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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Today was a huge day in both price and volume for OPTT. I did not see any news. This buying is not simply anticipation of the prospective earnings report.
No complaints, but also wondering what is driving this.
I agree that there was no problem in the way the Ph3 readout was handled (obviously the content was not positive).
My sense is that SAVA did nothing wrong but there will be class action suits anyway because there always are when a stock drops precipitously.
It is puzzling why the Ph 3 was so blah given the positive results in earlier phases. SAVA lying about earlier results is one possibility, but I think not overly likely. Possibly some selective reporting. Doesn't really matter at this point. These class action lawsuits never proceed to an actual trial where evidence is presented and evaluated. They are always settled out of court with a denial of wrongdoing. If anything SAVA holders will see pennies on the dollar several years from now. Sadly, there will be no full recovery of losses and, apparently, no meds from SAVA for AD patients (even worse).
The explanation of the accounting adjustment, as follows, struck me as odd;
The increase in COGS for sales revenue was due in part to a reserve journal entry that had to be made to the Inventory. This accounting adjustment, 25 percent of the value of equipment inventory and 50 percent of the value of parts inventory, was made to cover any possible miscounts or errors in the inventory records. The adjustment made for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024, which was just over $3.1 million, reduced inventory while increasing COGS in the third quarter.
This implies they may have miscounted their inventory by as much as 25% or even 50% (highly unlikely imho - nobody miscounts that badly!) or that there were other significant errors in their inventory valuation. Definitely poor controls somewhere there.
The good news is that this is a non-cash item - it hits earnings (and diminishes long term assets on the balance sheet as inventory is revalued downward) but doesn't impact cash or cash flow at all.
Of course there will be class action lawsuits against SAVA - that is what class action lawyers do.
Can you update me on that?
Hey! We were enjoying the peace and quiet here....
VDRM should not put out news every week, as they have nothing to say.
The cadence is of secondary importance - what matters is the CONTENT.
There are only three content items that would move the needle imho -
1. putting some actual revenue numbers on the first shipment to Nigeria
2. announcing the second shipment (only matters after item 1, otherwise we can assume they are just giving the stuff away)
3. audited financials
The interview was sponsored by Esperion. That means the interviewer was given a predetermined script written by Esperion, he was not free to ask "top of mind" questions from a shareholder's point of view.
There were no questions about stock performance because Esperion did not want to answer any such questions.
NASDAQ is considered "the place to be" for tech stocks.
I don't think there is any kind of "cashless exercise" for publicly traded warrants. They do not function like employee stock options.
You can be 100% sure that when the warrants are called, 100% of the underlying shares will be issued (generally something like 99.92%, as there are always a few warrant holders that fail to convert for some reason).
You are also incorrect in stating that a warrant call will "not affect share price for more than a small portion of one trading session". While the impact would be short term, it would likely be more than one day as there is generally a few weeks before the date the warrant call is announced and the actual "exercise by" date.
Your last statement is correct - I am sure IONQ's CFO already has penciled in the amount of cash they will receive from having 100% of the warrants exercised - it is only a matter of exactly when it will be received.
I sent an email to TSHA IR on 11/5 asking if they could explain the sharp drop (at that time) and high volume in the stock. I did not receive an answer.
Premiums were high all last week and today on TSHA call options. Volume in the common has been high as well.
What is going on with TSHA in the AH today? Up sharply - now 2.10
I am new to SPRB. Does anyone here have specific expectations regarding the upcoming data readouts in December 2024 and how the stock price is likely to react to them?
Are you sure your fortune cookie didn't say simply "MVNT blows"?
Your second link is to an event that happened back in March.
What makes you think I never bought and do not own VDRM?
When has anyone who has ever bought VDRM been accused of being intelligent?
They certainly COULD, but that is not how Vanguard operates. They are a fund manager.
