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Background is in Investor Relations and portfolio management focused on energy stocks. Always looking for opportunities to learn & share more.

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Alias Born 03/20/2013

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Background is in Investor Relations and portfolio management focused on energy stocks. Always looking for opportunities to learn & share more.

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Background is in Investor Relations and portfolio management focused on energy stocks. Always looking for opportunities to learn & share more.

IHub Info
Membership Type: Level Icon
Followed By: 132
Posts: 9,915
Boards Moderated: 1
Alias Born: 03/20/2013 08:33:59 PM
Personal Info
Age: 77
Location: Texas
Investment Philosophy: Key to investment success will always begin with personal growth. We can look at the numbers but what we really need is to "become as one" with each investment vehicle. Without looking at cheat sheets, we have to know and understand each stock under consideration. We must communicate with the Investor Relations folks and top management figures. Anything less and it's nothing more than hearsay.
Occupation: Full-time investor for twenty-five years. Former Director of Investor Relations for two energy companies, now retired.
Hobby: Professional musician (lifelong), wood carver, avid exerciser.
Person I'd Like to Meet: Me!---in twenty years, if I'm still around, that is.
Favorite Movie: Random Harvest with Greer Garson and Ronald Coleman. Just stunningly romantic and characters loaded with beautiful character.