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Absolutely fantastic post.
I wonder if this is a sign of something brewing? We will see. I hope heads roll and the twins are released. Will we get justice? I hope Tim exposes the ishh out of all of those involved. American Dream ! ! !
What is record date for dividend? Thanks
Congressman, Senators, all DC know all's are loading up.
Earlier this week I received a box of 33 Vcigs They all taste great. It's my 3rd time to order them. I passed 2 out and the 2 people that I gave them to are now ordering. Will put in morning buy order. Remember TR*& hitting .06c and then hitting $1.42? mcig price is now where vcig will be within first 5 trading days. I wonder if we still get divis with tomorrow buy. Someone let me know. scoop doobie scoop dem shares !
CEO has abandoned investors IMO. Vcig divi promise is backfiring. It really has been taking to long. You can still speak with actions but also give a little update here and there. Just my opinion. I was defending mCig but I now do think he has dragged it out to long and I do see why investors doubt the divi now and are leaving mCig. Anyway, only time will tell. The company monitors this board and I bet they know the divi news (lack there of) and now tier are letting investors stock free fall and they are doing nothing about it. Is that shareholder friendly? I'm not asking for the company to pump just to update a little more on vCig status, etc. Maybe shorts are also contributing to the price but I believe the main reason is stated above.
Load at open. Whole sector is getting hammered. Stay the course.
MMJ stocks have been getting steadily walked down for many months now. I expected a pop from Washington State. I think the next potential catalyst is the elections.
Everyone - I have a very important announcement to make. The two new flavors are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ! Grace is tasteful and the VCIG itself looks absolutely beautiful. It looks like a $15 piece. Calm on the other hand is classic in presentation and the taste will BLOW YOU AWAY ! It is that GOOD. I think I like it more then RELAX and I just ordered 20 of those. I am not pumping, promoting, or posturing, it is just that good. I hope I get my 450 - 500 puffs. I have smoked the best ecigs, oils, flavors, etc and VCIG really is much better, smoother, tastier, etc. My favorite in order 1. Calm 2. Relax 3. Grace 4. Energize (10 more on way) 5. Refresh
I loaded up on the 2 and $3 VCIGS and I think I might on the $5 Calm. MCIG/VCIG LONGER
MD-420 I am surprised by the lack of Washington State interest. But I am not surprised that the 2 new flavors of Vitacigs that I received today rocked ! I also have 30 more relax/energize coming. The product and service rocks ! You rock too bro ! vcig/mcig long - sexy and strong ! ! !
Vitacig GRACE is GENIUS ! As is CALM. Women will be buying these puppies left and right if they are marketed right(GRACE). All mCig/vCig bashers will by CALM to help deal with the anxiety of selling into the bashing. I ordered a few of each tonight to go along with my Thursday order of 10 Energize and 20 Relax ! Yummy yummy yummy :) I can't wait to follow these orders up with a nice 10K+ order worth of Vitacig shares when they IPO. vcig/mCig long and strong
Everybody buy more Vitacigs before price increase on August 1st. I just bought 30 more - free shipping $90 or more.
Your order was placed successfully.
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20x VitaCig - Relax
10x VitaCig - Energize
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20x VitaCig - Relax
10x VitaCig - Energize
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An email receipt containing information about your order will soon follow. Please keep it for your records.
Thank you for shopping at VitaCig, Inc.
All rights reserved. © 2014 VitaCig, Inc..1336
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Thank you for shopping at VitaCig, Inc.
All rights reserved. © 2014 VitaCig, Inc..
I wish that mCig would sell or include little business cards for mCig/vCig in their orders. This way we could leave them with people, vendors, places, etc. I have been promoting their products around KC/STL/CHI/and throughout Florida (2 week trip going back to Midwest on Sat (cry)). I really think this will help get more orders. There is a very large and highly frequented shop in KC that I bet would pump these out like no tomorrow. I have given the owner websites, etc and he always loses it, asks me for it again, etc. I showed him the vitacig and he as stoked. I throw away important stuff on scratch paper all the time but always read a business card before I toss it. A catchy and bright card would nice. It also wouldn't get thrown away like a name or website written down on a piece of paper. It sounds weird but I would actually pay to promote this company. $10 - $20 for a box of 2,000 or so cards, please, sign me up LOL. All it takes is a few shops or people ordering and you know the rest ! Also, I have talked to a lot of people that tried a very popular disposable and they said it tasted horrible. It was bought out by a major tobacco company.
