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Post# of 112756
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Alias Born 02/19/2013

Re: None

Thursday, 09/04/2014 9:44:22 AM

Thursday, September 04, 2014 9:44:22 AM

Post# of 112756
CEO has abandoned investors IMO. Vcig divi promise is backfiring. It really has been taking to long. You can still speak with actions but also give a little update here and there. Just my opinion. I was defending mCig but I now do think he has dragged it out to long and I do see why investors doubt the divi now and are leaving mCig. Anyway, only time will tell. The company monitors this board and I bet they know the divi news (lack there of) and now tier are letting investors stock free fall and they are doing nothing about it. Is that shareholder friendly? I'm not asking for the company to pump just to update a little more on vCig status, etc. Maybe shorts are also contributing to the price but I believe the main reason is stated above.