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I guess without knowing the numbers it would be hard to tell. One thing for sure if settlement is the way they go BOTH sides will release a win/win statement no doubt tied to a license agreement and the settlement portion will be down played . After all they would then be interdependent to each other.
Teecee, I guess I'm not following. How would they book a profit?
Spider, IF Ericy was going to settle it would be right before trial. There would be no reason to settle last year. And who knows by working the courts they may have been able to have some items removed to improve there case. No reason to rush if settlement is what they wish. Also if Ericy loses they wouldn't lose their entire company as this trial is just for U.S. sales.
However the result of this trial will set the tone for WW sales as well.
0 nce, interesting you would word it as " Once their story begins to unravel " just as the story is about to become exposed to a new dawn.
But since YOU think it will unravel and you think it will be because of Ericy dispute please explain why you are so sure the jury will see it your way.
OT Cls, Ya I saw, Jimlur left a light on for him also on the club board, but you know Nic. . . . .
OT So NICMAR, are you over here yet or not?.
Note: if your not you don't have to answer.
WOW! Jaykayjones, loophole, brokentrade, pagopago, sjratty,osoesq and all the other great posters . . . . .
Talk about coverage
Again WOW.
The most interesting think to me is how this company has gown during this recession. On a long scale the spike comes into play and distorts some one the factors and measures. I am running 60 different charts on{ see you use them too} following this one. However the only one I'm currently looking at now is the 2 yr weekly. Nice to see that 200 days moving up during these dark days of the last 2 years. My bet is on the upside too. Be it either trial or settlement my opinion is Ericy can't get away scott free.
A few words regarding sellers and buyers and a thought on expectations.
The value of the share price and it's support or resistance are directly in line with the expectations regarding the stock. Meaning there are ALWAYS an X number of sellers and ALWAYS an X number of buyers at ALL times. The overall expectation of the mix and the numbers of each determines the value per share.
When a stock increases and then returns to point of start as just happened in the first 10 days of this year, means it has returned to the support. This support is where the sellers and buyers equalize. This base support for this stock has been in the 15 area low end for 4 weeks now.
As the price moved up earlier to over the 16 mark it increased and exposed a higher number of sellers than buyers {more people interested in selling at the higher price, as is ALWAYS the case without reasonableness to increase, read positive news here} as it falls more buyers come into the mix and fewer sellers are willing to sell at the lower price, end result the price of the stock.
And I can see now your saying, well Jim that's pretty simple stuff, why are you wasting my time.
Factor this. The share price is at {rounding off because of my longview] 15. With a pretty good support line built in, meaning-selling vol drops off at this mark. 3 mo ago it was 10. A 50% increase that's holding the support line to date, 4 weeks. During this time the Samsung release was not viewed as a positive by many of the quick buck artists {note right after the 14.56 share price at the end of year. No quick buck, which many had hoped, and before I get corrected by the very positive longs, yes I know what it means and yes it is very positive. Then we have insider sales and it's certainly viewed as a negative as all are for the most part.
Why didn't it continue to go above 19.5? Why did it stop there? Simply answer because no buyers were willing to buy above that price. Plenty of sellers no buyers. Resistance.
Why doesn't go right back down to 10? Because of a very large increase {vol wise} of buyers at the 15 area but decreasing as the price moves above. Support.
So why are we still at a 15 base?
If we can agree on the res/support areas and we should be able to here considering the support base is 4 weeks running with several bounces and the res. area is a matter of record. Than we are down to the reasons for them and this is solely based on the expectations. And expectations are simply the overall understanding of all buyers and sellers combined.
However if this is the case than why did we have a 50 percent increase over a short 3 MO time frame?
Is it the Harris case result?
The Ericy trial or possible settlement?
The Nok phase II license agreement
The NAS increase?
The institutional increase?
The analysts views?
The traders and MO player?
The shorts?
The insiders sales?
The answer is yes.
The reason that's it's not higher or lower is because after all above are factored this is the price of equalization of expectation. Expectations change like water under a bridge but the focus of the above mentioned is the ericy issue and end results. The others are just background noise.
Anyway I did say just a few words.
IDOCARE, the stock price is slightly higher than it was at the end of the year. 14.56 vs 14.76. The drop Wed and Thurs of this week is no doubt what you're referring too. These also are days with 800 and 900 plus shares traded. Vol fell back to 500 plus yesterday. While I'm no longer following the trades on a daily check I'm comfortable guessing that those two day drops were caused by institutional selling based on the higher vol. An easy way to check would be to look for block trades. Several of them. I believe there was one I posted before the market opened but I never went back to see if there were others. Bottom line the reason the stock fell is the sellers out numbered the buyers, and the vol points to the big boys. The 400k plus less in vol to me means that they're done.
For me it's an expected and meaningless event that has been repeating and will continue too. It will not, in my case cause me to stray from my focus. As far as options I wouldn't try and time the end results. Delay's can occur and fortunes lost by a simply missing the boat by being a week or two off.