I think the big payoff starts after a combination of next earnings and November elections. End of year should be huge. I might add more under .50 as I have done at times in the last 2 weeks, definitely if it goes under .45. I think patience is key. Nobody has it anymore, including myself at times. Remember to buy more vcigs before Aug 1st :) I am ordering 30 more today :)
Make sure to order your $3 Vcig's before Aug 1st price increase. Orders $90 or more have free shipping. I ordering more energize and relax. They are just so yummy. Remember to load and hold more mCig under .50 cents. mCig LONG
Saw more VAPO products being sold here in Orlando. I hit an ecig shop off of International Drive near Wonder Works and the shop had a nice wall case of Vapo proucts. This was a very nice ecig shop at that. I bought a bottle of the liquid and it is really great. SO far I have hit 6 shops/booths in 2 days and 3 sell VAPO proucts. 2 had VAPO products prominently displayed. Picked up a few k more VAPO shares today. I will most likely hit more ecig sellers tomorrow. Go VAPO
HUGE VAPO displays at booths at flea markets in Orlando. I'm on a two week vacation here in Florida and I was at 3 nicer flea markets today in Orlando. Anywho, I saw VAPO products a few times but one vendor had a huge VAPO display. Make fun of it if you want since it was at a flea market, but the markets were big, busy, and in an upper tourist part of town near Celebration City, etc. This is just fyi. It's nice to actually see a penny stock product being sold in the market opposed to being hyped up and never even hit the market.
Read This - Is judge ordering the sweep ending ?
What date or date range do you think VCIG will start trading? I hope it's 1 cent because I want to by a million shares.
Loaded again today. Got .265's. Wish I had bought in sub .15's or .20's. Bought at .20,.21, .235, and today at .265. Hopefully closing a deal next week and if so will load big if I can under .30. Good luck everyone !
This stock is garbage
Question guys - If you had to guess a low of day for tomorrow what would it be? I had an order placed at .27 today that never filled. Anyway, What do you think it will dip to tomorrow? For some reason I'm starting to think that this might be one of the sleeper surprise picks of 2014. I do hope so and we will see. Anyway, I need some more. I appreciate any response. Also, I know none of us have a crystal ball so I don't need any silly response. PM me if you want. Thank you to all that do !
I missed out on sub $4s today. I think I'll place an order for some sub $4's for tomorrow. I can feel it in my bones - the twins want to RUN ! ! !
Let it Rock ! Let it Roll ! Let mCig Run Out of Control ! ! ! !
What is everyone's target 'Q' drop time frame and target price for Exide?
When will Fannie run ?
Nicki Minaj rocking Mcig on a music video according to a buddy of mine. I will try to find out which one and let you guys know. He knows mCig because I gave him one. LONg MCIG ! ! ! ! ! ! Woo Hoo !!!
Roughly 100K - might get a few more tomorrow.
Detearing, I've been watching you for a long time. I finally pulled the trigger on XIDEQ. I've been debating about buying for some months now. Exide has a large industrial energy manufacturing plant here in the KCMO area. I actually talked to a long time XIDEQ employee that I ran into at a Home Depot and he doesn't see them going anywhere. BAU. He has worked there a long time and he felt like his job is secure. He was a good salt of the earth blue collar type of guy. Just a good Kansas City type of guy. Also long on the twins - american dream. Hopefully 2014 is a great year for all ! Drop the Q !
I have 4 mcigs in original packages. I bought them as keepsakes. One of every color. I need to do the same with vcig. Mcig rocks. I've given their website and vcig website to 3 large smokes shops here in the KC area. Everybody likes mcig/vcig. Those that deny only do because they didn't buy - the stock that is :) Aw shucks, so many forgot or didn't pull the trigger on the cheapies :) Hopefully it's up up and away for mcig/vcig . . . . long and strong...
