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LTHHF: Acquisition/Merger/Amalgamation. LPI shareholders receive A$0.57 cash for each LPI Share held.
FINRA deleted symbol:
Friday March 15 is definitely our last day
The Doctor
After_6 years_of focking_total incompetence,_our management
finally accomplishes/completes something halfway beneficial (and fundamental) for us shareholders
With this legal approval in hand it now means we are all finally really leaving Chile with our balls basically intact... Boric's focking cucksocking thieving leftists/commies couldn't fully rip them off us... even though they tried like hell... hurrah!
Fock Chile... and good riddance to that shithole.
The Doctor
PS, now let's hope the Australian dollar rises in value from US$0.65 back up again to US$0.69 on/before settlement date which would give us shareholders holding LTHHF certificates US$0.393 per share.
Mario_Marcel wants_4 new_lithium projects_running for_2026
Dear Mario, you have to be out of your focking lunatic mind to think 4 new gringos are going to start new lithium projects in that shithole Chile while you stupid thieving leftist-commie focks are still in power. No gringo (or chink) in his his right mind is going to enter Chile with his hard-earned seed money and piss it down the toilet to start building a new lithium project in crap hole Chile... you gotta' be out of your mind to think otherwise.
If you could get President Javier Milei in Argentina to agree to take over Chile you might have a chance of enticing some gringo (or chink) into Chile but without Argentina running Chile you got absolutely zero on new lithium development possibilities.
The Doctor
Dear_VW Renault_Stellantis, you_should buy_LPI this_week
If that thieving Boric and his slimy Chilean leftists/commies have their way you have to know that China is going to bend Codelco into either selling the Codelco lithium exclusively to China or leasing most of the hodge-podged Maricunga to a Chinese lithium miner while retaining 40% to 51% of the profits ala CORFO royalties.
If you three "newly-united" Europeans are truly thinking about the future then like a clever selfish bully in grade school who spits all over a classmate's birthday cake in order to insure only he will be able eat it by depriving his disgusted classmates of sharing in it then you need to spit all over the key mother lode of lithium in the Maricunga now by buying the LPI critical linchpin piece of land for mining development to start in 2026... or 2030 at the latest
The Doctor
As_we predicted, Aussie_dollar is_rising to_US$0.66 this_week
thanks to Taylor Swift
If it hits US$0.69 then we're sailing for the best payday possible under these trying circumstances of US$0.393 per LTHHF share... that is, if Tesla CATL Ganfeng Tianqi Stellantis or Posco don't buy us at the last possible minute for AUS$1.00 plus per share.
The Doctor
Dear_Brits, tell_Chile to_go fock_themselves over_Easter
Island Moai statutes
being studied adored truly-appreciated and revered firsthand in your fine educational museum where regular people who can't afford to travel to ungodly-expensive tourist-gouging visa-restricted Easter Island can see some history from OUR planet (which is not Chile's planet). These focking bloodsucking leftist/commie Chileans today especially these perpetually-bitching welfare-scamming indians now (who are descendants of Russian Eskimos/Inuits) have contributed zero to the World's overall betterment/improvement and are nothing more than a bunch of leeches on society don't deserve any pity or special consideration... they get enough pity and special consideration already every second Wednesday of the month at the State welfare office.
Fock Chile, keep the statues in Great Britain where at least they will have a roof over their heads, won't topple over from neglect to break apart, and the wind/sea-salt won't further grind them back down into volcanic ash like their thousand other suffering counterparts are experiencing.
The Doctor
PS, and don't you dare pay the extortion/bribe of UK 2 billion sterling pounds for each statue the Boric-spawn leftist/commie Chileans will next be demanding from you later this week to allow you to keep those statues in Great Britain and lift the mumbo-jumbo curse on you Brits from their Easter Island ancestral pagan god(s) including the curse from the current PC (Communist Party).
Taylor_Swift will_be making_Australia dollar_stronger
this week
Currently the Australia dollar buys US$0.65 which means our payday on March 15 would be a minimum US$0.371 per LTHHF share.
If the Australia dollar is finishing this emerging Taylor Swift week off buying US$0.66 that will mean our payday on March 15 is US$0.376 per LTHHF share.
If the Australia dollar finishes next week off on improved momentum buying US$0.67 that will mean our payday on March 15 is US$0.388 per LTHHF share.