Anyway just an opinion.
Threw a chart together on a mo scale 11 years back to try and show the long view with regards to breakdown, wedges res lines and most important trend lines.
Put this out on the other board a while back but didn't seem to gather any interest. See what you think.
I guess your right it's all in the eye.
Still don't know how to link chart notes however.
Mick, RE insiders sales.
While for me it's a little concerning, say vs buying, but it's not that big of a deal. 231k shares total sold. They certainly aren't bailing out considering how many shares they could sell.
Unless that is a continuing pressure in this regard I'm going to just write it off to a little profit taking by the management and move on.
Don't know about the genius or a fool part but your right in the statement. This is not the time to be fooling around with the stock. It's a great time to hold but a very poor time to sell. More so now than ever before.
Dumpter, Agree. Time to focus on the bigger issues at hand.
Alley, Re:like to hear from other technicians....
Following the weekly only with this one. Or I should say I only have interest with the weekly right now. Still running the full set on auto update. But no matter
On the weekly we have a triple bounce just above the 15 mark, if you happen to have a chance to look, with a kiss off the crossover on about zero on the macd today.
Whats your thought regarding this as a base point considering the kiss.
OT jaykayjones, well whatever it was it passed, they bounced back nicely.
What I meant was I'm missing the overall reasonableness of the mostly selling by multiple insider's on a repeating scale over a 3 plus month period.
It's not a deal breaker for me but it is concerning.
Well TA isn't dependent on structured market trading, but rather structured market trading is dependent on TA. All brokers, funds, institutional office have team of tech people working for them. Also and not surprise here most have very high percent turnovers. You can use TA on small caps, mid cap or large, It works the same but there are larger moves due to what you called external circumstances. I view it slightly different as my view everything is interrelated and interdependent. It's not TA theories I follow. I use TA to measure. Just a tool. Simple as that.
Dollar cost average has been around for a long time and it is effective. The floating time factor is my only concern with it. There are many others that can be used also. It depends how much time a person wants to spend learning, and then doing. To do TA correctly for say trading it takes a whole lot of time to do it right. You may wind up with a lot of money but then you have to factor what your time was worth.
Still IMHO once learned a person can use it at will, so to speak. Far better than letting a fund manager do it.
Again IMHO. I suppose I should explain that, A MF is restricted, i.e. most can only go up to 5% in any 1 stock. An investor 5% 10 % or ten times 10%. Big difference in a hot stock. The key then would be to pick a winner. Most information that the MF's get is available to the investor as well. When things are a little rough in the markets a MF will still stay around 90% invested. After all that's what they do, invest in that area, sector, type. Ect. An investor can simply switch to cash and walk away for 3 mo 6 mo whatever. They don't have to take the loss. A MF minus index type are usually involved with just one part of the market, large cap, small cap, telecom sector, whatever, An investor can pick and choose whatever area is hot. And after all those advantages if your not smoking a MF manager your doing something wrong and should let them handle the money. True investing isn't for everybody, in fact in my opinion very few do it well. But many many do it well enough. And for most that I know do it because they enjoy it.
Anyway just an opinion
A little concerned that the form 4's keep coming. Sure we have had reasons issued. Christmas money, need this or that. However several have sold more than once and over a period of 3 MO now.
I've studied this from several angles now, and I'm far from comfortable with it. The latest in Jan 2003 makes me even less so.
Just two cent thrown out.
OT Nok is down hard this am. Only story on Nok that I can find is this.
Head of mobile phone distributor arrested for suspected tax evasion< ap_topic:Business;
HANOI, Vietnam, Jan 08, 2003 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Police in southern Ho Chi Minh City arrested the director of Vietnam's chief distributor of Nokia and Samsung mobile phones for suspected tax evasion, state-controlled media reported Wednesday.
Nguyen Gia Thieu, 38, director of Dong Nam Company Ltd., was taken into police custody Tuesday while Ngo Van Toan, the company's chief accountant and his predecessor, Nguyen Thanh Tung, were placed under house arrest, Thanh Nien (Young People) newspaper reported.
Last Thursday, police raided six stores as well as the homes of Thieu and Toan, confiscating more than 6,000 mobile phones, 30 computers and documents related to the company's alleged tax evasion.
Police investigations showed the company had declared the price of its imported mobile phones lower than value to evade estimated annual taxes of US$5.2 million, it said.
Dong Nam Company Ltd., set up 10 years ago, is an affiliate of Dong Nam Associates, which was registered in Hong Kong and run by Thieu's brother Nguyen Trong Thang.
The brothers are French citizens of Vietnamese origin.
The company began in computers and later became the main distributor for Finland's Nokia and recently South Korea's Samsung mobile phones.
The Samsung phones were distributed through Tam Nguyen Company Ltd. run by Thieu's fiance, Ha Kieu Anh, a former Miss Vietnam.
Anh, Thang and his wife are banned from leaving the country, the paper reported.
Nokia controls 50 percent of Vietnam's mobile phone market, while Samsung has another 30 percent, it said.
