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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Any chance the "talk" reveals something good? I'm sure it's what longs are expecting but you never know. Could it be just an attempt to push it for a few 'ticks' then go silent again for a few years? I need $.0065 for even at this point. Only if there's real volume would I get more. It would have to be fast so I could finally be done with this. I guess we'll see soon enough. GL
AIAD - looking for break of $.009 for a nice short term trade.
JL - did someone mention this one yesterday? What's the story here? Thx.
AIAD any holders? Getting some action today.
Anyone looking at RCRT? Low float with a steady higher lows/highs. If there was more volume today I'd get a bit. Need more eyeballs. Anyone? ;) See SSNT for a swing and run past $20 again soon.
Made me laugh with your comment about anyone reading his essays. I had just started to read the 1st 2 words when I realized who wrote it and I decided to pass as usual. Fitting....
I've held this for many years. Are we at a turning point or still stuck in the dirt as seedlings? Another question,.... are they "GMO" seeds or made by the Earth? ;) Maybe they actually have something to report again soon. If so, I'd be in for adding but not until solid news. GL
I can see being pissed off about crap like this but I'm curious about why a person continues to post as a "basher" so to speak. I'm not saying you are or aren't, I'm just wondering why if someone's moved on then why keep saying negative shit. I still on a few shares of this and I AM pissed. About many others as well. I just know it's a waste of time to post at all other than actually asking you this particular question.
Anyhow, I hope you get back what you lost and I hope I can as well, even if it's not from this stock.
Either way, GL
Bullish, only because I still own shares. The situation with this ticker is still crap. Any stock, at any time, can flip.... so I keep a watch on all the possible poppers.
Considered a shell until ANY deal is done. I'd like to think this one could find someone to clean it up and make something of it. Until then, it's just like all the rest.... empty. I'd love for a deal to be done and it runs to $.05 but I don't expect anything from any stock until it's on the way up.
With that said....... Lets F****ing go! At least $.01 - LOL
What kind of number is this? - (9,781,332,1209,331,332,120) - it is on the filing on this page, F-3 for share count - I'm guessing that's not printed right. I'm hoping we get some movement but I don't know if there's anything in the filing to suggest we move now. Would be nice though. I'll be checking back to see if you guys know more tomorrow. Thanks. GL
Had to comment.... That one made me laugh. Not only the embryo word but then I heard the "voice" on my computer speak the word, "Dunce" and that one got me. LOL :))
As for FCGD...... Only time will tell. If not this "deal" then maybe another.... or maybe none. I have 50+ dead stocks and I don't expect any of them to wake. If one of them does then I'll be happy. This is the one I'm hoping for but don't expect anything from the tiny shell stocks until they actually do something.
GL to all you guys here.
I'm surprised it got back to 3 bid. Maybe a stated deal can come to close in the land of micro's.
Holding for at least .005 - more if shares get 'removed' from the float.
We'll see.
To go from 100 million per day for 6'ish days and some 75 mil the day prior, and 50 mil for a few days before that, to basically ZERO, makes me think....................BS!
Is the SCAM on...........again? or is it continuing?
I'd like to get my $$$ back but doesn't look like it'll happen.
I have so many like this.... my fault, of course.
But I do have some winners as well.
I'll buy more if we get some real, verifiable, news and progress,.... with volume.
Seems like it's waking up here. Increasing volume for 9 days in a row. Maybe it's time to pick up a little more to average down from many years of nothing. Maybe this time it'll work out for all of us. Bidding at 1 and will buy 2's if I see they're gonna run through'em.
Hey guys, I see we finally had some volume and a bit of green on the close. If there's more info to come short term maybe we'll see it get to 00's and even over a cent. I'd like to see the movement before any attempt to "adjust" the share structure so we can all "clear" out for those that have been under water and book some profits for those new here. I'd like to see ALL players make $$, even those that are on the opposite side of the trade. I just can't stand the immaturity of the bashing from bears and even the pumping of those that are long. I'm long, but I'm over trying to "cheer" any stock to move. I just need to make money and get out from under the evil in this world.
Someone messaged me asking if I still have this trash. I can't find the message. Weird. Is it any of those still hanging around? And, yes, I still have my shares in my "dead stocks" account. Not that it matters. But maybe one day someone will reverse merge into this ticker and remove lot's of the SS and actually do something positive. It's happened to at least 5 of my dead stocks but it doesn't always work out so you have to be keen on when to dump if a new company takes over. As of now...... it's forgotten.
GL All....
I now have a few pinkies that are on the "expert" market and any movement is meaningless for retail players. If you can buy or sell I'd like to know how & where so I can join in. We'll need to get back on the OTC & or PINK current to get in or out.
