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Ticker Board Posts Status Last Post Category
SPEC Spectrum Control Inc 71 1 month ago Electronics and components
RAB Special Situations (fka RAB) 92 1 year ago Delisted
Speculative Trading 2 2 years ago All Trading - Technical
Prospect Global Resources Inc fka PGRX 4,034 5 years ago Delisted
Electrum Special Acquisition Corp (fka ELECW) 1,690 6 years ago Delisted
Thor Von Thorson''s Thoughts & Speculations 202 Closed. Successor 6 years ago Media - Television Services
Spectranetics Corp (f/k/a SPNC) 37 7 years ago Delisted
Mattman Specialty Vehicles (fka MMSV) 121 11 years ago Delisted
WEEKLY SUSPECTS 14 11 years ago User's Groups
CSI Computer Specialists (fka CSIS) 2 11 years ago Delisted
Pure Spectrum Lighting (PSRU) 1,422 Closed. Successor 13 years ago Electronics and components
*Ace's "SPECIAL" Picks * 8 13 years ago Penny Flippers
Chemspec International Limited fka CPC 2 14 years ago Delisted
ThePennyTrader Specialties 161 15 years ago User's Groups
Global Prospecting Ventures Inc (fka GPVI) 478 Closed. Successor 19 years ago Delisted
Ultimate tiny float plays only..chris20 specials.. 1,808 1 year ago All Fundamentals
Centennial Specialty Foods Corp. (fka CHLE) 367 1 year ago Delisted
Early Bird Special (EBS) 270,437 4 years ago Short-Term
SPECULATION STOCKS 426 6 years ago All Trading - Technical
Prospect Ventures Inc. (fka IVAP) 65,560 6 years ago Delisted
Speculative Bottom Plays (fka ) 31 6 years ago Delisted
Spectre Gaming Inc. (fka SGMG) 135 7 years ago Delisted
No Pump Penny Speculation 288 9 years ago Penny Flippers
School Specialty, Inc (fka SCHSQ) 893 11 years ago Delisted
DD board- post any and all specific DD on a stock 28 11 years ago All Fundamentals
SPECTRADER GO SHORT HIDEOUT 1 12 years ago All Trading - Technical
Earthrhino's Speculation Place 68 12 years ago User's Groups
Current events, personal opinions, respect for oth 2 13 years ago People
BeWare Pump & Dump Specials w/ No Support 281 13 years ago User's Groups
GeoInvesting Special Situations 41 14 years ago User's Groups
Under $10 Special Ones 173 14 years ago User's Groups
Our Universe: the sciences & the human perspe 34 14 years ago Other
The Daily Speculate w/ Asnap and Co. 21 15 years ago User's Groups
Specialized Health Products International Inc. ( 26 16 years ago Delisted
Reverse Splits with special treatment 26 16 years ago Penny Flippers
Special Wag Board (fka $SWAG$) 515 18 years ago Delisted
AQQSQ American Spectrum Realty, Inc. 6 9 years ago Real Estate
BSTC BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. 12 8 years ago Biotechs
CATX Perspective Therapeutics Inc 3,365 1 month ago Medical - Equipment
CGNX Cognex Corp. - Machine Vision Specialist 36 3 years ago Computers - Semiconductors
CLMT Calumet Specialty Products Pa 254 2 years ago Oil/Gas/Natural Energy
EDTXF Spectral Med Inc 51 3 years ago Biotechs
EEH Elements Spectrum Lg Cp ETN 25 6 years ago ETFs
ENH Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. 3 12 years ago Insurance
FCCN Spectral Capital Corp 790 4 days ago Media - Television Services
GPVN Global Prospecting Ventures Inc 62 18 years ago Delisted
GSM Globe Specialty Metals Inc. 114 3 years ago Basic Materials
HLSPF Heliospectra AB 21 3 years ago Miscellaneous
IH Under The Hood (tech perspective) (IHGEEK) 13 21 years ago Other
IOSP Innospec Inc. 6 9 years ago Chemicals
ISPC iSpecimen Inc 216 5 days ago Medical - Healthcare
MDAI Spectral AI Inc 100 6 days ago Real Estate
MEAS Measurement Specialties, Inc. 2 12 years ago Electronics and components
Marijuana Sector Cemetery **Halted, Suspended, Dil (MJ SCAMS) 142 7 years ago User's Groups
NBRY Newberry Specialty Bakers Inc. 139 4 years ago Food - Beverages
ocsl Oaktree Specialty Lending Corp 1 6 years ago Banking and Finance
OGMNX Oppenheimer Gold & Special Minerals R 4 9 years ago Mutual Funds
