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This is good news- I didn't even know I owned it (not that it even matters at this point) obviously a REAL crappy trade/gamble from the past LOL!!!
Got an email from Schwab (they just finished transferring my account(s) from TDA):
We recently learned that your account listed above holds securities that have no known market and have had no transfer agent service available for the securities for the past six years. Without a transfer agent, the securities are deemed to be non-transferable.
What this means for your account.
Because we’re unable to custody non-transferable securities, we’re removing the securities below from your account and will no longer include them in your online or print statements. You will see the removal as an "Adjust Position" entry on your upcoming statement and within your transaction history. For taxable accounts, this action will not be reported to the IRS.
CUSIP Security Description Quantity
Got a few others I wish they'd simply delete....🙄
$EXAS $66 a share today- Wished Ida held it when my buy in average was $9...
"Oh crap... I've got a boat load of EXAS and they're awaiting phase III trial results sometime "middle of February" too..." (#msg-83947092)
The CPI Inflation Number Is A Lie, And That's A Fact
"It is important to remember the CPI inflation number is a lie. This means even if the CPI falls dramatically in 2023, we may, or most likely will still have inflation. When economic growth is slow and unemployment rises, inflation takes on the moniker of stagflation. Currently, the website ShadowStats claims real inflation is closer to 17.15% rather than the 8.5% that the media, the Biden administration, and the Federal Reserve claim..."
Just experienced my first hurricane/tropical storm- started about 5:30 a.m.:This was the pic as we (the blue dot) were just about to enter the "eye" such that it was. It was a low-grade hurricane when it made landfall and by the time it got to us, it's a tropical storm. Still raining but winds have finally started to die down. So different. Northern storms have wind, rain, lightening, and thunder- This, was all howling winds and sideways rain for HOURS. So different. We live in Florida for 6 months (winter) and Michigan (summer) for 6 months:
"Only the victors of any conflict will decide what "facts" are true."
Lots 'o wisdom right there
Or did Putin decide to use the idea to sabotage himself and blame the US?
Only the victors of any conflict will decide what "facts" are true.
After more thought (and Googling), not to mention the bullshit the U.S. gov't has pulled on its own people the past couple of years, I've come to the conclusion that it would NOT be out of the realm of possibility that the U.S. might've been involved. Snippet from an ABC News article yesterday:
"President Joe Biden promised on February 7 to prevent Nord Stream 2 from becoming operational if Russia invaded Ukraine. "If Russia invades,” said Biden, “then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."
Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"
Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."
Demented Joe saying more than he should or simply arrogant political hyperbole? Makes you go hmmmmmmmmmm...
"Every form of energy should be explored"
Precisely. Let the markets experiment and ultimately decide what's viable and not. The whole world was/is in an electric vehicle building mode and things were progressing fine. Hell, my own hobby (private pilot flying) has had battery powered electric aircraft being tested for years. But let some asshole(s) gain power and try to control the entire transformation based on their own timeline instead of the market, and it does nothing but clog up the system at the expense of everyone else.
"Why'd the US sabotage the Russian pipeline of natural gas?"
I had no idea that anyone had mentioned the U.S. as a possible saboteur of the pipeline??
The whole debate is meaningless. Each side thinks their way is the right way, without realizing that all sides are right.
Every form of energy should be explored.
They've been shutting down Nuclear power plants because of greenies in France, no people are wondering WHY THE F**K are we doing that. We need to build more!
Everyone needs to be driving an electric car. HA, if everyone did that, got home from work, and plugged in their cars to charge, the entire electrical grid would go down.
The infrastructure doesn't exist and we'll all be long dead and gone before it ever exists.
I could go on and one.
One Question,though.
Why'd the US sabotage the Russian pipeline of natural gas?
From Breitbart News:
It is especially disturbing that we are witnessing these events even while Europe is plunging into a deep recession largely because it did not invest enough in fossil fuel infrastructure, allowing itself to become dependent on Russian natural gas. We're only a couple of months away from the ESG-caused spike to a record high in gasoline prices here in the U.S. The last thing the global economy or the U.S. economy needs now is less investment in oil and natural gas. Yet that's what each of these events is trying to bring about. If anything, the real transition risk has turned out to be the fact that the U.S. and European economies tried too early to transition away from fossil fuel investment.
What conservatives have been saying for years- let markets handle the transition- not the farkin liberal bullshitters.
Yikes! I think you are right
i really feel sorry for the future of mankind....
I am beyond dead. This just made me wake all the way up. 🤣🤣🤣
— CrownKing👑 (@OnlyCrownKing) March 16, 2022
viva la otc where wonders never cease !!!!
Many, many years ago there was a stock that shot up on news. The news was, the CEO died. I couldn't figure out why that news would make it go up.
