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11/12/14 5:48 AM

#239731 RE: Snackman #239726

"Please tell that to Micron, Bell Id, Widepoint, AMI, Lenovo and Samsung, to name a few, of the majors, that are working with Wave."

Same song for over a decade.

None of it matters until it turns to revenue. That's why the share price is where it is.
"the only thing that really matters at this point is our ability to launch, or to show that we have sales billings." The CEO summed it up nicely at the end of the conference call. They are working on the future stuff and that makes sense. But if the here and now can't deliver, there won't be a future.

PS. It's nice to see you disagree with the CEO regarding the impediments with some companies related to the financials. I'm sure he just made those up in the style of the previous ceo who you were so loyal to.


11/12/14 11:04 AM

#239741 RE: Snackman #239726


I can't think of one good reason:)

I think those companies want to align themselves with a Company that knows everything about the TCG space and when the time comes to light those TPM's up and they will all have a piece of securing the IOT.:)