If the Australia dollar in mid-March is buying US$0.69 (which it hit the last week of December 2023 for comparison) then that means our payday on March 15 is US$0.393 per LTHHF share.
I pity the fool sacrificing shares at US$0.3211/sh today desperately trying to deceive old long-term LIEG/Bearing shareholders into selling cheap (to him the fool) by thinking there is a sell-off going on based on this embarrassing 709 shares being traded today in New York to create this very artificial 13.22% DOWN ticker at 3PM NY.
The Doctor
Dear_LPI Management,_we want_every one_of you_cucksockers
including that master cucksocker Crystalballs plus top dog Martin Borda to take a lie detector test on Monday swearing that no one else has submitted (or will submit before 4:00PM Sydney time March 15, 2024) a counter bid for our shares exceeding the Codelco tentative offer of AUS$0.57 per share.
The Doctor
Dear_Tesla Tianqi_Ganfeng BYD_& Uranium_One, we_originally
wanted AUS$1.57 per LPI share but you all needed "more time" to be convinced just how more focking expensive/difficult mining spodumene (including "jump through yourasshole" final toxic processing in financially collapsing China) was going to be before pulling the trigger on buying into lithium old-school brine mining in Chile. Okay, we understand that delay and it was unfortunate. Then you needed another 2 months to be convinced just how outrageously expensive DLE (Direct Lithium Extraction) mining was going to actually be... and now the Argentinian & University of Chile DLE pilot plants are proving that ball-breaking expense out leading you slowly back to the old-school evaporation brine pools method which the LPI Maricunga license is approved to execute. Yes yes, we understand that delay too... but in the interim you all let cripple-crap slimy-bastard Codelco slip in through the back door and setup nationalizing us (LPI) at a paltry outrageously low AUS$0.57 per share. And do take note that when Codelco offers this Maricunga property (with the crown jewel LPI property smack dab in the middle) to you guys in 2025 the price is not going to be the original bargain basement AUS$0.57 per equivalent share... oh no no no... in 2025 your price then is going to work out to be US$2.25 per equivalent share.
But alas I jump ahead too fast... let's backup. So it's "showdown day" now and you've at the last minute helped concoct this lame ASIC delay perhaps in overt collusion with our rummy carpetbagging double-dealing ozzie management in order to scrape together your "last minute" new bids to push Codelco back down the ladder in 2024... it doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going on here. One of you is going to timidly start off the new bidding at AUS$1.00 per share and we eventually are all going to settle in at AUS$1.25 per share by sort-of-mutual agreement... so let's not go down the side-tracking script-kiddie road today of trying to short-sell spook us already old ass-reamed LPI shareholders into selling our shares cheap-cheap (eg LTHHF Down 9.86% today at 3PM) to your undisciplined early-ejaculating fringe insiders over the next 2 weeks and just lay your cards on the table now so we can actually help you buy us in the most expeditious and efficient method in 2024. You need to be firmly solidified in Maricunga before the Right Wing takes over this Chilean government in March 2026. Remember, time is money... and you have wasted way too much precious time already.
The Doctor
Somebody_is "scheming"_us some more...I feel_myasshole
Second Court Hearing
for approval of Scheme by Australian government.
Was 10.15 am (AEDT) on Tuesday, 6 February 2024
Was 10:15am, Tuesday, 13 February 2024
New 11:15am, Monday, 4 March 2024. (Self explanatory).
Effective Date
Was Wednesday, 7 February 2024
Was Wednesday, 14 February 2024
New Tuesday, 5 March 2024. (No footnote explanation of task now)
Note: On January 16, 2024 we were led to believe that the Effective Date (ref February 14, 2024) included Scheme Order lodged with ASIC and lodgement is announced on ASX. Last day of trading in LPI Shares on ASX (with LPI Shares suspended from trading on ASX from close of trading) . Now this critical milestone (ie physically stopping trading of LPI shares on Friday March 15, 2024) appears to not be implemented until the day after Codelco has already had (ie will have) our LPI shares in their greasy nationalizing hands free & clear for 24 hours beginning Thursday March 14, 2024. Is it possible that Codelco/Rothschild with the sophomoric help of hoodwinked BDO is going to sell all those "loose" LPI shares on the ASX in the "window" on Friday March 15, 2024 (without putting another red peso into this deal) to Tesla or Tianqi or Ganfeng or Uranium One for the ultimate flip totally screwing us current shareholders and thereby completely short-circuiting any future interference from greedy self-enriching Chilean politicians eager to vampire-ish-ly glom onto fresh-meat Maricunga assets before Codelco "unloads" them a year down the line (when Boric & the leftists/commies are shit canned in 2026) then being forced to use a gouging beaner stock exchange or beaner brokerage INSIDE FOCKING BEANER CHILE to sell off Maricunga lithium properties in a final plundering sale?
