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This will be very nice for those who are long and strong. Go PGUS!
Welcome aboard, MONSTAMONEYMOVA. May we all prosper.
It would be nice if Angel retired about 25 billion shares.
Great share structure and we've yet to have a real volume run.
When that happens it's going to be HUGE!
Couldn't agree more. I've even tried to grab some more cheap shares but no luck.
Yes! I love this stock. LONG UAMM!
I pressed the wrong button and bought 500000. :o
I was responding to some posts by LargeMoney and Vapobag starting here(#90537). Nothing has gone through yet but Angel has said Budgenius is about information. If he is selling that information off to another company, where does that leave RIGH?
So Bud Genius is selling its trademarks, software, data and customer lists for 100,000,000 shares in a company going out of business.
I have no idea what's going on but I doesn't look good. GL
Wish I had bought this Wednesday instead of last Wednesday.
Woe is me.
I agree, and I do not like the 30 billion OS either. A name change and news would be most welcome. What's holding Angel back? What is he waiting for? We can only hope he is working hard behind the scenes. With no volume to speak of there is nothing much else to do.
Hard to say. I love the concept. Information is king and providing a database for tested, registered strains and their uses could be huge. However, the lack of updates is worrisome and the share structure is bad. Leadership is key. Can Angel pull this off?
I hope so. Most people here are long and long suffering but we still believe. Go Budgenius!
Scottrade .001 but no bid.
Yes, I can't believe the amount of money being thrown around.
If I only had the money to match it.
We've been bought out by TDA. I'll look into it, thanks.
My broker will not let me place a sell order that high. LOL
Guess I'll just have to keep adding more as it comes down. :)
At the moment I seem to own one to many of these dead .0001s, LOL.
Right enough.
Breakdown below .002?
I'm afraid you may be right. ;)
Look at PPS of MJs that retired some shares.
I hope no one shorted this. :)
Imagine what 50 million + volume will do.
And there is no news.
Looks like we are going higher than .02 today!
First American Green MJ play..?
Short squeeze anyone...
Smart money moving in, at the best prices they can get. Load up.
When the real volume hits, then we'll see some nice price action.
Once we break .018 it's blue sky.
Did anyone else see 2 million at .03? I guessing no.
What the hell was that?
No energy?
I felt the same way, hang in there.
Scottrade! GRCC! I got em! :)
I've been here a long time, too. I missed the run however and rode this down to .0001, averaging down. We live in the information age, information is king. And Budgenius is information squared. Go RIGH!
I don't think it will go much lower. Good support in mid 2 range.
Scottrade, nada.
Good news... and the shorts appear to be gone.