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Agreed. Not a newbie but I knew I should have waited a little longer this morning.
Maybe those 2 are the ones that showed no significant results out of that initial group of 12*? I have to wonder if being part of a trial gets fatiguing with all the testing, especially if the results aren't significant.
•"ANAVEX 2-73 showed in 83 percent (10/12) of patients positive cognitive effects during PART A of the study, which consists of a 36-day on-off-on not-yet-optimized dosing regimen to assess bioavailability. At day 36, the amplitude of the cognitive EEG/ERP biomarker P300 increased 38 percent from baseline. Published data suggests that a 38 percent increase is approximately 4 times higher than donepezil (Aricept®), the current standard of care, in the same timeframe. "
heh, had a few too.
With kids, the dosage would be lowered, I'd think. Smaller bodies and all. Maybe a separate trial for kids?
IP, couldbebetter, thanks for your responses (and the other tangential ones provide more food for thought). What you said about a single BP makes perfect sense. 2nd question: would trials have to be designed differently for epilepsy since it cover all ages versus Alzheimer's (over 50)? I guess this assumes the protein folding is somewhat different in epilepsy. thanks again, guys.
Question: does a partnership with a BP, say Pfizer, for 2-73 (Alzheimer's) preclude other BPs who may have a significant interest in the applications for Parkinsons, epilepsy, other CNS? I'm new to pharma/bios so not sure if there's a standard practice.
That's kinda the nature of those crowdsourcing sites. People like Kline are competing against people from all over the globe, like India. Lowest bid gets the work.
Because GeniusBio is JF himself?
Sorry to say but that appears to be a real site. The domain registration goes back to July. Steinmeyer is a real lawyer who specializes in investor fraud. The site does reek of whatever the securities law version of ambulance chaser is called.
I also emailed Steve Pearlstein.
great suggestion!
Haven't sold a single share and I'm not one of the early birds that got in under a $1 pre-split. Bought a large chunk at 13.7.
first time posting here but been in this stock for almost 2 years. Bought at .12, .70, .75. I just have a couple thousand shares. Just bought some more. Nasrat never seems to make a bad step.
Kline was employed by Eisai (who market Aricept with Pfizer) for close to 10 years. He left in June 2011 according to Linkedin. He's been a web developer since. Wonder why he left the profession?
Thank you for saying this. I'm underwater but I can also see how things have gotten emotional and irrational out there. Noise that should be given little attention. Bigger picture, this is a winner that will take some patience and time.
ps. following you now.
My condolences to you and your family.
Think Fonteneau may be invested in Axon. In an article on medium that's essentially a string of tweets, he stated "Resume sent to Axovan $AXON , these guys are geniuses, they just printed $2B out of thin air, I want to get in on that business." This is back in June. You can't go past September on his twitter page.
In all fairness, he does question Axon's start, IPO, CEO. But there's some admiration. Link:
Yeah, more so than Edny from Twitter. The ymb poster is a neurolgist and epileptologist.
Copy/pasted from dadofmarcmax (he's a doctor I think) on ymb:
"Update from my friend at CTAD
She is a behavioral neurologist who messaged me the following (she is attending CTAD)
The results were certainly encouraging after three days of "no effect" results.
The drug is a sigma-1 receptor agonist, called Avanex 2-73.
Since this was a phase 2a trial, there were only 32 patients enrolled, all with mild to mod AD (MMSE 16-28, with "imaging evidence" via CT or MRI of AD). It was looking only at safety profiles and pharmacodymanics of PO and IV dosing, however they did some exploratory efficacy testing.
The safety profile looks good,and they are happy with PO dosing.
After 5 weeks of the study (which included a 12 day wash out period for all patients as they all crossed over from PO to IV or visa versa), they found a 1.5 pt increase from baseline in MMSE, improvement across many measures on the Cogstate, improvement of reaction time via ERP's, and a 3.2 pt improvement on the ADCS-ADL scale.
It was not powered to detect cognitive change, but the improvements in the Cogstate one back and identification tests, and ERP reaction times were statistically significant.
They plan to move to a phase 2/3 randomized double blind trial soon, and part 2b is currently underway.
I'm very encouraged!"
Amen and thanks for your excellent posts. I've been reading this board for a month and started buying AVXL in late September. Today was quite the ride. But thanks to people here and on ymb, I remind myself that the science is good and the CEO is smartly executing his moves. Meanwhile, the doofus Shrekli (sp?) did a live stream late tonight on Anavex (no, I didn't see it). Guess he's not too worried about that Congressional hearing. smh.