Scheme Record Date
Was for determining entitlements to Scheme Consideration.
Was 5.00 pm (AEDT) Friday, 9 February 2024
Was 5:00pm, Friday, 16 February 2024
New 5:00pm, Thursday, 7 March 2024. (No footnote explanation of task now)
Implementation Date
Was Payment of the Scheme Consideration.
Was All Scheme Shares transferred to Bidder Nominee.
Was Friday, 16 February 2024
Was Friday, 23 February 2024
New Thursday, 14 March 2024. (No footnote explanation of task now)
(New Free-Standing Category) Termination of official quotation of LPI Shares on ASX and LPI to be
removed from the Official List of ASX
Was Not Applicable per se, appears to have been previously "conjoined" with January 16, 2024 published Effective Date responsibilities/tasks.
New 4:00pm, Friday, 15 March 2024
I don't for a minute believe the Australian government is holding this deal up. Our useless lifestyle ozzie management has basically lied to us for 6 years straight running and it is no different now... somebody is "playing us shareholders" scheming for precious "status-quo & no-blockbuster-inquiries" TIME now (that coincidentally Sebastian Pinera) is dead and it all smells like another focking rat in this long chain of rats.
I will bet you money that in the next delay announcement from LPI the time span between Implementation Date and (New Free-Standing Category) Termination of official quotation of LPI Shares on ASX and LPI to be removed from the Official List of ASX increases from 1 day to 4 or 5 days to "properly" clean-up all this shit. I bet it will be changed from March 15, 2024 to March 20, 2024 with all the other dates staying fixed.
The Doctor
Japanese_Embassy says_Taylor Swift_should comfortably_make
Super Bowl via Tokyo flight
Finally some good positive uplifting promising news on this lithium message board.
The Doctor
We've_moved on_from the_travails of_lithium watching/investing.
We are instead now concentrating on figuring out if Taylor Swift can make the Super Bowl in person on February 11
in time to see the Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers.
The Doctor
99.54%_of votes_by LPI_Shareholders in_favour of_Scheme
We're as good as sold now
Dear Lord,
watch over us little people and protect us in the future from ever being associated with these focking aussies on any mining venture again.
The Doctor
It's_over. There_won't be a_hoped-for Trading_Halt#3
in which we hoped Tianqi or BYD would buy us at the last minute
We're going to be Codelco-lized in February.
The Doctor
DLE_turning out_not to_be magic_bullet solution_in lithium_mining
It appears DLE still needs huge volumes of fresh water and mucho mucho energy to run the newfangled machinery... which ain't cheap.
Bean counters are saying it is looking more like old-fashion brine pools "evaporation-approved" Maricunga (LPI) is actually going to be more valuable than many people were originally thinking.
The Doctor
BYD_is going_to make_Mexico a_powerhouse whilst_Chile
remains but a festering pimple on the EV Industry's ball sack thanks to that focking little faggot Gabby Boric who squashed BYD's US$60,000,000 LCE 80,000mt export license a month after he took office in March 2022 and then proceeded to blockade/smash every effort by BYD Chinamen to secure a direct link to a lithium miner inside Chile over the last 2 years
Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric has no focking idea how to make a peso in business because he has never had a real job in his whole mommy's boy pampered life... the guy is a leftist/commie bloodsucking parasite and will be a parasite his whole life queering up every good/profitable business deal he gets close to... like BYD and Tesla and Ganfeng.
The Doctor
Codelco's_current construction_cost overruns...US$6Billion
Only in Bizarro World Chile can such an incompetent corrupt inept top-heavy company as Codelco continue to survive borrowing more and more money everyday with no chance of ever paying back their debts.
The Doctor
Fock_Chile/Boric. CDC/CATL_buys into_lithium mining_in Bolivia
instead buying into a lithium mining operation in Chile
Dear Little Faggot Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric, nobody actually likes you asshole, even the biggest countries in the world like China are only paying lip service to you until your presidential term mercifully ends in 2026 and Chile can recover from you thieving focking parasite leftists/commies. You and your two focking misfit useless ignorant mining ministers have held a dozen high-level meeting with the trade representatives carrying huge moneybags from China and you still haven't secured shit for Chile from China.
