last week — teamed to prevent the resolution from advancing.

Rather than give up, Mr. McConnell announced plans to force a vote on an amendment that would bar President Obama from lifting economic sanctions against Iran unless Tehran released American prisoners and recognized Israel as a state. Republican aides said that vote could take place Thursday morning.

Even Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, who opposes the Iran deal, expressed frustration over the continuing debate. “The government is on the edge of shutting down,” he said. Noting that budget talks had yet to begin, Mr. Schumer waved his hand in a gesture of exasperation toward the Senate chamber, where his colleagues were still voting. “We’re doing this,” he said.

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Nuclear Deal Clears Hurdle, but Iranian Reaction Is Muted
SEPT. 11, 2015

© 2015 The New York Times Company


In Last-Ditch Ploy, Mitch McConnell Ties Iran Deal To Iran's Recognition Of Israel


His proposed amendment would also require Iran release four American prisoners as a precondition of the deal.

By Jessica Schulberg
Posted: 09/15/2015 07:19 PM EDT | Edited: 09/16/2015 09:08 AM EDT

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) presented Senate Democrats with an ultimatum on Tuesday night: Allow a simple majority vote on a resolution meant to sink the Iran nuclear deal, or face another vote tying implementation of the nuclear accord to Iran’s recognition of Israel and the release of four Americans held in Iran.

As it became increasingly clear that Senate Democrats were prepared to repeat what they did on Thursday [ ], when they blocked a vote on a resolution of disapproval of the agreement, McConnell warned that the fight to derail the Iran deal was far from over.

The majority leader said that if Democrats again blocked a vote on the nuclear accord, he would force them to make an unpopular vote later in the week.

“I will file on an amendment that would prevent the president from lifting sanctions until Iran meets two simple benchmarks: It must formally recognize Israel’s right to exist, and it must release the American citizens being held in Iranian custody,” he said Tuesday just before the roll call.

Throughout the negotiations that led to the diplomatic breakthrough with Iran, the Obama administration insisted that the scope of their talks was limited to Iran’s nuclear program. McConnell has cut off debate on past legislation to prevent hawks in his own party [ ] from pushing amendments that have made Iran recognize Israel and release the four American prisoners preconditions of the nuclear deal. But McConnell insisted on Tuesday, “Linkage is appropriate, and in this negotiation would have been wise."

Tuesday’s vote of 56-42 yielded the same result as last week's, setting the stage for McConnell to file his controversial amendment.

McConnell’s amendment, which likely will come up for a vote on Thursday night, needs 60 votes in order to be attached to the resolution of disapproval on the Iran deal. Senate Democrats can easily block the amendment, but at the political cost of publicly voting against requiring Iran to recognize Israel and to release four American prisoners.

“Democrats seem to think they can end the discussion by blocking an up-or-down vote, then turn around and pretend they care deeply about Israel and human rights,” McConnell said Tuesday. “Well if they vote again to deny the American people a final vote, they’ll have a chance to test the theory.

McConnell’s amendment gimmick is his last chance to challenge the Democrats’ effort to protect the nuclear agreement negotiated in July between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers. Thursday is the final day of Congress’s two-month-long review period, after which President Barack Obama is free to provide sanctions relief to Iran in exchange for the Iranians accepting restrictions on their nuclear program.

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) blasted McConnell’s procedural moves as a waste of the Senate’s nine remaining work days to avert a government shutdown. “Unhappy with [last week’s] outcome, Senate Republicans scheduled another vote on the exact same measure to make a purely political point. The outcome was the same,” he said after Tuesday’s vote. “At best it’s a colossal waste of time — at worst it’s willfully delaying action on the most basic constitutional function of the Congress: funding the government.”

Congress’s right to vote on the nuclear accord comes from legislation passed in the spring, on an overwhelming bipartisan majority. But Democrats, including Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), who opposes the agreement, assumed [ ] that 60 votes would be needed for the deal to pass, as has become the norm for high-profile pieces of legislation.

Instead, McConnell decided that the resolution of disapproval would only need a majority to pass, meaning it could succeed with no support from the Democrats. In response, all but four members of the Democratic caucus joined the effort to block the vote from taking place.

Although 42 members of the Democratic caucus now support the Iran deal, its fate was sealed two weeks ago when Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) became the 34th supporter. The backing of 34 senators means the chamber could sustain Obama’s veto of any legislation that attempted to scrap the accord.

But Senate Republicans -- all of whom oppose the agreement -- have so far resisted admitting defeat. On Tuesday, Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.) reiterated his party’s threat to sue Obama for failing to provide Congress with the text of confidential arrangements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

“Moving forward is a violation of the law,” Coats said, referring to the implementation of the nuclear accord. “That will be tested in the courts.”

