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I would be honored. I'm sure being a loser stock flipper every year for Halloween gets old. But, at least you don't have to dress up since that's you 365.
KACHING!!!! Another $2.08. Stellar. Just impressive. However, you're going to have post a lot more than that to get your average up. Maybe you should get AI to post for you. I'm sure the posts would be much more intelligent.
KACHING!!! Another $2.08. And at $25/hour, you make just over what a burger flipper in CA makes. Except, you don't get benefits. So, there's that.
Who got .03's today!!!
Low IQ morons they are everywhere
That's really no way to talk to your fellow flippers. ABQQ is as solid of an investment as it comes. Great leadership. Well, if they had any employees. Makes lots of money. Who cares if it costs twice as much to make it, right?
I understand. Analysis and DD aren't for everyone. Especially volume chasers and flippers. Yep, ABQQ sure has been a successful company. They print shares better than almost any OTC I've seen in a while. 2.3 BILLION shares. Mighty impressive. Of course, they can still dazzle investors by printing another 7.7 BILLION shares. Oh, that's right. Ding Dong said he isn't doing that anymore. And he's always kept his word.
Let's do some analysis and see where it gets us. There's 145.6K widgets. Let's say ABQQ has been making those for 12 years. That's 12,133 widgets per year. And, let's say ABQQ spent 1,000 hours per year making those widgets. That's 12.13 per hour, or 1 about every 6 minutes. Not bad production. Now, let's say ABQQ makes $25K revenue per year (on a very good year). Thats, $25 an hour. Or, $2.08 per post, I mean widgets. I'd get further into the analysis, but I'm sure I lost you with how many widgets that is per year.
I see EPAZZ is down 5% for the day. That's in addition to the 45% you've lost already. Too bad. lol.
No, you just spend your time posting over 145K times. lol. You have to have the most posts for a cheerleader and/or paid pumper on IHUB. Incredible. Good job. How much do you make for each post?
Oh, I'm sure Ding Dong would remember me, IF I were a former employee. Do you know why? Because ABQQ has only had a hand full over the last few years. And of that hand full, a few of them were family. Like lil sis and junior. That's what kind of company ABQQ is. It can't even keep close family members as employees. Real winner there.
If I had to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand it.
For those with more than a few brain cells, I've been clear for a very long time. I'm here only for the entertainment. Watching you volume chasers and pumpers is hilarious.
Blah blah blah. You and the circus are a bunch of POS chasers. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. Just own it.
Sure you can. I'm sure you have time to follow all of his buys while posting 145K times. ROFLMAO!!!! You are a serial poster with nothing better to do than post 60 times on average a day and chase volume.
Sure you bought at $0.0003 to $0.0005. I believe you about as much as I believe anything ABQQ has to say.
Goodbye trips
Looking back, I'm sure you regret buying all of those $0.0008s. How long do you think it will take you to dump those?
I'm sure she already did. Just like all of the other locusts. ABQQ has always been all hype, and pump and dump. It's the only way to get any kind of return for the preferred shareholders. Now that those have converted into common and added to the float there's no going back. The genie is out of the bottle. Oh, but Ding Dong said ABQQ is going to cancel 1.6B shares. Too frickin' funny.
I am out now
The real entertainment lately has been watching the gullibility of the current wave of flippers. If you believe ABQQ will somehow cancel 1.6 billion shares, you'll believe anything.
Impressive. You can add. That will make easy to calculate all of your loses. Not just here, but on all of your stellar investments.
Spoken like a complete asshole. He knows more about ABQQ than all of the volume chasers combined.
Your group reminds me of a bunch of old guys at the horse race track hoping to hit the pick six. The sad part is, your odds are better there than they are picking garbage stocks. Sure, there might be some who hit it big every couple of years. But, that's almost all luck and no skill. I can see why you are part of that group.
I bet it looked good for idiots (I mean buyers) when you bought at $0.15 too. ROFLMAO!!!! Remember when I said trips were coming when it was still in the pennies? Even the biggest cheerleaders gave up.
You know about as much about me as you do pretty much any stock you invest. Which is nothing. You chase volume and flip. That takes real talent. You must have taken the same online investing class as that other idiot. Too bad they don't give refunds.
Better keep that night job at the filling station and get a second job to cover your many loses. And keep playing those scratchers. The odds are better based on the shit you invest in.
You see, you prove my point. You said you were leaving for the weekend. Not once but twice. Lol. But, you can't control your emotions and have to keep posting. I can only assume you invest the same way. How many times have you been left holding bag? About as many times as your total number of posts?
Like I said, you'll gone in a week.
Keep grinding out those profits.
You are still invested in ABQQ? You've been around since it was in the pennies. Were you able to average down to $0.02?
I would like to know how I was "rejected" by the company. I don't live in Asia or NY where that broken down theatre was. And I would laugh in Ding Dong's face if he offered me PPM shares.
You guys crack me up. Seriously. "The plan?" The plan was always to get idiots like you to invest in a shitcan like ABQQ so that Ding Dong's buddy could make some money on the shares. What makes you possibly think the plan is real? Because they said so? comedy out there. For sure.
If I remember right, I started following this when it was around $0.15. So, I would have made some pretty good money on it.
You are some of the best entertainment on this board right now. I live in So. Cal. This is a Chinese company. That's where all of the employees were. You know why I used the past tense? Because ABQQ is a one man show now and has been for a while. It's all Ding Dong. But, I'm sure you know that from all of your considerable DD.
So, if you don't post on weekends, that means you post on average 60 times a day during the week. Pure awesome. Great use of time.
I actually like to make money!!!
Not owning any stocks and posting to me is an absolute waste of time. I'd rather be tarring my driveway in the hot heat
This coming from someone with over 145,000 posts? ROFLMAO!!!! I don't know if I've ever seen that many posts from one person. That comes out to on average 33 posts EVERY DAY for 12 YEARS. And you are wondering about my posting here?
Once this small group gets done passing the trash, the volume will dry up because the flippers will move on to the next best thing. You think this is the first time ABQQ has had much higher than usual volume? I've always said, ABQQ can't suck all of the time. Just most of it.
I'm not here to save anyone money or from investing in ABQQ. I've been very clear for a long time. I'm only here for the entertainment. Watching the cheerleaders and pumpers is great.
You know why bother they have to be told over and over again and don't listen.
Then report me.
This is where having some historical knowledge of the company really helps. ABQQ has been full of shit for a long, long time. We're talking 3+ years. Nothing ABQQ has said has been reliable, and there's no reason to start now. This was strictly a pump to get the preferred C shareholder as much money possible. Well, it worked. Now it's going to be a race to see who the bag holders are.
As always, pure entertainment.
Don't worry, the clown show will head out of town soon enough. Then it will be back to us old timers. Then in another year there will be another pump.
You know, you've mentioned a "3 year cycle" several times on this board, and the last one being 2021. So, how do you explain the fact that 2021 is only 2 years ago, not 3 and there is all of this volume. I can't wait to hear how you move the goal posts again.