The Doctor
It's_full speed_ahead, damn_the torpedoes_for SIMCO
SIMCO_and Simbalik_still holding_the fort_in Maricunga
At_Exch US$0.66_to Aussie_dollar buyout_will be_US$0.376/sh
for LTHHF shares with interim prices of
$0.370 January 22, 2024
$0.373 February 7, 2024
$0.376 February 23, 2024
... that is, if Tianqi or BYD does not outbid Codelco and buy us with a superior bid before January 24-ish.
The Doctor
I_rescind my_previous Trading_Halt prediction_#3
date of January 19 in light of the January 16 Scheme Update and Amended Timetable essentially kicking everything back one week
and change the next Trading Halt to Friday January 26.
The Doctor
Scheme update and amended schedule
Second Court Hearing
for approval of Scheme by Australian government
Was 10.15 am (AEDT) on Tuesday, 6 February 2024
New 10:15am, Tuesday, 13 February 2024
Effective Date
Scheme Order lodged with ASIC and lodgement is announced on ASX
Last day of trading in LPI Shares on ASX (with LPI Shares suspended
from trading on ASX from close of trading)
Was Wednesday, 7 February 2024
New Wednesday, 14 February 2024
Scheme Record Date
for determining entitlements to Scheme Consideration
Was 5.00 pm (AEDT) Friday, 9 February 2024
New 5:00pm, Friday, 16 February 2024
Implementation Date
Payment of the Scheme Consideration
All Scheme Shares transferred to Bidder Nominee
Was Friday, 16 February 2024
New Friday, 23 February 2024
Fock_Chile/Boric. India_buying into_lithium mining_in Argentina
instead buying into a lithium mining operation in Chile
Dear Little Faggot Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric, nobody actually likes you asshole, even the biggest countries in the world are only paying lip service to you until your presidential term mercifully ends in 2026 and Chile can recover from you thieving focking parasite leftists/commies. You and your two focking misfit useless ignorant mining ministers have held a dozen high-level meeting with the trade representatives carrying huge moneybags from India and you haven't secured shit for Chile from India... now India is going to Argentina where they can actually work with President Javier Milei.
The Doctor
Fock_Chile/Boric. BYD_buying into_lithium mining_in Brazil
instead buying into a lithium miner in Chile
Dear Little Faggot Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric, nobody actually likes you asshole, even the biggest EV/Battery-makers in the world are only paying lip service to you until your presidential term mercifully ends in 2026 and Chile can recover from you thieving focking parasite leftists/commies. You and your greedy pissant commie/indians have screwed over BYD one too many times.
The Doctor
Fock_Chile/Boric. Rio_Tinto building_lithium plant_in Argentina
instead of Chile
Dear Little Faggot Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric, nobody actually likes you asshole, even the biggest copper miners in the world are only paying lip service to you until your presidential term mercifully ends in 2026 and Chile can recover from you thieving focking parasite leftists/commies.
The Doctor
The_Senate: sniff_sniff... we_smell a_rat in_Codelco-SQM MOU
Oh yes we do.
BNAmericas_calls a_spade a_spade on Codelco-SQM MOU
“The only ones who will benefit will be SQM and Codelco, but for the state company it will only be to pay part of their debts, when it is assumed that [the government’s national lithium strategy (ie NLP)] was designed to finance social programs in education, health, pensions, etc.”
This whole slimy Codelco-SQM MOU is starting to stink to high heaven and everyone is easily figuring out the devilish self-enriching scam in detail engineered by the Gang-of-7.
The Doctor
SQM_drops another_2.72% today_NYSE. IPSA_loses 1.2%
for the week and SQM down 3.46% today alone in Chile
Everyone knows this Codelco-SQM MOU is a sham to be proved fraudulently negotiated and destined to fail.
The Doctor
Dear_LIEG/Bearing Amigos,_Monday the_US stock_market
is closed for MLK day. If I were you I would think about removing all my sell orders on LTHHF until after the MLK holiday and the LPI buy-out voting if indeed it ever happens. If "things change" early next week and there is a trading halt perhaps also coincidentally Monday in Australia then you don't want to be caught in a squeeze unable to kill your US$0.55/share (L) to US$1.00/share (H) sell orders.
