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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Well they sold over 9 mil shares so far today, should start going back up again tomorrow
I'm guessing 10-14$
I was going to buy 5k more shares, but I might as well wait until it goes down to.15
Tons more shares to trade this week,,,,. 11 cents buy Friday
Nwbo needs to make a move like drug did today…come on nwbo drop the bomb
When’s the R/S or another offering???
Well could not help myself, bought another 5k shares @.30 now have 105k ..come on nwbo drop the bomb
Just bought my last 5k shares,,,have 100k now,,,come on nwbo drop the bomb
I believe they are covering,,,come on nwbo drop the bomb
Well it looks like I will be buying more tomorrow at .29 cents
So who thinks this volume is for shorts to cover? News coming?
Thinking.23-25 cents next week
Hopefully we get some good news in September
This is so very depressing
Well there goes any hope for this week
They just can’t let it be…fck
Most likely
Covering or just screwing with us????
Well it looks like I will get those 30k shares at .30 cents today
Well I just transferred money for Friday to buy another 30k shares @.30 cents, that would be a total of 71k shares for me.
.34 cents today for sure maybe.30
.36 fckn cents
.37 cents, fck
.38 cents fck,
I take it that no is worried about the 17th, sell off continues of this pos
Will this POS ever get approved?? It’s just killing my investments
Another offering soon?
.35 cents today?????
No where to go but down….35 cents coming this week fck
Well you can tell there will be no news at the asm, the sell off continues….probably will announce an R/S
At least we are not going down today, thank goodness the market is closed 😏😏😏😏
They are already taking the pps down….fckers
Wow, what a pos
So nothing until August?????
Nice fuck the share holder…..pos
Watch them close this red
Yeah another 20 years before approval
Where is the BlA????