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IPCIF changed to IPCIQ, bankruptcy.
IPCIF...19...Bollinger Band Squeeze setting up here...Float in the 25 Million range...
Any idea why it's going up? Anything news?
IPCIF...28s clearing here...Gap Open in the 70 range...
[3:19 PM]
IPCIF...16...Psar flipped to a Bullish Buy Position...Been accumulating for quite some time...
IPCIF...159...Psar flipped to a Bullish Buy Position...Moving Averages have all converged in the .13/.15 range so this will break...Question is which way...I am betting it runs into the .50 plus range...imo...we shall see...
Outstanding Shares
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.
/s/ Amina Odidi
Date: November 23, 2020
Dr. Amina Odidi
Acting Chief Financial Officer
IPCIF...124...bidding more at .11/.12 range on the lower Bollie dip...been accumulating under .20...
IPCIF...236...Gonna hit record volume today...imo...we shall see...
PCIF...157...Consolidation Channel Breakout setting up on the Bollie the Psar flipped to a Bullish Buy Position...Open Gap Down in the .55 range... ... 23...Million Outstanding Shares posted on 7/30/2020...
C'mon doctor... c'mon
Anniversary Repost
Rexista AdCom 7/26/17. You are welcome, America.
Monday, 07/24/17 05:50:30 PM
But regardless of all the above and todays misinformation campaign spread from I've stated for the past several months leading into Rexista AdCom...IPCI will fly through Rexista AdCom this Wednesday and receive a unanimous recommendation for approval...and then all the broken record predictions of supposed Rexista AdCom failure will simply shift to a whole new realm of moving target complaints...and mark my words that's exactly how things are going to play out!
Noticeably absent from all the ongoing Rexista AdCom banter is all the false bravado about how it was supposedly going to be proven at Rexista AdCom that the blue dye in Rexista would supposedly turn everyone into a blue smurf and kill them hahahahahahahhahahaa
IPCIF...139...Bullish Piercing Line Reversal Pattern to the Upside formed on the close...Previous alert @ .155 was my starter but failed to break the 200ma...Looking for that 200ma Break/hold and a gap fill...imo...we shall see...
georgie18 Tuesday, 05/12/20 04:05:54 AM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 155
IPCIF...155...Bullish Piercing Line Reversal signal formed on the close...Open Gap in the 25/60 range...Took a starter today...
Chart... ...
IPCIF...155...Bullish Piercing Line Reversal signal formed on the close...Open Gap in the 25/60 range...Took a starter today...
Chart... ...
I think there's a lot more con men like Odidi all over Wall Street. The more you dig into just about any stock, you see shadiness. People at the top always get their money no matter what. Many companies succeed just because they have better connections than Odidi. Odidi wants to be a world class scammer, but rich people and politicians are smart enough to distance themselves from someone who is such a public embarrassment. The whole stock market is a con game. It's about public perception, not value. Amazon and Twitter stock might be worthless in 5 years.
Fabius- I think the class action suit should go after IPCI's only asset. The approved ANDAs and pending ANDAs. The reason I say this is in bankruptcy IPCI has two major debts:
1. Odidi Loans
2. Class action suit that was recently settled but still pending approval. In all likelihood insurance covers most of this, but some of it could fall onto IPCI.
IPCI has no money, no real estate or anything of value. They have some used lab and manufacturing equipment but that is not worth much. Thus, I say go after the ANDAs. Why? They are the only thing of worth. Also to prevent Odidi from running off to China and being able to manufacture and profit all by himself.
When you think about it, it does sound like a scheme. He funded ANDA approvals through a pump and dump scheme with the likes of Wainwright, etc. He never commercialized them and made them appear worthless. He never bought a single share of IPCI with actual money. But he loaned the company money at 12% interest. This guy is no fool. He knows that all debt gets 100% paid out before a single penny of equity in bankruptcy. So the debtors will take all IPCI assets... So that pretty much leaves Odidi with whatever he wants.
I will keep on following the news to see if I can join some kind of class action (although I am in Europe).
as I wrote on this board the day before AdComm, even for me that I am surely not used to read clinical trial analysis or other drug related stuff, it was clear that IPCI was far away from getting an approval.
