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11/11/14 7:52 PM

#239724 RE: wavedreamer #239723

Can anyone join in the Q&A?

Do secure elements, you know those chip things in your card they give you at the bank, do they kinda, sorta do what the TPM does or not? No. The card chips do something but TPMs do nothing because no one uses them.

Will Wave ever play a part sorta in the EMV payment kind of things that I sorta keep reading about? Yes. There are so many parallel universes that somewhere EMV will use Wave. Unfortunately, we are stuck in this one.

Is Wave a good investment In your humble opine:) Yes, so long as your time horizon is eternity and you don't mind being battered over the head with a tennis racquet every ten seconds while you are waiting.


11/11/14 9:19 PM

#239727 RE: wavedreamer #239723

Hi Wavedreamer--re: Bell ID and Wave and e-commerce online payments.

I'm glad Solms is pursuing the consumer angle....just imagine the consumer trying to decide between the Virtual Smart Card no-password PC with secure-proof transactions VS a PC that is a hacker's dream and a password user's nightmare.


I really liked what Solms had to say about the Bell ID despite the voluminous echo chamber that says "Just talk about it when it happens".

We now join up with Bill Solms as he talks about Wave entering the business of "the secure online payments for e-commerce".

It was Steven Sprague's argument for years that once the consumer sector reached out for trusted computing then the paradigm shift would emerge from the shadows and conquer all.

Put another way....that's when Wavoids get rich.

Go ahead, Bill.
Sure will, barge.

"Bill Solms: So it’s interesting that I was with them this week. We were at a conference that specifically focuses on the security of payments and there was - I could tell you that there was - that we resolved a number of issues including a CEO to CEO decision to accelerate this solution over the previous pace. A lot of that was driven by a fairly intense level of interest in our solution for secure online payments for e-commerce.

I think we were both pleasantly pleased with the amount of attention that that solution garnered because it’s we think and the customers seem to reinforce that or the interested parties reinforced that it was somewhat unique, and a very strong anti-fraud protection. So we’re in the final stages of the what we call you know, the red-lining back and forth. I think that the - you know, the resolution of that contract is - we’ll see relatively soon. And even more importantly than the final details of the contract was the response that we’re both receiving and the decision for both CEOs to accelerate the process."