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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
IDK if it's total trash but they are off to a slow start in regard to the 100 mil projection this year. I like how they provide a legal disclosure whenever there is a potential aquisition. Basically, We will buy it IF their finances are in order. This one also has third party investors in the mix. Do you think they invested just to hand over the company to TLSS? Me neither,,,they are gonna want their original investment plus before anything happens. Will look here again in a few months to see what new aquisition is announced and how the last two haven't happened yet.
Some of you are failing to realize that this deal is contingent upon a financial verification. And don't forget, third party has to give the go ahead. Sounds like SalSon but just another when? Congrats to those who put disposable income to work yesterday but my common sense tells me that there were none. Let's see how the 90 to 200 days treat the current PPS while things are being worked out. Stating facts, not bashing and waiting for an entry. BTW,,, With diesel at an all time high , How can any trucking company give positive future guidance?
Very good, Otherwise we would have only 5 mill traded today.
I haven't posted here in a while but things seem to be getting a little heated. If you can look at where the company was two years ago and where they are now financially you will see the difference. Are they selling shares to get financially responsible yes, are they going to continue to do this yes, are they going to make Acquisitions yes. This is a waiting game and we are all waiting for a major acquisition be announced but until it happens it happens here we are
Being right is wrong. Trying to navigate through this maze we call the Stock Market is the goal. It's ALL a scam from the BB to the OTC. Right place at the right time is all it takes and you only need one. Just not here and now for me. And thanks for the sophisticated welcome and advise. Actually, was there some? No,,,
You can only bottom fish if the reel holds enough line. This sector is still a mess even with so called quality names.
Stick with Twitter. More factual with less drama.
Merry Christmas ya bunch of renegades while we wait for what we know will come.
I'm in a strange situation with TLSS this go around. I've never been down enough to average down yet not high enough to take profits. WTF. Reminds me of a couple years ago. Past performance is not indicative of the future but dejavue is looking solid.
Page 42 is what we are waiting for. All previous individual lawsuits have been dismissed and three quarters of the business claims, ie Ryder leasing/property, have been settled. Now we wait.
No news ya rusty troweling mud slinging crooked level kicker king.
10k out and it's far from ugly.
That T trade was a buy BTW @ a higher price.
Not true, was trading at .14 three months before the pandemic was visible. Keep it clean and factual. What the taken over toxic company did has no relevance today. Four bucks,give us all a break. Shame on you.
Been here before. No news,no update,then it comes. When,who knows. The only thing that has changed is now an affordable and semi reliable car is back to posting here after being broke down on the side of the road. Blame the Road Rangers for rescuing him. If they knew,they would have passed him time after time.
If you have to ask that then you shouldn't be here. The pre-TLSS company was a mess to say the least but worthy for getting into the game. It's taken 2 years to get rid of the toxic debt and now is the time to raise capital for what's to come. Call it dilution but from what I've seen, its surgically controlled so no mass overreaction occurs. Everybody is waiting on the SalSon deal, which is a private company, but they haven't been profitable. It's the acquired territory for deliveries at stake in this deal which will really make a difference in the long term plan. Keep in mind that not only are fuel prices rising and will continue, securing drivers may be the hardest hurdle to overcome. Amazon was a big mistake with their low margins so the correct path to growth is being implemented and it's not the Express Lane. But it is moving forward progressively.
Yup,I'm neutral on my feelings regarding that. I'm also more cash than investments currently. Lots of scared money out there. Let's see when is when.
Looks like the paranoid traders expected a straight up move based on history. Let me be the first to say that nothing goes straight up. The volume is here so make a decision on how you approach this. Mine was made a penny ago and you'll never hear me say add the dips or to the moon,or blue skies. Investing is a calculated risk for what may happen. Choose you're road and trust the GPS/DD that hopefully you applied before investing here. The rest will be easy as long as disposable income is in play.
