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08/26/14 11:49 AM

#22810 RE: hopeful6 #22809

USEI people still buying looks to me
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08/26/14 11:52 AM

#22811 RE: hopeful6 #22809

If you wouldn't mind, please post Tony's contact information. When this came up awhile back, I was I the process of moving and without much computer access and unable to follow through.

What I have in mind is simple enough:

We bitch and moan and groan that Tony isn't doing this or that but I think the real issue here is that we are feeling left out of the equation. Ironically, there will be no equation without us shareholders!

My suggestion is this:

Let's swarm like bees but in a nice way---honey is far sweeter than venom. lol Let's email Tony and tell him the truth---that we seem to be the last to know anything, that all we get is bits and pieces of unreliable hearsay crap twitted or gleaned from another board that is equally iffy, if at all to be respected.

The idea here is to assume Tony, our CEO, needs to see we're not a splinter faction of USEI's membership. We are a monied group of investors with every right to know what's going on in this company we jointly own. He may not be connecting the "shareholder dot." It is our responsibility to make him see it and respect us.

I'll tell you all this much: If a large bunch of us report here that the emails have been sent and there is no response from Tony-on-high, I will put together a scathing reprimand and send it to Tony and simultaneously to this board for all to read.

Silence can accomplish a lot of things but it will never endear others. A CEO cannot last long without a trusting audience. Without communication there will be no audience at all.

This is something we can do. Complaining about the lousy share price isn't the way, it will be dismissed as more of the self-serving stuff all leaders hear regularly. This is about wanting some sort of feedback as to where we are going and what we're hoping to accomplish in the near-to-mid-term and beyond.

There is nothing unreasonable in this so long as it expresses the will and wishes of a majority of us.

If anybody needs help composing the best email, I'll be at your service for this is something I believe in. As a former investor relations guy, I know damned well how impactful this can be. If we don't do it, we are the biggest fools of all. But by doing it we stand to strengthen our company through unity of will, spirit and action.

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08/26/14 12:46 PM

#22813 RE: hopeful6 #22809

This morning I received a person response from Tony regarding his lack of postings and he said he has been traveling. So my response was that it would be great to know where are you traveling and what have you been up to. People want to know he is not sitting in his office sending tweets but is on the read talking and making deals.