Vietnam, with a population of 80 million, currently has 1.6 million mobile phone subscribers.
Looks like the 100k is already posted. Somebody is up and running early today.eom
Re :I realize this is only guidance based on TA and decisions should be based on an individuals circumstances
Words to live by, you still have to blend a lot of common sense into the mix.
Anyway yes anybody including the analysts can see an overbought or oversold condition. There are many many measured indictors for this. The key is how overbought or oversold and the timing of the break out/down. Buying too early is as common as selling too late.
If one were to look at the NAS a person could simply read the $BPCOMPQ, the various charting indicators, look at the RSI, MACD and moneyflow, vol. scales, price to vol. and determine if it's overbought or sold. The key into reading these and many other indictors is to determine length by time. This is something that is learned. I agree it's very hard to nail the top or bottom exactly, but after a period of time learning this, and I mean seriously taking the time to learn you can usually get within a short time of either end. News can catch a person off guard. Nec release back in Jan 2002 caught me as the stock was falling, and would have fallen a little more for that matter if not for that release. By the same token a person can buy in quick enough to pick up a good chuck of the gains knowing that within a falling market the spike will soon be short lived and result in a quick correction. Which it did. If Nec release would have happened during a strong upswing the price could have doubled. It didn't. That would have been nice.
That was a different market
OT Danny, well I had to respond and partially agree. There are no experts that can day in day out predict short-term market movement. No way, not day in day out. However there are trends that can be followed, weakness and strength within the market that can be realized and measured. The market can not shoot to 9500 tomorrow nor can it go to 7500. There is a reason for that. It will likely go up if under sold. And likely go down when over bought. It's only overbought or over sold for short periods at a time so meaningful gains are only for short periods at a time. It's important to look at the markets overall before you start buying, selling a certain stock. This may seem obvious to everyone but most mom and pop sellers and buyers usually sell or buy at, well less than the best of times. They get caught in the greed and fear and miss the dynamics of the market and the timing factors built into it. Not everyday is a good day to trade. Not every week or month for that matter. BTW this is not just for traders but anybody looking to take a position.
All that being said, the obvious is buy an over sold stock during a oversold market for maximum gains, and sell a over bought one during a overbought market. Unfortunately you will not always get the alignment your looking for. When you do you take a lot of guesswork out of the market.
Right now the market is building shallow sideways corrections with impulse buying/selling from the good /bad news that is build into the market and waiting on bigger news that will drive it. i.e. war, recovery, growth, strong overall earnings, slow growth, no growth, inflation, deflation etc.
A little easier with IDCC. No real down side from the company, trial coming up, everyone is waiting for the trial or settlement, with no real expectations until after it's resolved. Sure Nok could settle or a new license could be signed but not expected. No the focus is on the trial. Afterwards is when it will become interesting.
Anyway JMHO
Goodram, as a footnote. Circuit city came out the morning with sales figured showing a 6 percent drop in Dec sales.
GoodRam, Good read. Don't know about that super dandy or doomed.LOL Thinking there maybe something in between. I guess we'll see the numbers soon enough.
fmilt, Excellent post! Eom
RE: The media and analysts have the ability to be simple-minded in trying to explain every movement of the when its 'UP' its stimulus package when its 'DOWN' its the war or the economy or earnings
Beautiful. The analysts in my opinion also believe they are talking to simple minds also. Earnings season is starting to come into play and may give the push we need. Concerned about retail right now, phones sales would also be involved in that area.
OT to spree, you were wrong. Read the yahoo post. Live with the penalty
OT, to "0" nceinalifetime, The real once and I fought over 500 posts I would guess. I know him well, very well indeed. IMO your not him but you did say" if you could prove it"
OK how are the glasses?
Jimlur, this maybe what your looking for. Comparison charts. Interactive perf. The 200 days button on lower right is moveable and will go back to Feb99. Left side lower you can choose between line charting or bar percent on the histogram setting.
Think I missed one of the ones you were looking for to compare however 2 more can be added.
Hope it helps.
$compq" target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer ugc">,qqq,nok,qcom,mot,$compq
Art, charts are looking fine. Sticking with my longview as a focus at this point. Do like the vol thurs/fri especially so when you consider very little was from the big boys.
In a nut shell I will be comfortable with anything above 15. 16,17,18,19 whatever all the same to me right now.As long is it's above 15.
I do run 19 different charts on IDCC between 1 min scale and 1 mo scale with range of interday to 10 years with auto-updating under my account at stockcharts. No worries I'll be keeping a eye out for you. As far as data and interaction of vol to price, well I got this one surrounded.
Take care
Looks like I nee to find a tool for the chart notes view. Main board will post it appears .
sailfree, that would be great. Where does one learn these tricks here?
Let see how this works. Neutral subject. 13 years mo/scale . A case for the end of the bear market. Longterm view.
Bull, ya had that coming, trying to see what they all have here. Kinda like the the charting features and board they have here supporting Oh well off to explore.