No. Try not to confuse the market maker with the brokerage house. The market maker's job is to establish an "orderly market". The house is just that, as an incremental revenue source they will use a risk based model for selling leverage to us pissants. When a security has too much leverage and certain other risks (i.e. penny stock, SHO, etc.) Then they look to minimize their risk.
There are other tools that can be used like fully paid lending when shorts need to cover and the house can't get more inventory from the MMs.
Also, important to note...many here claim that there's always a buyer for every seller. Mmm...okay but that buyer could be the MM who is building low cost inventory because they anticipate a run. Anyone who thinks the markets are based on supply and demand should consider a more honest environment. Manip...mmanip...sheesh, why is it so hard to say that word?
We've seen some of this before, but watch for the wider spreads to slow down a train. That's usually a sign of accumulation and uncertainty. Could go either way. But soon thereafter watch the spreads thin out, volume increase and price action to occur.
My 3rd post ever and last for the day.
Best to all the honest people.