Very good observation. I left you a vcig post. Have a good weekend !
thanks. i have been loading vcigs parent company for a while now. Do you think that there is a possibility that another nice Tuesday purchase will qualify for vcig dividends? Also, I have seen your posts on the parent company ihub board and you are great. Thank you in advance.
what date or date range is vitacig going to start trading on the open market? This is a great product for those of you that have never tried it. Thank you for any feedback vcig/mci#
I wonder if divi news will come after the closing bell. Imagine how wild it will be on Tuesday since it is a holiday weekend :)
I'm really impressed by the new mCig. The slightly larger chamber, the new chamber on the inside to keep down the external heat and to keep it clean, the top screen to prevent clogging the mouthpiece, etc. This company is continually improving their product. mCig is truly a beautiful product. I really can't believe that this is only $10. Once they hit retail it's over. A lot of people are going to wish that they pounced on these sub .40's. Even the .92's from a few months ago are going to look cheap.
I think I will buy some more in the morning. This might be the last time to get sub 40's. Soon Vitacig will be .40 cents a share or more regardless of initial price. MCIG/VCIG
Load, sit back, relax, let her breath, watch her run . . . .
This stock is going to bust loose in a big way sometime in the summer. In a positive way. That's all I can say. MCIG
Pro Cannabis I just wanted to say kudos on your 2 favorite stocks ! We have the same 2 favorite stocks. Go MCIG/VCIG and RELEASE FANNIE AND HER LITTLE BROTHER ! I hope this is the summer of MCIG/VCIG and FNMA/FMCC. Hopefully one day soon I'm starting my day off by puffing a fresh Energize Vcig only to see that Fannie/Freddie have been released. With everything going on with MCIG/VCIG and the GSE's, we are in for a wild summer. MCIG
Agreed. I added today but this is getting ridiculous. I agree that it's our fault if we lose money but they do need to throw an update, etc and show why they are a good place to invest. Uplisting is starting to look like a joke. I'm pro mCig and all (long) but we really have a lot of ground to make up. I know that things can change etc but managementneeds to show stability and they aren't. mCig is supposed to be the standout due to no debt, low float, management, value, etc, but we are taking it worse then most of the stinky pinkies. I do feel like management has slept to long on the Vitacig dividend. We can speculate all day about management, Paul's plans, etc. We can all make anti or pro plausible points about what is going on behind the scenes, but one thing I'm starting to feel is that mCig isn't as stable of an investment as we thought. One of the appealing qualities about mCig was that it traded like a higher tier stock. Smaller ups and down, but steady. I always appreciated that mCig shows action and doesn't blast PR's to inflate stock, but I'm starting to think that they might need to give more updates to keep the stock price more stable as long as they are on a lower tier exchange. I see nothing wrong with that as that is a way to counter MM manipulation. On these exchanges you might need that. Also if there is so much going on then there is nothing wrong throwing out an update here or there. If it's happening it's not like it's a fluff piece update like MJ@@ or F%%%. FYI I bought more today at .40. Long mCig
Update - Thank you mrgreenjeans and pro cannabis. I ordered April 7th. My initial order was with the glass packs. Last Monday or so I sent them an email saying refund the glass packs or send me an extra Mcig white, black, or pink, and they sent me White. The white Mcig is a very beautiful machine, especially for $10. I have a lot of mCig and I will pick up some more tomorrow just because I like the product and service so much. I bought mCig in Jan, Feb, and a lot more in March. I will often buy an extra 100 - 200 a day on certain dips. I have a large core but I feel like this stock will be a lot higher then it is now in the next few months, plus the vita divi :)Another bonus is Merrell Lynch gives me 30 free trades a month. Anyway, real products, real company, real revenues, and I bet the CEO runs a VERY TIGHT SHIP and the overhead is very low. Their are other companies I'm interested in but the overhead is just so high. My only complaint is the shipping time, but then again, that means they are making money. They need a website that states ETA for every order. For example PINK mCig ETA 3 weeks, but lack mCIG eta is 2 weeks. The glass packs were holding up my order. Anyway, mCig LONG AND STRONG. Last, I can puff on the yellow and purple vitacigs ALL DAY EVERYDAY ! WE NEED RETAIL. EVERYBODY IN St Louis was loving them, ESPECIALLY Smokers or Former smokers. There really is something about vitacigs that former smokers or smokers like. I luv how I can take massive, tasty draws and my lungs don't hurt. I have to go I need to buy more yellows (Energize) and my favorite, purple (Relax). :) Have patience guys. The summer will be as bright as a fresh Energize vitacig ! 3rd post of day - c ya guys tomorrow !