Famous words from Dale, "The guy must have been an asshole"
was just talking with a friend and he was telling me they just need an attorneys letter and their good to go. all of a sudden i remembered one play where i was waiting for the same. yes it happened, and nothing moved. then found out the attorney has been dead for 6 months. got out of that as quick asap !
loss of 0001 on 30mil and couldnt figure out how i got out so unscathed. next thing ya know its a 10 bagger in a month. the guy was really dead i saw the obituary and all, unbelievable !!!
ty, ya know sometimes experience does get in the way ! i just prefer to kind of feel comfortable upon entering a position. lol !! plenty of time for the drama after i buy the house !!!
i gotta throw this call i made out there just cuz the way it happened. back on 1/24 i just got tired of holding this dead pink pos i had and threw it to the vultures. just so happens nlst is tanking into the 3's, i have a problem being liquid lol !! gotta keep the action flowing ya know, anyway...
after i dump the zillions of shares i go after a position. they give me my first thousand at my pps call and wont fill the rest of the order. so i figure at this price range its still a real good bet. so i chase it around. ok i'm happy with my fill. next day it see's 3.20 and i'm like dam if i only waited one more day but i'm not gonna squabble at the moment over it !!
nlst has been on my watch list since under .50 and i got the gist of whats going on there, so it wasnt a fluke buy unless you take into consideration that i just put a bunch of cash into my account because a pos i own finally convinced me to dump it !!!
no market genius involved in this play, i got lucky at the recent bottom. thing is what kept me from buying this earlier on was that i was scared big money was gonna squash it out like i've seen before. idk..... i just wanna see 20 bux a share sometime this year......
That sounds like him. LOL
Thanks Jen!
Like our friend is fond of saying (a simile of sorts)- "Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds his nuts..."
I love that when that happens. Kudos!
use zacks, i see my method went down the tubes !
hey whats up man ! the hek with zacks !! this is how you look for plays, right now there in court and there posting the play by play !!!
theres a whole bunch of posts like that scattered throughout the board, viva la otc !!!
gotta luv it !!
$GROY Latest Zack's blast that sucks-- like the rest of their picks. 11/26-- $5.10
{$5,41 when the email came out}
Really Zacks??? How about seeding us something that actually works!?
$RECAF This might explain its sudden demise: RECONNAISSANCE ENERGY DEADLINE ALERT: Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP Securities Litigation Partner James (Josh) Wilson Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses Exceeding $50,000 In Reconnaissance Energy To Contact Him Directly To Discuss Their Options
"...the lawsuit focuses on whether the Company and its executives violated federal securities laws by making false and/or misleading statements and/or failing to disclose that: (1) ReconAfrica’s plan for using unconventional means for energy extraction (including fracking) in the fragile Kavango area; (2) that ReconAfrica would begin unlicensed drilling tests; (3) that ReconAfrica would illegally use water for well testing; (4) that ReconAfrica would illegally store used water in unlined pools; (5) that ReconAfrica would skirt Namibian law and hire an inadequate and inappropriate consultant; (6) that, as a result, ReconAfrica risked future well, drilling, and water-related licenses in Namibia and Botswana; (7) that, as opposed to its representations, ReconAfrica did not reach out nor provide adequate information (including in relevant local languages) through accessible means to those to be impacted by its testing and potential energy extraction; (8) that ReconAfrica’s interests are in the Owambo Basin, not the so-called Kavango Basin; (9) that ReconAfrica has continuously engaged in stock pumping; and (10) as a result of the foregoing, Defendants’ public statements were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times."
Zack's blows chunks with THAT pick- no longer following.
$GROY (5.41 10/20/21) the latest Zack's email blast. They are an interesting type of play- a "precious metals royalty and streaming company". What's that?
"Precious metals royalty and streaming companies represent a very interesting sub-industry of the precious metals mining industry. They provide some leverage to the growing metals prices, similar to the typical mining companies; however, they are less risky in comparison to them. Their incomes are derived from royalty and streaming agreements. Under a metal streaming agreement, the streaming company provides an upfront payment to acquire the right to future deliveries of a predefined percentage of metal production of a mining operation."
Anyway, I'll watch this one for awhile just for giggles...
$STRPF $1.52 as of 10/15/21 BIG time dog! Again only 8 weeks since Zack's blast... keep it on watch for awhile longer...
$QGSI (0.12- 0.13) today (10/16/21) sucking wind big time... Only been 6-7 weeks since Zack's blast- will give it another month or so to watch.
Yes life is too short
throw up a fish'n post at
in memory...........
Lifetime ago isn't it? 😔
Man this site sure brings back memorys. I sure miss fishing with JB
of course, agreed. the only time i ever traded them was as my brothers recos. in fact i let him control what to buy, how much, time frame etc.. i learned what i learned while i watched him trade my money !! lol !! was actually fun but the action wasnt to my preference. i remember him telling me it was as simple as all ya gotta know is intrinsic value, open ended interest and something else that eludes me at the moment.
thats my entire back ground on the options ! anything else and i'm burried !
"definitely not my comfort zone"
Exactly! Like Wayne said about me getting into covered calls, you gotta be comfortable with it so go slow and ease into it.
yes i see, definitely not my comfort zone for playing anything stock related. dont like the short term ramification bets at all, and definitely dont like paying rent for money i already wagered. though i will buy the 4 and 10 on a craps layout if i'm feelin it ! but i'm a more layed back lazy speculator who will still send it in if i believe ! lol !
Yep, the "vig" is the premium- the longer the time frame, the higher the vig...