PAH Platform Specialty Products Corp. 5 7 years ago Chemicals
PGLUSD Prospectors 0 6 years ago Coins
PRRSF Prospect Ridge Resources Corp 15 1 year ago Mining/Resources
PSEC Prospect Capital Corp 964 5 months ago Banking and Finance
PZZ Prospect Medical Holdings 2 17 years ago Medical - Healthcare
RYU Respect Your Universe Inc 3,020 5 years ago Retail - Chains
SAMA Schultze Special Purpose Acquisition Corp. 65 3 years ago Cannabis
SAMAW Schultze Special Purpose Acquisition Corp. (Warran 28 3 years ago Cannabis
SCIE SpectraScience Inc 26,909 4 months ago Medical - Equipment
SCOO School Specialty Inc. 283 3 years ago Retail - Wholesale Distributors
SDOIA Special Diversified Opportunities Inc. 77 5 years ago Delisted
SDSS Suspect Detection Systems Inc. 5,057 3 years ago Homeland Security
SEP Spectra Energy Partners, LP 4 7 years ago Oil/Gas/Natural Energy
SEV Spectra7 Microsystems Inc 10,489 1 day ago Computers - Networks
SLT Specialty Liquid Transport Corp 4 5 years ago Miscellaneous
Special Purpose Acquisition Co (SPAC) 1,541 2 years ago All Fundamentals
SPB Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc 1,272 2 months ago Consumer Non-Durables
SPCGR Spectrum Group International 13 12 years ago Mining/Resources
Speculative Options Plays (SPECOPS) 220 17 years ago Short-Term
SPECUSD SpecCoin 0 6 years ago Coins
SPGZ Spectrum Group International Inc. 34 2 years ago Miscellaneous
SPOC Spectrum Oil Corp. 771 12 years ago Oil/Gas/Natural Energy
SPPI Spectrum Pharmaceutecals Inc 3,283 1 year ago Medical - Drugs
SPSO Spectacular Solar Inc 18,231 1 month ago Alternative Energy
SPTY Specificity Inc 72 1 month ago Media - Diversified
SPVNF Spectra7 Microsystems Inc 1 Closed. Successor 3 years ago Computers - Networks
SPX*USD Specie 0 6 years ago Coins
SPXA SpectrumDNA, Inc. 676 4 years ago Internet - Online Services
SSA Spectra Inc. 50 2 years ago Automotive and Transportation
SXDTUSD SPECTRE Dividend Token 0 6 years ago Coins
SXUTUSD SPECTRE Utility Token 0 6 years ago Coins
TSLX Sixth Street Specialty Lending Inc 1 1 year ago Banking and Finance
The Trader''s Perspective (TTP) 1,358 3 years ago All Trading - Technical
UNSP United Specialties, Inc 73 18 years ago Miscellaneous
XSPECUSD Spectre 0 6 years ago Coins
Board Search Results

Posts: 71
Ticker: SPEC
Last Post: 1 month ago
Posts: 92
Last Post: 1 year ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 2
Last Post: 2 years ago
Posts: 4,034
Last Post: 5 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 1,690
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Delisted
Closed. Successor
Posts: 202
Last Post: 6 years ago
Posts: 37
Last Post: 7 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 121
Last Post: 11 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 14
Last Post: 11 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 2
Last Post: 11 years ago
Category: Delisted
Closed. Successor
Posts: 1,422
Last Post: 13 years ago
Posts: 8
Last Post: 13 years ago
Posts: 2
Last Post: 14 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 161
Last Post: 15 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Closed. Successor
Posts: 478
Last Post: 19 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 1,808
Last Post: 1 year ago
Posts: 367
Last Post: 1 year ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 270,437
Last Post: 4 years ago
Category: Short-Term
Posts: 426
Last Post: 6 years ago
Posts: 65,560
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 31
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 135
Last Post: 7 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 288
Last Post: 9 years ago
Posts: 893
Last Post: 11 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 28
Last Post: 11 years ago
Posts: 1
Last Post: 12 years ago
Posts: 68