Now I wonder: can we consider Odidiot just an idiot ?
surely not; he is a con man, who likely understood some years ago which was the way to raise money and "survive" (with very good salaries for himself and family & friends) without having a remote possibility of getting a revenue generating product on the market.
Look at the shelved ANDAs, at the Regabatin stall, at the several CRLs he has been receiving during all these years (= incompetence).
He knew he was going to fail (otherwise you don't file incomplete studies and get multiple CRLs on almost all your applications).
He is a f...g liar, sleeping with the devil
Weezuhl- I think a good lawsuit would be for shareholders to sue for ownership of all the ANDAs. There is no money to be had from Intelli. The ANDAs are the only thing of value... And it would be nice to extract them from the company before bankruptcy as Odidi with his loans has first crack at any assets. Would it not be criminal if in bankruptcy the guy who drove this company into the ground walked away with all the assets?
Somebody better tell the lawyers.
I guess we can forget about the oxycodone patent suit with Purdue. I wonder if any of those attorneys know anything about class action shareholder cases. Maybe they could help out with that lawsuit instead, or whatever is coming down the pike.
aelmtpa- I guess I will watch where ELTP goes next. That being said, don't celebrate and don't bet the farm on them getting approval. They were already denied at least once before and in general opioid approvals are very hard to come by. I am just a realist. I gave IPCI a 5% chance of approval before everything came to light. You might want to listen to the ADCOM board comments. The standard for approval is a moving target that gets harder and harder each day. FDA past guidance is obsolete and the approval question is do the benefits outweigh the risks? And panel attendees as much said they are evaluating as do the benefits GREATLY outweigh the risks.
Completely incorrect.
They had bad data.....THAT is why it didn't get approved.
NOTHING to do with opioids.
And Nektar's opioid didn't get approved because they DIDN'T EVEN DO ALL THE REQUIRED TRIALS.
As predicted, opioids are a no go now investing wise.
DR Ryan- Agreed... Opioids are not getting approved unless it is something really innovative where benefits strongly outweigh risks. Intelli drug was not even close to approval. For investors in competitors, please listen to Intelli ADCOM. Certainly this ADCOM was not good news for you guys. And celebration of this denial will be shortly lived as your companies products will likely see similar fates in the future. Intelli even showed no food effect. The panel did not even care about this. But it was reason enough to deny other drugs in the past...
As predicted, opioids are a no go now investing wise.
Wish you the best too Fabius
It's over folks.
Wish the worst to mr Odidi and his family group which have been living the last 8 years over our fooled_investors.
wish all the best to all still invested, I jumped out Yesterday with a 98% Loss...and I will pray for the rest of my life not to find mr Odidi on my piece of s..t
Sub .20 at the open tomorrow is my guess.
Pretty much as expected imho. I am actually surprised they did not get shut out.
Do you recommend approval of AXIMRIS XR (oxycodone extended-release tablets) for the management of pain severe enough to require daily, around-the-clock, long-term opioid treatment and for which alternative treatment options are inadequate?
Yes: 2
No: 24
Abstain: 0
If its easier to manipulate, I really question why they proceeded with the application. Odidi may have even outdone himself...
It's easy to crush
wimuskyfisherman - It's not at all comparable to OxyContin (which is a low benchmark for ADFs). Axiris XR is laughably bad, worse than any other ADF currently on the market. The intranasal Cmax (amount of drug in your blood) is almost DOUBLE that of OxyContin. As for IV and extraction, all Intellipharmaceutics has is gelling. It's easy to crush, makes statistically smaller particles than OxyContin, and fully extracts in alcohol. Intellipharmaceutics can try to hide the data with liking studies, but the numbers are awful.
Fabius- How were the studies incomplete? I think they did all the required testing. Its just that more studies were done on IV as they are going for abuse deterrent IV labeleing. I think they ran the requested tests for oral and nasal. Maybe they cut corners but I am not sure??? The oral and nasal results were not spectacular but mostly inline with ADF Oxy. I think where they fall short is when the panel is asked the question do the benefits of this approval outweigh the risks? I think the benefits are:
1. Superior IV ADF performance.
2. No food effect.
1. Oral and Nasal ADF performance in line with ADF Oxy.
In looking at that, I don't think panel says benefits outweigh the risks as ADF Oxy is not a drug with a spectacular track record.