Wow,just got to get a chance to check in. Had to build a fire pit foundation in my back yard in the Florida sun. Anyways, things are looking better than I thought after the recent movement. Seems to me that we still have some day traders which is OK. Heck,TLSS may even be taking advantage of the current PPS and selling into the market. One thing is for sure,no matter who sold today,the PPS remained favorable for the investors. The other thing is never let you're significant other know you're construction talents or understanding because it will be capitalized on. Just like here.
Looks like our 10:30 pullback was a little late.
Nothing like checking your trading account and see a 17k profit pre market. The good old days. This time things will be more organic without the high following clowns posting lies. Has a better feel.
Bringing back any memories?
October 4th at the latest will be the announcement of the Salson deal should all the forms and SEC guidelines be followed. Sooner is a possibility too. Get you're finances in order and leave emotions by the back door. Disposable income only.
Well Mr Positive, as we both know Thursday is the preferred TLSS PR day so let's see if it's this or next.
That's exactly what happened in the past. You get these "high following " posters that incite the unincitable. I'd rather grow from what is known. Will the Salson deal actually happen? It's up to them, not TLSS. What's going on beyond that is the real question. Case in point,,,SalSon becomes a reality. Boom,up 100% on an acquisition that has 100 million in revenues but is operating at a loss. It's the "TURF" acquired by TLSS that will make the stairstep to domination within said area. Make no mistake that TLSS won't be even close to being a dominant player nationwide but being dominant in a major hub is actually quite an asset.
Ok JP,,,Isn't the OTCQB a gateway to the NASDAQ?
And that's what I like about you, always positive. Let's see how things develop,,,
SalSon generates 100 million yet has been unprofitable lately. Wonder why? Toxic debt? This is why TLSS wants a debt free SalSon takeover because toxic debt elimination has been a PRIORITY regarding TLSS. TLSS inherited a toxic infested company to enter the arena, has steadily knocked that toxicity down, did a small acquisition for the "turf" ,and has no intrest in taking any backwards steps just for the sake of another acquisition with more toxicity. This is what I see and have a decent amount of disposable income ready when the time is right for me. It's been a long road for me and many of you here and judgement day is around the corner. One tile man's honest opinion and that's why I give the SalSon acquisition a 30% chance of happening. Good luck to all and keep your sniper scopes well focused and fog free.
Refresh your memories and read page 28 of the latest 10-Q. The SalSon acquisition is what many are here for. An update or deal will be announced mid September. Should the one time grace period regarding this deal be granted, end of September will be announced. Carefully read page 28. I give it a 30% chance of happening. BTW,,,I'm sure this isn't the only acquisition in the works but on a smaller scale most likely.
Looks like you are partially correct BG. There is quite an interest in my small Twitter world so let's see how things play out. You and I deserve it so trade smart.
This is going to be a slow process. From a totally toxic cluster to managing a deal to avoid further toxicity is definitely positive. October, early, will spell out the future we all want to be a part of. Until then,,,,
The extraction system patent has not been granted from what I can see. It's a long process with office actions that draws it out. The Cervix Kit will probably take longer just because of its nature. In the end, first to market will be the winner. It took me almost 4 years to obtain a design and utility patents for a much simplistic approach to solving a common problem.
For what?
8k ,not listed above yet, stated numerous times that if SalSon can't get their debt figured out that the deal won't go through. Plain and simple and that's why a one hundred percent gain wasn't realized today. September 15th is judgement day and don't forget, there is a 15 day allowance after if SalSon sends a certified letter of response regarding their debt around September 15th. This acquisition would be a definite plus and the only reason it may happen is that the "sole" shareholder of the company is burning it to the ground.
TLSS is being prudent in the debt restructuring of SalSon so no more debt is taken on. After all,TLSS has been all about removing debt until now with tiny acquisitions. This would be a major acquisition compared to the past. September is a long ways away with the possibility of October also.
Strange two days of trading. Tank somewhat then recover or close to it. This is something I don't want to get used to. It's like a movie trailer for a film you've been wanting to see for months.
According to Twitter the beginning has begun. Something about a 911 last trade today will make this take off tomorrow. Really?
Still waiting patiently like a sniper. GRCU is an illusive target. Waiting for the snap of a twig.
How about the obvious Golen Cross that just might hit tomorrow?