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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Steady drop since being dubbed a "Salami".
No interest in Scam-bi-ola. Piggy bank IMHO. Also, no Hemp Mania. JMHO. GLTA !
The "Golden Cross" resulted in a slide. This stock is always about to run.
It's obvious this is a piggy bank for Marco and his "Home Boys". 15k per month? We know dilution is paying that salary.
It's true and you know it's true. The whole board knows it true. Golden Cross hit over a month ago and it did go down. Still trending down. I want her to do well but I'm not going to pump or dispute a "fact" for the sake of doing so. GLTA
When Golden Cross hit it went down.
Good chance going below .02c today or tomorrow.
No NASDAQ updates. Was that a ploy to dump into the 1.5 billion authorized shares?
No NASDAQ updates. Was that a ploy to dump into the 1.5 billion authorized shares?
Actually, cbd and hemp plays are popping up all the time. Not to mention, many mj plays have re-branded as cbd plays.
I really think there won't be one. More than 2 years overdue. The novelty is gone. Too many people were burned by the MJ scam stocks. It's the same here. Also, the space has too many players.
I say 100 percent. There is no hemp mania. Also, it's now a saturated sector. Last, if it's a Scam - La - Mi pick, it's doomed.
You're wrong. Nobody wants VATE or any other bologna stock. VATE was added almost two years ago. It's also been going down for 2 years. That's a fact. The Hemp Mania is not going to happen. There are too many of these companies.
They're reducing/retiring shares. NICE !
Show me proof. Thanks
I agree. That's insane. Share selling scheme.
CANB is a retirement vehicle for a Good Boy Club IMHO. GLTA ! The money that's gone to management and the board etc., is RIDICULOUS. JMHO. What has the board done for that type of money? RIDICULOUS.
Interesting: Looks like Marco has other ties.
Does anyone believe the Salami Clan is really loading like they claim?
Does this look NASDAQ bound?
And it sent VATE down instead of up
Hmmm. I wonder who posted that. . .
Most likely lots of friends and family of CEO "private placements" that are now 6 months old. That would be a guess. I state this because we all know they had this months ago. You should go verify this. Sad thing is why would someone sell when the price is at or slightly above the price they purchased at. GLTA
We never had or will have a Hemp Mania. The allure and novelty of mj and hemp stocks is gone. Sessions snuffed it all out in Jan 2018 and it's never recovered since. A handful had nice decent runs cvsi/potn/edxc. All three salamis never hold gains or really take off. Just a fact.
You mentioned summer doldrums last year and were wrong. I think you’re wrong once again.
Will it crash more after earnings? That happened last time.
So they can front run some more? Stronger drop than open. CANB
Another Day Another Thrashing - VATE
Please send link to him saying that.
From those that say they buy. Those that promote the stock here.
Can’t even sell if you want
VATE never holds a gain. Just a fact. All these distributors, Golden crops, and we DROP. It’s a fact.
VATE Never Holds A Gain.
Front run stock
Not even $4.00 traded today.
Biggest turd out there
Down 40 percent since last quarter filings.
Show us your so called buys
Golden Cross LOL ! In Reverse !