The Doctor
Financial_Market Commission_subpoenas list_of negotiators
from Codelco's Maximo Pacheco identifying exactly who (for both sides and Boric's government) negotiated the Codelco-SQM Atacama MOU along with who said what to whom and when exactly
Dear Mario Marcel (c/o Gang-of-7), hoo boy... you're going down little buddy... there is no way you will be president of Chile in 2030 after/if the CMF indicts you for "orchestrating" this rip-off.
The Doctor
Our_esteemed neighbor_Francisco Javier_Errázuriz is_going to
blow wide open the Pandora's Box on the latest stinky slimy gooey "closed-door" self-enriching Codelco-SQM Atacama MOU that was not publicly bid out (ie by tender) nor completely transparent in order to prevent Chilean corrupt officials (eg Gang-of-7 & SQM) from squeezing out kickbacks/sweetheart-deals for themselves under the table
I like those SIMCO guys... they sure would make (or would have made) a good partner for us in Maricunga.
The Doctor
Just_look at_this picture_of Aurora_Williams and co-conspirator
Maximo Pacheco from the Gang-of-7 repeating the same old worn-out horseshit on how Chile is making such wonderful happy-happy progress on lithium mining since the announcement of the Codelco--SQM proposed MOU as the SQM share price falls a ball-busting 15% in the last 2 weeks since this "big" announcement . Is this planted photo-op BS suppose to be a "success story" for that little faggot Mommy's Boy Gabby Boric's government? This NME story on the musings (and more focking inconsequential repetitive NLP "highlights") from Aurora Williams and co-conspirator Maximo Pacheco sounds/looks more like an eulogy at a funeral for El Frito Bandito.
Having this useless airhead Aurora Williams in the position of Minister of Mining is an insult to mining... she is as useful/productive/helpful to mining as a tit on a bull.
The Doctor
We_are a_tit on_a bull._Another "everything is hunky-dory"
obfuscating "el smoko y mirroro" report from Codelco's Maximo Pacheco claiming US$32,000,000,000-in-debt Codelco can run Chile's lithium business just fine and make a profit for the "little people" (wink wink)... maybe... kinda'... sorta'
Send_all the_focking parasite_indians in_Chile to_another
country like Venezuela or Brazil or Bolivia (where they actually belong) or Gaza along with raghead Daniel Jadue to secure their visas
These parasitic indians (who stole this land from the original Russian Inuits who preceded them to Chile hundreds of years ago) and whose Mayan ancestors long ago sold the Atacama "wastelands" to Whitey/gringos/entrepreneurs for big bucks have long outlived their miserable purpose on earth. It is time to pack them all up and send them to Bolivia or Venezuela or Brazil or Gaza or some country even in Africa where they can bitch and lay around all day long doing nothing that would actually contribute to society to their heart's content. Name one thing indians have contributed to Chile? You can't... they account for nothing and especially so after the first Spaniard arrived in Chile. Just follow Texas Governor Greg Abbott's example and "bus" them the fock out of the state click here for how-to video or simply reinstitute Augusto Pinochet's original final solution plan for these pain-in-the-ass obstructionists. You want to see the welfare rolls plummet? Just get rid of the indians in Chile starting with the Colla Pai Ote.
The Doctor
Faggot_lame duck_Boric getting_off his_lazy commie_ass
finally proposing red-tape cutting expediting measures on deal-killing project-delaying bureaucratic excessive governmental Permits for miners after 2 years of dicking around doing absolutely nothing for the real benefit of miners of course just in time to help all his leftist/commie carpetbagger parasite buddies trying to weasel themselves into the lithium mining industry after the upcoming nationalization(s) of supposed prime "strategic" lithium greenfield salars to be primarily "worked-over" (heh-heh) exclusively by the Gang-of-7.
Hopefully these new permitting guidelines/procedures will decrease the amount of bribes/kickbacks miners have to pay bureaucrats/corrupt-officials to do even just their basic responsibilities on plan reviews at no extra charge, reduce the numbers of permits from 400 permits down to maybe 300 and shave the waiting time on getting an exploitation permit from 4 years to 2.5 years... that is, until the Republicans can take over this entire focking useless government "ala Javier Milei" in 2026 and throw these focking leftists/commies (including that bloodsucking puppet-master string-pulling Michele Bachelet) out of office on their ears.
The Doctor