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Alias Born 11/06/2017

Re: None

Monday, 08/05/2019 2:43:23 AM

Monday, August 05, 2019 2:43:23 AM

Post# of 2014
This is a perfect case of hijacking.

Unknown to Clara Gomez and apparently the Judge in Nevada, Nilam Resources had changed it same to South American Mining in 2010, and redomiciled out of Nevada in a different state in 2016 and has been operating under its new name.

This custodianship is fully illegal and invalid because the company isn't a Nevada corporation, Clara Gomez never even contacted the company or its officers but swore on an affidavit that she did. This is falsifying fact in a court of law and is a criminal act.

They failed to do their due diligence to know that this company isn't a Nevada corporation.

They are going to have to withdraw their custodianship or be sued criminally, and civil. The SEC and OTC Markets have been notified already with supporting documentation.
I have seen all the documents and have copies of them if anyone is interested then let me know.