Still hopeful that some of the shit I hold gets back into action one day.
Seems like some buyers coming in. 5's bout to go.
Anyone know what happened to CPSL? Wasn't it supposed to become NXMH? If it did already I don't see the "notes" or PR to say the ticker changed. Thx.
Do you, or anyone know why this is "merging" with a 2nd company or entity? Seems like they should focus on one then "acquire" another with profits. Doesn't seem right.
I've had this for so long now I was hoping a move to .005 could be near. Maybe even more if it's done right.
Holding, for now.
Any idea if "they're" working on getting to Pink current? I have another one, $bfch that needs to do the same. It has potential as I think $GRLF has potential, only if things are actually getting done. If the business is functioning and the possible $MJ acquisition/RM then this definitely has great potential... maybe up to $.05 short term.... but still, needs to have someone taking the "balls by the bull" to get shit done. ;) LOL -
.........yes, backwards.
After years of holding I see we're almost there. I'm going on from here with a strong sense that BFCH could make itself into a top crypto miner with many dollar potential upside.
Target $5+
With that in mind, I'll most definitely sell a little at a buck as I'm sure most late comers will do. It'll be a nice gift for the patience in this.
It's so close to 100 mil volume, even with out many retail lurking about. I'm guessing we'll see some updates coming and more people will jump in. Can't wait.
Don't worry much about the 1 tick flip type of traders, they'll miss the giant move when it happens.
$.01-.02 would be nice.
Increasing volume last 3 days. We'll see the activity improve w/ price over the next few weeks unless this buying activity is totally random. Let's get it!!!
Yep, understandable.
I have another that I've been in for at least 7-8 years and finally they're getting they're shit together. Still, the owner (ceo?) is a young guy that doesn't update shareholders as he should. It could still be months or longer for that one. $GRLF could be even more time but you never know, there could be a pop to .005 with any updates or it could do exactly what it's been doing.... nothing.
I've added for the last time. If I clear another stock w/ big profits I may re-think depending on if this one has great news. We'll see.
Adding for the 3rd time recently since holding this for many years of nothing. Seems like there's a shot for some real movement finally and I'm getting as many shares as I can. Now let's get going. ;)
China.... well you see, to me, this just makes the case that Bitcoin has pure power and they simply can't control it like it controls it's 'inner world'.
Bitcoin is just getting bigger & bigger and $BFCH should be on track to catch the ride. I just hope spence changes his approach and gives us all that's needed to make the right choices in this investment.
Yep... Probably some groups and some retail as well as some very long term people like me. I just hope Spencer & others can make a company out of this as I'm going to hold for the big run or nothing.
We'll see.
It's strange there's no messages here since day after filing... you guys using stocktwits? It's a bit more active there.
I like the potential for this to finally move. If they, (Spincer) & others, get moving and keeps regular updates we could see a sustained move which is what we've been waiting for so damn long.
Got some filings today. Still no one see? I can't put sell order o TDA.
Looks like it's making a move through MM's and whom ever else can buy. Interesting.
What's missing? Stop sign still there. Anyone clear on what is still needed?
We're going to need much more than being current to see this back at $.50 I think. If Spencer & others aren't way in front of how behind they are then we're just twiddling our eye balls at this ticker. Meaning they should have a crapload of info for us once we're current. Like more/better miners, updates on other property cross the street, hash rate, & their other biz revenues.
I've been here for years and years w/ what compares as a very small position. Only thing is this can make a massive dent in my life if we get to that all to common prediction of a buck or even more. I won't sell any until $1.01 or higher so I hold..... for what ever comes.
Let's F**&^%$ Go already!
post a few times in a row so others will see the grouping to access quickly. For me, my eye catches these types of posts which is usually of importance if many are showing links to same 'new' site.
BTW, the soil is the key. It's like the volcano's humped each other and had soil babies. Brand new fresh, nutrient dense & mineralized soil.
LOFL - just made myself crack up. My mind is out there!
Seems like we'll hold this price as the low of the move. I added twice on the way down. Looking for a break of .0016 before buying more as I'm hoping for the run to take hold from there & keep going.
Bid of over 100 mil at .0011
Let's go!
Anyone feel this had enough volume for a move to at least .003 today? I know there's quite the float but it seems like we should have at least had more green. Still, will hold for the possibilities.
finally added today. Seems like it's close to making a move. Maybe $.005 pretty quickly? Rock N' Roll!
Seems to be catching the attention of more players. I like the potential for a move to $.05 fairly soon. If merger company is solid we're going to see a real squeeze.
Could be set to move next week. Ready for $.02+
Looking for target of $.05 or more.
Agreed All the OTC and small cap keep getting "maneuvered" around by the thieves. Enough already.