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Kim Halvorson is an amazing operator. She has changed the prospects of this company. Active mushrooms are in play in a big way.
NILA has done amazing. The company was just trading at 1 cent not long ago.
They are now into active mushrooms and health products. I think based on trading there may be some news coming out. It is also a low floater hence going higher and higher on low volume.
The CEO has done a fantastic job as Donald Trump would say hahaha
As I read o here recently NILA seems to have a very low float and as it trades small amounts of shares, it keeps going up bit by bit.
WOW NILA is on the move anyone know anything???????
It also looks like it is getting some media attention
MPXI looks good now. It has a strong base here at 16. They are heavily expanding in Asia and probably the only company of its kind that is expanding globally. I have been bottom fishing on MPXI and its poised for a big move soon. GOOOOO MPXI
Did something change on the OTC Markets for NILA? This one is such a low floater only 250k shares traded and it went up by 177%
This is why I love low floaters.
999 Argent
You are welcome I just got some shares on BLLB as soon as I heard that she took it on. I have actually been able to contact her and talk to her and she is highly educated. Knows the otc markets like the back of her hand.
I also got some shares on NILA.
Ms. Halvorson is seasoned Business Development and Marketing professional that thrives in new and innovative environments. Over her 25 year healthcare career, she has contributed to all spectrums of the business continuum. She started in medical practice management software systems and then moved to holding strategic roles in large corporate structures such as Dell Computer Corporation, and other successful healthcare startups like SCI Solutions. (complex hospital scheduling) After leaving Dell she went on to be a founding partner at Triage VC, where she worked with several startup ventures leveraging her vast industry connections. Her expertise helped to accelerate early-stage startups in the areas of investment banking, marketing, and business development. . While at Dell she reported to the Director of Dell Healthcare with revenues in excess of 1 billion dollars annually. Responsibilities included all commercial E-Health strategies and corporate partnerships within the Healthcare Division. Kim also worked with Dell Direct Invest with regard to the Healthcare Division's strategic investments.
Good Morning
Thank you for the heads up on NVSOS looks like the company is on the move to get current at the OTC Markets and possibly have current and maybe even audited financials. This would be a huge step.
Kim Halvorson has been a pharmaceutical executive for decades seems to have extensive experience in business. Also with today's equality and diversity push on companies its good to have a female CEO as Nila would get more attention.
I agree I am sure they have their ducks in a row. I talked to the company and they are actually going to be going on the full OTC board and have audited financials.
There were so many people on this board on the last run up wonder where they all went hahahaha
The only reason for this is that the address for the company changed on the otc markets website under the company profile. This shows the movement and action that the company promised. But these things take time probably next is the officers and directors updates on the Nevada Secretary of state or Wyoming Secretary. It is looking good on the share structure because yesterday after only 49000 shares it had gone up 88% today it has gone up another 200% on 200,000 shares. Looks like a tight share structure.
Nila up 219 % Definitely things are happening with this stock.
NILA is looking strong.
I saw some action on this company and I feel there will be some huge action coming on. As they said they have been cleaning this up and bringing it current and they said they are looking at several acquisition targets.
Crazy markets out there
They have great products and already selling in national Retail Stores.
Agreed, Time will tell.
The shares are all restricted with limited float. Just have to wait as they go through accounting and status updates on OTC Makets. They will eventually vend in some asset. Hope it will be a good one.
I appreciate the kind words. But remember that you can't always be right my friend. I am one of the shareholders and you will see what is going to happen. Clara Gomez and her lawyer Jay Shaffer in Nevada are pro shell hijackers. You will see soon. She has committed fraud and lied to court under oath.
It will all come out watch. I have more than you think but its not public information.
Here is a link to their latest corporate presentation.
I just noticed that their symbol on here is still their old symbol MVG.
The new symbol is MAG on TSX and MAG on NYSE
Their website is current and updated on a regular basis...
Have a look
MAG Silver Corp has definitely expanded on its exploration and development plans since 2018.
At tomorrows shareholder meeting which is all illegal, the shareholders of South American Mining (previously Nilam Resources) have sent proxies saying NO to all actions with over approx 96% unanimous votes.
This is a perfect case of hijacking.
Unknown to Clara Gomez and apparently the Judge in Nevada, Nilam Resources had changed it same to South American Mining in 2010, and redomiciled out of Nevada in a different state in 2016 and has been operating under its new name.
This custodianship is fully illegal and invalid because the company isn't a Nevada corporation, Clara Gomez never even contacted the company or its officers but swore on an affidavit that she did. This is falsifying fact in a court of law and is a criminal act.
They failed to do their due diligence to know that this company isn't a Nevada corporation.
They are going to have to withdraw their custodianship or be sued criminally, and civil. The SEC and OTC Markets have been notified already with supporting documentation.
