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11/11/14 7:22 PM

#239723 RE: wavedreamer #239721


Do secure elements, you know those chip things in your card they give you at the bank, do they kinda, sorta do what the TPM does or not? Will Wave ever play a part sorta in the EMV payment kind of things that I sorta keep reading about?

You are really a good writer and a really smart kind of reporter, so I kinda thinking you could sorta help me here:)

You know being the kind of guy you are?

Is Wave a good investment In your humble opine:)


11/11/14 9:00 PM

#239726 RE: wavedreamer #239721

Wavedreamer please explain to me, (why many say that Wave does not have a sell-able product), and why Micron has PAID money to Wave for development costs THIS YEAR, and will pay more for phase two.

Or Why Bell ID and Widepoint have begun working with Wave for sell-able solutions for the market?

This nothing little company, working with Micron, Widepoint Bell ID
& AMI.

There are those that say major companies will not work with Wave because of their financials, and that Wave will never do great business in this space.

Please tell that to Micron, Bell Id, Widepoint, AMI, Lenovo and Samsung, to name a few, of the majors, that are working with Wave.


11/11/14 9:53 PM

#239729 RE: wavedreamer #239721

Dreamer: It's not that I won't answer your PMs, it is that I can not.

Maybe at some point Wave may be a good investment, but it sure has not been for the entire history of the company. 98+% loss of shareholder value?

You saw the Q3, same as me. The difference is, I wait for confirmation and evidence of my hopes--while you lean a bit forward.

So let me ask you a question: Do you think Wave is in a good place right now? The entire time we were allegedly in the "Catbird Seat," we were losing value steadily. Personally, I have seen nothing to change that powerful downward force.

Two reverse splits is not generally a good sign, but perhaps you disagree?

I like what Solms has done so far, but the lack of significant sales is not a good bellwether, IMO.

Maybe it will change. When it does, I will believe it. More promises? Not so much.

All those partnerships with tech giants like Samsung--did you see any revenue stemming from them in the most recent quarterly report? Me either.

Perhaps Solms can push Wave to B/E by year's end. But I wouldn't bet my lunch money on it. At some point, we have to have sales to move us forward.

I'm not one for banking on dots. I prefer revenue--but feel free to to do it your way. Have you been successful so far?