Wim, difficult to imagine any other outcome than a NO. Studies were incomplete (again) and the product is not addressing the main route of abuse, which is oral.
Pure nonsense by the Odidiots...but it is now clear they are either stupid at the highest level OR clever enough the exploit the system and living on others money
Fabius- If this gets voted no... I suspect nobody will ever fund the company again. I guess then Odidi can run off to China with his ANDAs. Any normal person could profit off those. But I am sure Odidi will totally screw that up as well. He is Odidiot...
O-did-it again !
Fantastic demonstration of how a group of incompetents, arrogants and thiefs (Odidis family, directors, HF managers and brokers) can make money out of a fake just playing wiht investors money and the big wall street show.
nothing new, sadly.
Just dream of some kind of karma for these persons will some day show up
Intellipharmaceutics will ultimately get a CRL, with the AdComm ending with a mixed to solid No vote. The first time around, it was clear there was no chance of approval. Relevant HAP studies were missing, data was poor, and making claims using the dye guaranteed there would be no approval. However, after reformulating and conducting additional studies, Intellipharmaceutics was given a huge opportunity for a positive outcome. FDA mostly wants ADF applicants to follow their guidance and conduct the necessary studies; check the right boxes and you get approval with labeling. Today's meeting was an especially good opportunity given recent events at FDA. There hasn't been a meeting of the Analgesic committee in a while, and several key members of CDER involved in the first CRL are no longer with FDA.
Just by looking at the background documents, you can tell Intellipharmaceutics blew it. Study data is again poor and incomplete. Stemming from what looks like attempts to save money, the little that was done is clearly below expected quality and rigor in the CII industry. On top of that, yesterday's meeting set the tone for the new committee. For those who didn't see the results, the meeting ended with an extremely harsh 27-0 No vote. It's clear the FDA and this AdComm have an eye toward the epidemic, and Intellipharmaceutics needed a strong backgrounder to overcome this concern. I predict Esteve, the applicant in the current AM session, will receive a solid Yes vote. This will lend the committee some credibility as opposed to blocking every applicant currently under review. Then Intellipharmaceutics will comfortably be given a No vote in the afternoon.
Someone email this to Odidi! lol
US RAC Prep Ch. 5 - Preparing for an FDA Advisory Committee
Fully expecting this thing to get a no go. Question then is there anything left of value in company.
Blue- Agreed, if they get their ass handed to them again, I think this company is done. Let's hope they have a plan going into this thing... I don't see how Odidi can say the oral and nasal results are better than ADF Oxy. I think he is going to just going to have to say they are in line with ADF Oxy. But the IV results are superior to everything else. And there is no food effect. I think that is the only plan of attack.
Any sales data from the newly partnered generics?
Would like to know if those are generating any money.
If this goes down tomorrow likely so does company unless Od cuts costs - which should have been done years ago.
Honestly, I am not sure on how Intelli plans to spin the results. I think most look in line with ADF Oxy. Some results a little worse, some maybe a little better. So will their game plan be to try to sell this on no food effect? Good IV ADF? And say the oral and nasal results are in line with ADF Oxy? I am wondering what their game plan is?
I'm no an expert but reading the materials going into the AdComm it looks unlikely an approval.
IPCI studies looks uncomplete (only intravenous route was deeply tested) and their drug doesn't offer any superior element to Others already approved.
Odidi ,,,seems he did it again !
I repeat I am not a technician, but from what I understood the application is lacking those characteristics that would make it a win.
Also I am very disappointed they didn't address properly the oral an intranasal way of abuse.
Back to 0.10 ??
It will all come down to the chewing and snorting HAL studies.
• The ground IPC oxycodone ER tablets were associated with 67% higher Cmax, 122%
and 97% higher partial AUCs (AUC0-1h and AUC0-2h, respectively), 26% higher AUCinf,
and 1.5 h earlier median Tmax compared to crushed oxycodone IR tablets.
• The ground IPC oxycodone ER tablets were associated with 64% higher Cmax, 78%
and 63% higher partial AUCs (AUC0-1h and AUC0-2h, respectively) and 0.5 h earlier
median Tmax compared to ground OxyContin tablets.
Does anyone know what time is the meeting starts and the link to the webcast Wednesday ?
Yep on wed. From what ive seen today we may have a chance
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