Last Post: 12 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 2
Last Post: 13 years ago
Category: People
Posts: 281
Last Post: 13 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 41
Last Post: 14 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 173
Last Post: 14 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 34
Last Post: 14 years ago
Category: Other
Posts: 21
Last Post: 15 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 26
Last Post: 16 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 26
Last Post: 16 years ago
Posts: 515
Last Post: 18 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 6
Ticker: AQQSQ
Last Post: 9 years ago
Category: Real Estate
Posts: 12
Ticker: BSTC
Last Post: 8 years ago
Category: Biotechs
Posts: 3,365
Ticker: CATX
Last Post: 1 month ago
Posts: 36
Ticker: CGNX
Last Post: 3 years ago
Posts: 254
Ticker: CLMT
Last Post: 2 years ago
Posts: 51
Ticker: EDTXF
Last Post: 3 years ago
Category: Biotechs
Posts: 25
Ticker: EEH
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: ETFs
Posts: 3
Ticker: ENH
Last Post: 12 years ago
Category: Insurance
Posts: 790
Ticker: FCCN
Last Post: 4 days ago
Posts: 62
Ticker: GPVN
Last Post: 18 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 114
Ticker: GSM
Last Post: 3 years ago
Posts: 21
Ticker: HLSPF
Last Post: 3 years ago
Category: Miscellaneous
Posts: 13
Last Post: 21 years ago
Category: Other
Posts: 6
Ticker: IOSP
Last Post: 9 years ago
Category: Chemicals
Board: iSpecimen Inc
Posts: 216
Ticker: ISPC
Last Post: 5 days ago
Posts: 100
Ticker: MDAI
Last Post: 6 days ago
Category: Real Estate
Posts: 2
Ticker: MEAS
Last Post: 12 years ago
Posts: 142
Last Post: 7 years ago
Category: User's Groups
Posts: 139
Ticker: NBRY
Last Post: 4 years ago
Posts: 1
Ticker: ocsl
Last Post: 6 years ago
Posts: 4
Ticker: OGMNX
Last Post: 9 years ago
Category: Mutual Funds
Posts: 5
Ticker: PAH
Last Post: 7 years ago
Category: Chemicals
Board: Prospectors
Posts: 0
Ticker: PGLUSD
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins
Posts: 15
Ticker: PRRSF
Last Post: 1 year ago
Posts: 964
Ticker: PSEC
Last Post: 5 months ago
Posts: 2
Ticker: PZZ
Last Post: 17 years ago
Posts: 3,020
Ticker: RYU
Last Post: 5 years ago
Posts: 65
Ticker: SAMA
Last Post: 3 years ago
Category: Cannabis
Posts: 28
Ticker: SAMAW
Last Post: 3 years ago
Category: Cannabis
Posts: 26,909
Ticker: SCIE
Last Post: 4 months ago
Posts: 283
Ticker: SCOO
Last Post: 3 years ago
Posts: 77
Ticker: SDOIA
Last Post: 5 years ago
Category: Delisted
Posts: 5,057
Ticker: SDSS
Last Post: 3 years ago
Posts: 4
Ticker: SEP
Last Post: 7 years ago
Posts: 10,489
Ticker: SEV
Last Post: 1 day ago
Posts: 4
Ticker: SLT
Last Post: 5 years ago
Category: Miscellaneous
Posts: 1,541
Last Post: 2 years ago
Posts: 1,272
Ticker: SPB
Last Post: 2 months ago
Posts: 13
Ticker: SPCGR
Last Post: 12 years ago
Posts: 220
Last Post: 17 years ago
Category: Short-Term
Board: SpecCoin
Posts: 0
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins
Posts: 34
Ticker: SPGZ
Last Post: 2 years ago
Category: Miscellaneous
Posts: 771
Ticker: SPOC
Last Post: 12 years ago
Posts: 3,283
Ticker: SPPI
Last Post: 1 year ago
Posts: 18,231
Ticker: SPSO
Last Post: 1 month ago
Posts: 72
Ticker: SPTY
Last Post: 1 month ago
Closed. Successor
Posts: 1
Ticker: SPVNF
Last Post: 3 years ago
Board: Specie
Posts: 0
Ticker: SPX*USD
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins
Posts: 676
Ticker: SPXA
Last Post: 4 years ago
Board: Spectra Inc.
Posts: 50
Ticker: SSA
Last Post: 2 years ago
Posts: 0
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins
Posts: 0
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins
Posts: 1
Ticker: TSLX
Last Post: 1 year ago
Posts: 1,358
Last Post: 3 years ago
Posts: 73
Ticker: UNSP
Last Post: 18 years ago
Category: Miscellaneous
Board: Spectre
Posts: 0
Last Post: 6 years ago
Category: Coins