Moving the Shrimp to Fiji, if the plan works.
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369 shares traded. Is it waking up?
I have a patent. It involves growing shrimp. It expired because I couldn't sell it and I went broke trying.
Filing is not huge. Granting isn't even that big. Selling it to someone is where the money shows up.
On the car or the Shrimp Farm?
Yeah, It will take some time to ramp up.
Amazing concept. You can buy either one from the source of your choice.
it is obvious that a couple of new entries in this site
It's all Greek to me. I just want my ships back. You figured out how to use the reply button and notify me. That's a step in the right direction.
If you guys start to pester me I will turn the notifications off.
You got me there!
I should have learned about you and I would have recognized it.
They have notations for it as well.
Used to be //S or //SarcasmOff
Now we have smileys.
The one that winks.
And what do you mean "new here" I think I've been here a very long time. Just took a long absence. Maybe I just lurked this board?
This app messes up my streamer, so I have to exit for a while.
It surely will be over a buck, but that's after the R/S and a fix for the "streetchasers" or whatever their name was. I'm not sure it's time to buy it yet.
Edit: Streeterville! Amiright?
There's a river in Egypt just waiting for you to visit. Denial.
Dude, there are videos of the production and the product. They aren't just an empty warehouse in Las Vegas anymore.
Congrats to you guys. I wish I held this one instead of the other Klinicki (Chinese) stock. I think that's his name. So long ago. 2 Chinese stocks. It might have been another guy. Both stocks changed hands and the other principals vanished.
I waited this long. I can wait for Bodouroglou to etch his legacy in history. Reboot.
I hope my prompting doesn't hurt his feelings.
I mean, if the other guys were the "real crooks" It's time for Bodouroglou to step up.
We know where the boats are. Excuse me "Ships." I think we can track them by GPS, right?
So when do we get our boats back?
I have some reading to do. I'll get to it someday. Did you see my posts? I own a lab scale research company. We grow Brine Shrimp for Tropical Fish. My RAS isn't as sophisticated, but it does the job. I have other work, but I will get to the SEC filing and look over the USPTO materials when I can. We have one benefactor who is funding it all. Mom. She's 95 and has dementia. The deal is, I take care of her before the Shrimp and before the stocks. I have a lot of work.
Thanks for pointing me toward the path. I really appreciate it..
Nice tank. Display needs some work. The Chef's Jacket looks good. I want one of those Golf Shirts. Definitely cocktail size.
I know you moved on. Check it out at your own discretion.
It looks like they have something. Can we trust them? I don't know them anymore than I knew the shady Lawyer.
Ah Yes, The fine print. A fine line.
acquisition of the aquaculture assets of Hydrenesis Aquaculture, LLC
I wonder why the ambulance chasers haven't grabbed that? I think it's still on their webpage.
Closed acquisition on company webpage
If the deal was scrubbed, they should think about scrubbing their page. The article says the deal was closed. Is there a retraction available?
You want an 8K filed on it? IDK It seems like a regular course of business. Of course with the history of this company it sounds real close to "material" I'm not a legal eagle, so take my perspective with a grain of salt.
That Hopium can really get you going. When I was trading a few stocks like this, I would trade a few thousand or tens of thousands of shares between posts hyping the technology or activity. I was never short anything this cheap. All the stocks I short go to the moon.
Don't mind me. I am just an actor playing the part of the CEO of a private Shrimp Farming Company which is following the technology with eager ears.
I do believe you got that one. A whole lot of it. Keeps the lights on. I remember trading stocks like this. Hopium.
I guess that makes sense. A stock falls below $5 it's a scam. So simple. Why didn't I think of that? I think I'll wait for more compelling evidence. 504 offerings or something It's been so long since I bought a stock like that, I might have the numbers wrong. 504? 405? IDK.
I'm sorry, pardon my ignorance. What is GHS?
Maybe I still can. My "Brine Shrimp" are the perfect food for getting racing Sea Horses into top condition. It's the omega 3 in the algae and my special blend that makes it work.
Why would anyone want to grow shrimp?
You probably don't remember me. I never forget a Feng.
I think we met on the FTR board when it was about $5. I just looked at that dog. I had their service, but I never bought the stock after I sold. I don't know if it was your advice, but I stayed away.
Shrimp is my hobby. It used to be IHub, but that is past. The info I got about some pumper website pitching this reminds me of my penny days. I try to avoid them, but sometimes you like to watch the trainwreck in slow mo. I hope this isn't the future of AQB. I bought a boatload because I need a $200 million facility for 1/5 the price.
I'm no genius myself, but I watched this company from afar. I grow shrimp. I didn't see them growing any for years. I just walked by again a few days ago after a few months maybe years of forgetting them.. Then I read the PR's. Somebody told me I read it wrong. They don't own the system.
I do think the video is decent promo for the career move if anybody wants to join me in growing shrimp. Any takers?
If I get you right, one of them was a CBD company, and changed gears. The other has been treading water for awhile. I saw that one long ago. I'm actually surprised to see both of them producing. I grow Brine Shrimp for Pet Stores. I grow algae for Brine Shrimp. I've been around this block once or twice.
Also, the PTO doesn't approve licenses. Those are a contract between buyer and seller.
Yeah. I actually had one granted. You know they grant fewer patents than they pass out Master's degrees? What is the claim? By filing, I learned that most everything else in the patent is useless. What is claimed?
So: Who owns the technology, or is it public domain?
Seems like somebody will get a big benefit from the video, if they they can market it.
You know aquaculture is the wave. Got a board? I want to ride this wave. Do I need a wetsuit to protect me from the cold, or armor from the debris?.
Yup, That is a big difference. They gave up quite a few shares and cash for the license. Is it exclusive?
The videos they have might promote the technology enough to sell it. If they really own the RAS it could go ballistic, IMO. The CEO seems a bit too dull. They need a real promoter. I've been in the pennystock biz for too long. Can you tell?
You know the last round of dilution was to buy the RAS manufacturer, right?
I think that's what I read. I might need more time. It kinda looks like an RM, but too many shares for my fingers and toes.
It seems like it. I think they have a guy operating it. The videos are pinned above.
I had to do it. Nobody here.
Wow. This board is dead. I'm checking others. The board at Yahoo is active. I'll check a few more. Currently I don't login to the others.
I saw your screen name and thought you were replying to my Bank of America post. They are related. Maybe the audience can work that out as well?