Copyright © 2015, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


House GOP wants McConnell to go nuclear on Iran agreement

By Julian Hattem - 09/16/15 06:00 AM EDT

Multiple House Republicans want Senate leaders to “go nuclear” over the Obama administration’s deal with Iran now that Democrats have stymied efforts to derail the accord by conventional means.

A small but growing number of GOP lawmakers say that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) should invoke the “nuclear option” to change Senate rules and prevent a filibuster on a resolution to kill the deal.

Their angst is intensified by their belief that Democrats will likely be able to block legislation withholding federal funds from Planned Parenthood, a standoff that increases the chances of a government shutdown.

Less than two years after Republicans railed against Democrats for changing the rules to prevent filibusters on most presidential nominees, McConnell has ruled out using the nuclear strategy.

But the call puts more pressure on the majority leader and illustrates Republicans’ growing frustration with their inability to score significant victories in Congress, even while controlling both chambers.

“This was something with the Iran deal, the fact that it didn’t get debated, it didn’t get voted on — there’s a lot of people that are very, very upset about this,” said Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) in an interview on Tuesday, a day after he sent a letter asking McConnell to change the Senate’s rules.

Buchanan said that he wants to see the upper chamber eliminate the filibuster entirely, though others are calling for a more modest step to get rid of the procedural holdup only in specific cases, such as with the Iran deal.

Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) wrote a letter to McConnell last week calling for a change in rules for the Iran bill. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) — chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee — is currently circulating a letter among fellow lawmakers with a similar call.

“Some pieces of legislation, like the Iran nuclear deal, are simply so consequential that they demand revisions to the Senate’s procedures,” Smith wrote in the draft letter.

“Our request to eliminate the filibuster for some votes simply underscores that in a democracy the majority should decide,” he added. “The super-majority now required to advance legislation is 60 votes, which is not serving our country well.”

McConnell previously faced some pressure to change the filibuster rules during a fight over immigration earlier in the year.

But the furor over the Iran deal has opened the door to wider criticism.

Republicans say the rule change would just be a natural extension of Democrats’ decision in late 2013 to prevent filibusters of presidential nominees except for those to the Supreme Court.

Now, some Republicans say, it’s merely time for Democrats to reap what they have sown.

“If Minority Leader [Harry] Reid [D-Nev.] was willing to use this tactic to push through something as simple as judicial nominees despite the objections of Republicans, it is time that Republican leadership utilize the procedure as a matter of national and global security,” Palazzo wrote in his letter.

Still, they acknowledge that even making the change would ultimately fail to scuttle the Iran deal, because President Obama could veto the legislation once it got to his desk.

But the shake-up would erode the image of dysfunction in Washington, supporters claim, and show that Congress can work again.

“Because of the dysfunction, because of the Iran deal ... [which] probably was the tipping point, [there’s a sense] that the place just doesn’t work,” said Buchanan. “That’s the general feeling of the majority of Americans today.

“That’s why you see outsiders with 51 percent of the vote in terms of Republicans on our side,” he added, referring to the recent surge of businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson in the GOP presidential race.

So far the call has been limited to the House, which has little input in the processes of the upper chamber.

But there might be some support in the Senate as well.

Last week, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that he was “in favor of exploring” a rule change.

McCain hedged his support, however, warning that it “would set a dangerous precedent” and open “charges ... of me being a hypocrite.” Yet the seriousness of the Iran deal “argues for us to look at any possible option that we can,” McCain said.

Still, McConnell has no plans to explore the idea.

“He does not support the nuclear option,” spokesman Don Stewart told The Hill in an email.

It’s easy to see why.

As McCain made clear in his radio interview, Republicans excoriated Democrats for changing the rules in 2013, and would open themselves up to charges of hypocrisy if they followed suit. Not to mention the likelihood that someday, Republicans will no longer be in control of the Senate.

Still, declining to explore alternate avenues will surely expose McConnell to additional flak from the right.

In response to a conservative revolt — which manifested itself in repeated boos during a Tea Party-backed rally against the Iran deal outside the Capitol — Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) last week changed the House’s game plan for the Iran bill to open the door for additional actions, including a lawsuit against the White House.

McConnell has threatened additional votes on the Iran deal that may be compromising for Democrats, but he has remained steadfast on the filibuster threshold.

“The Senate leader needs to look at filibusters to be just that — filibusters where people have to stand and talk,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who has repeatedly served as a thorn in GOP leaders’ side, said in a recent interview with The Hill.

“Most of us watched Jimmy Stewart [in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”] and that was our idea of what a filibuster was, not casting a vote and seeing if you get to 60 votes and going out and having a steak.”

Scott Wong contributed.

©2015 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


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©2015 [with comments] [show links at (with comment)] [the YouTube of the segment included above at (with comments), another at (no comments yet)]


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©2015 [with comments] [show links at (no comments yet)] [the YouTube of the segment included above at (with comment), another (with extra non-relevant included following the segment) at (no comments yet)]


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