That authorizes issuance of preferred stock, but does not provide any insight regarding terms of preferred that seemingly has already been issued, per the PR indicating an upcoming meeting to talk about converting that to common. I have looked through the latest 10Q and 10K and can't find any refence to outstanding preferred shares.
Vanguard is a fund manager, not an M&A outfit. If Vanguard has accumulated 9.9% it is because their fund managers think it is a good buy. They are not acting on behalf of some potential acquirer.
Right, and they stopped at 9.9%, which is pretty common because the reporting requirements go up when you get to 10%
Kona, I think you may have misinterpreted that 9.9% figure that Vanguard reported. It doesn’t mean that they bought 9.9% on that date but rather they reached 9.9% on that date.
Jack, apparently you don’t understand how the warrants work. They are not recalled. They are called. This means that the underlying shares will, repeat will, be issued to the warrant holders at the exercise price.
This is not bad news. It’s exactly what we want. The alternative is that IONQ never gets and stays above the price that triggers the warrant call.
I will check it out if I have the time. I’m not sure it’s worth a lot of effort as I’m going to hold. IONQ long-term regardless.
Right that is generic information about preferred stocks. I know I could dig deep into the filings and see exactly what the terms are on IONQ’s specific preferreds are. However, before doing that, I thought I’d take a shot to see if you happen to know them off the top of your head.
The stock market is OPEN on Monday the 11th. However, it is a bank holiday and therefor not a "settlement day". In other words, trades executed today will settle Tuesday, not Monday.
If NIXX did a reverse split of its common, the warrants would r/s as well. This is very similar to the way options are adjusted for splits or reverse splits.
I don't know the exact terms of that preferred stock, but I can take a guess in general terms.
Usually a preferred stock pays a dividend, which is an ongoing expense to the company. The holders of the preferred are essentially saying that they would rather have the appreciation potential of IONQ from (around) today's price as opposed to the dividend stream they are now receiving.
There are two positives here - elimination of the dividend expense stream and the "vote of confidence" from the preferred holder. Additionally, since the preferred holder could have requested it at any point up to now, not only would this constitute a general "vote of confidence" in IONQ, they are in fact saying "now is the time".
Kona - do you know the terms of this preferred stock? The fact that they need to seek some kind of approval from other shareholders (not common shareholders) at the meeting later in November suggests that perhaps the preferred being redeemed might be junior to other instruments?
I wonder why the volume spike today? Looks like someone wanted out.
Lord help me - I just added some more ASKH. Got a fill on a long-standing order to buy at .0112
Lord help me - I just added some more ASKH. Got a fill on a long-standing order to buy at .0112
I agree that IONQ is certainly worth not just watching, but buying.
That said, with a $3B market cap it really does not belong on this board.
I am waiting to see NIXX prove its business model before I jump in. So far all they have done is promise to spin out some assets into a shell (AESO) that I happen to have a legacy position in. Although this may in fact provide some real value in the AESO position I pretty much considered at least illiquid and possibly worthless, I am not sure it is prudent to view NIXX through "AESO-colored glasses".
That said, I am taking a look at the NIXX warrants NIXXW, which expire in 2026. There's a real big spread - I may bid-sit and hope that a few drop to me.
Whatever else Cohen has done, he is the CEO and the stock is trading at 10 cents. Therefore he is a penny stock CEO.
I own some shares and hope he can separate himself from the rest of that group.
A few years ago some of us on this board, and on iHub in general, got all excited about "Ben Berry and Synergy" plays. The current "Cohen plays" buzz surrounding GPLS, ZHUD and AZRH seems eerily similar to me. Anyone else seeing the same thing?
I am still sitting on a number of those failed Synergy speculations.
I would never put any weight in what a penny stock CEO says the market cap of his company should be or could be. A lot of those statements come off as hype, or, at best, wishful thinking.,
The market will decide, regardless of his opinion.
In that situation I always say "thanks for the dance" :)
why? I'd love to see it, but why?