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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Welcome to the dead money club!
Welcome to the dead money club!
So much fun, holding dead money!
Guess we’re all holding dead money for a while.
Guess we’re all holding dead money for a while.
Got it thank you
sorry cannot send private messages. Just want to add a symbol to my watchlist and cannot see how to do it!
How do I restore a symbol on my list it disappeared and I cannot figure how to add a symbol! Thank you
Not far away! '
Same old story revenues coming remorse later! What a bunch of hooey!
Fucking Yea
Up One cent. How fucing exciting is that.
Oh yes, investors nightmare for this piece of crap!
Received a call this afternoon from someone asking if I had received proxy materials in the mail. I have not.
2 1/2 million shares traded in the first half hour and we got a big whooping three cents gain?
Someone get a stick, and push the carcass of this thing. Make sure it’s dead before we bury it! Looks like dead money?
“Huge revenues coming!” What a load of bullshit. You can’t make this stuff up, but they do!
Selling 100 shares of this security going to crash the market for this stock!
They can’t explain, because it’s all pure bullshit!
I think we have been ready since last year what say you
Is this POS ever going up again?
Is this POS ever going up again?
Better chance of seeing a mule coming into your living room this evening.
Can’t wait to buy a dozen of these boondongles for the family! My purchase may help too shore up company’s finances! We all need to do our part! Even Indirectly.
Way overboard here, ready to bounce like a cement block.
Must have been a typo on someone’s part. This is so ready to IMPLODE On itself.
If my sell order of 200 shares goes through the stock will probably plummet $.80!
The big run-up coming soon? How would there be a big run up if everyone is going to be selling?
What did the last leg do for us? Answer not a f U K thing..
Hi smell a stinking pile of manure from innd stock.
Hi smell a stinking pile of manure from innd stock.
Total bullshit! Healthy dilution? Yeah right.
8 billion OS! I have to agree with your prediction of a RS.
Why was it an awesome day today? Still under a penny big effing deal.
Why was it a good day? Because it didn’t declare chapter 11? Lol!
Can you back the bullshit up with any facts?
Yes good job Matty boy driving this business into the ground!
And the Matthews are paid $.25 a post to pump this POS. How long can one sit on
dead money?