I have seen all the documents and have copies of them if anyone is interested then let me know.
This company was listed a few months ago and has had 0 to no liquidity or trading.
There has been a huge turn over on IR staff and no efforts to get out there and introduce their company to the investing world.
There is also selling going on which at the start of the listing is a nightmare and is seen by all investors and brokers and makes them shy away from looking to invest in this company.
Most LPs in Canada are either losing Millions or going broke if they aren't managed properly.
It isn't apparent what their financial goal is and the CEO has no experience running a public company from his resume and profile and it shows in how this IPO has been managed.
In Canada, you get one chance to shine and that is the time when you list on the exchange and the CEO has missed the boat on that.
Ascent management need to wake up.
In the media, they claim they have great management and everything is going great, and continued fluff news releases one after another, I get they want to promote so that the shares move up, but with this fluffy news releases as everyone sees, its not moving at all.
Now reality: After raising Millions of Dollars, going public with a huge pubic float, a few days before the legalization, which is a one time event in the history, due to record keeping issues, they get their license suspended by Health Canada? Its only their biggest asset the license, and it has been a month and Health Canada still hasn't released their license or given them the sales license.
Oregon state is proving to be a dud, in sales and they have issued too many licenses and the momentum in sales they were looking for isn't happening.
If anyone has any positive news in regards with revenues, license, etc please share.
Stock has built a base here at 17 cents, better than 10 cents. Lots to follow
I visited Abattis new offices in Vancouver today and met with IR and some staff. The company is well underway to achieve all of their goals.
Met with the CFO CEO corporate development etc. If you have any doubts, then just go visit them and see for yourself instead of bashing.
As soon as Abattis gets its LP the company's valuation goes up by at least 10 times
Good Morning All,
Finally one of the most exciting Medical Cannabis stories out of Canada, and Internationally, got listed on the CSE under the symbol ASNT.
Ascent is an amazing story and they are doing everything right in this explosive industry.
Ron Mexico
Gooooo Abattis.
I completely agree with you. People aren't realizing the value of Abattis which is good for us guys.
The second they get their LP their valuation will triple. Sales from Vergence and their vapes has already started and with the clearing of the product lines from health Canada, they will infuse the already formulated Vergence products and go to market immediately.
I think the market is discounting Abattis. Even with the great news release today, they are still bashing the company and the news release. Amazing
Have been buying Abattis for a while now. Picking up as much as I can under 20 cents.
1. The minute the LP (licensed producer)for Gabriola is approved by Health Canada, the valuation will jump in a big way.
2. Vergence has now started selling and generating Revenues.
3. Green Tree is starting to make revenues.
Remember this is still a very young company and when the new CEO came in, he financed the company, brought it back onboard, and has been doing a lot of strategic acquisitions that will come into play as legalization is forming, and Health Canada approving the first set of products.
at 18 cents, it is a great deal to me.
Yes look at the other companies mentioned here with the same 'put in place' director Pyng Jou or something. So funny that non of their phone numbers answer or work. They are all defunct otc companies. Robert Chen lied under oath in a Nevada court that he has contacted the officers and major shareholders of GBNW, and hasnt got a hold of anyone. So he lied in court to get the custodianship of GBNW then GBNW had only 9 Million shares before he took over, and then the guy goes and issues 94 Million shares haha for what? Totally fraud. You can't just go issue 94 milllion shares hahaha I talked to the actual officers and major shareholders of GBNW. Major law suit coming against Robert Chen, SEC has been notified, and law suit against the lawyer in Nevada who did the affidavit of Robert Chen. I believe there will be a news release coming out soon in that regard.
For years it had 9 million shares, as soon as Robert Chen takes it over now it has 100 Million shares? Are you kidding me? hahaha Thieves I would be more than happy to supply information as I get to know more. my email is anyone is more than welcome to email me to keep in touch as I find more information.
After doing a lot of due diligence, and looking at the court filing, looks like Robert Chen and group are shell hijackers.
In the affidavit filed by him, he swears that he made best efforts to contact the company, officers, and major shareholders.
I tracked down the officers, and major shareholders, and they never got a notice or contact from him.
The transer agent transferonline, Caroline has the number for all the major shareholders and officers of GBNW yet not one was contacted.
So this is fraud to lie in court and swear in front of a judge to gain control of the custodianship of GBNW.
Since, the major shareholders and the officers are in contact with the authorities to stop these shell hijackers. There is more to come. More to come.
Hi All
I had a chance to send an email to AITG and they verified that there is absolutely no intention of any merger or RTO between AITG and ASCENT.
The CEO of AITG is simply doing some consulting for Ascent.
Ascent is raising money at 40 cents Canadian and has plans to go public in Canada and the US directly on their own.
Best of luck to all.