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Very quiet on this board... isn't there an AdCom meeting coming up??
Weezuhl- Will you be attending the Intelli Adcom next week?
In February 2018, the Company met with the FDA to discuss the above-referenced CRL for Oxycodone ER, including issues related to the blue dye in the product candidate. Based on those discussions, the product candidate will no longer include the blue dye.
But what I take exception to is the repeated posts about how Rexista is based on some unique ADF technology that is patented and proprietary. It very simply IS NOT. It is not patented, and it is not unique, other than the poisonous blue dye, which we all know will never make it into the final formulation that gets approval. Take the blue dye out of Rexista, and what you're left with is very expensive generic OxyContin that can be chewed "like bubblegum."
Rexista might be the best to chew while in class, but it will never be "Best In Class."
Fabius- I am reasonably certain Odidi will be the voice of Intelli at Adcom. That is most of the problem with Intelli- Odidi has too much control. Why is he presenting? I can only think of these two reasons:
1. They don't have the money to hire someone who is qualified.
2. Pure arrogance on Dr Odidi's part.
Wim, I bet he filed for being accepted.
Anyway some other paid partecipant will be attending.
As you pointed out we can only hope ipci will be able to make a decent presentation and a good defense from the attacks they will receive.
Honestly I pray for Odidi not being the one presenting and asking to the committee questions.
Weezuhl- Will you be attending the Intelli Adcom next week?
Fabius- Good luck to us... For once I would like to see something go right for Intelli. For once I would like to at least see Odidi go into this Adcom prepared. I hope he is not too arrogant to have not learned from the last Adcom. I hope him and others are approaching this meeting very strategically. Lots more than science at Adcoms...
I am holding as well. Down 90% on my shares.
About sure the AdComn will have non-independent members, likely recieving some kind of rewards by competitors.
Anyway Odidi has been proving to be so good in screwing everything up that will likely fuck all the possibilities by himself
I wonder how much the merits of the drug and studies even matter. I think the FDA might be that corrupt. When Remoxy got rejected, the company called the FDA unfair, biased, a sham, and incapable of doing simple math. Seems they're all bought and paid for by higher forces.
Mike- I am holding through adcom as I have already lost a ton here. There will no doubt be some Adcom attendees- paid by the competitors- badmouthing the product. Intelli is just a small guy and those corrupt Drs, etc. will do their best to hijack the meeting. One thing this product has is no food effect. None of the Oxy ADF competitors can claim this. Collegium has arguably the best current product on the market and their product has food effect. So I hope IPCI can shift the discussion to this big feature.
Yeah, I think most people know it's a gamble holding through adcom. Stock will freakin skyrocket if the approval goes through....tank if it doesn't. I'm more worried about corrupt puppets on the committee than approval incompetence.
I would think that with this being a product that should actually HELP the "opioid crisis" that an honest panel would be more inclined to approve.
Mike- I am not sure this will not go through. But opioid approvals are hard to come by these days. Also I have watched Dr. Odidi for several years and he has a track record of poor applications, delayed approvals and poor management in general. I want this approval as much as anyone but I am just being realistic. I also don't want people to get sucked into the short seller trap. Those guys with the warrants are out there trying to sell shares. And they will burn this thing down if Adcom does not go well. Anybody who is considering buying should know that if Adcom does not go smooth, in a matter of days or hours this will be trading at 10 cents or less. So know the risks before you buy this and hold through Adcom.
They have something resembling a $10 million funding deal.
The FDA advisory committee meetings get a favorable result more than 60% of the time. I don't know why anyone can be so certain that it's not going to go through.
Looking fwd to what happens with IPCIF in the next 10 or so trading days.
Also, great username! My favorite hunting show talks about muskies all the time. Link below
I agree with you. It isn’t that I don’t want to hear from you... one of the few usefully things about iHub is to gauge market sentiment, I figured someone who disagrees with you would rather reply to my post than yours
Anymouse- I know you don't want to hear from me. But be careful here. The company has virtually no cash. NDA approval is a longshot but if approved this will fly big time. If not it will be sub 10 cents. And you might wonder why I am still here? I hold shares that I have lost over 95% on. So I would like to see this soar as much as anyone. But I am also a realist as I have seen Odidi fail, fail and fail some more over several years...
Lastly, there are about 17M warrants at 75 cents held by the lowest of the low pump and dumpers Odidi associated with. Don't think that is an insignificant data point in your research. Don't believe me? Research it.
New to IPCIF, still looking into it. Seems like you have posted here a lot. Looking for a reply from anyone else here to show me market sentiment and/or disagreement with muskyfisherman
To be honest, I think IPCIF should try to find some funding before ADCOM. Hopefully they can deal with a friendly partner that is willing to invest in the company. I say this because they have a history of dealing with shady and ruthless financing characters... I have no doubt those 75 cent warrant holders are shorting every share they can right now. And it is there plan to burn this thing to the ground and cover at 5 cents if Adcom does not go perfect. All that being said, I am not sure they can find an investor at this point. I think most real investors would be scared off by Odidi's terrible management of the past. If Odidi would just step down as CEO, they may have better options.
Seriously? I saw some movement in my account last week from IPCI, but this news is better than expected. Hope to see my $2 avg again soon. ????
Agreed wholeheartedly
Fabius- I think someone at Adcom mentioned they owned stock in ELTP. But I believe there is more there than that...
Lex- 100% agreed. I really think that the last Adcom room was loaded with people that represented companies that had vested interests in IPCI not being approved. Competitors is pain space... I don't think this time will be any different. Let's hope IPCI is prepared. If I was at IPCI, I would have had every single person in the room at last Adcom researched extensively...
It looks like some of the ipci board members were able to trace his name down.
He also mentioned before the committee to have some interests in competing biotechs.
Actually, those who participated in the last Adcom for IPCI, and torpedoed the only drug that could have combated the opioid crisis that Purdue cornered the market on, may have blood on their hands, by not allowing IPCI drug to be voted through with a caution label. How many may have avoided death due to their addiction to oxy, after the meeting?
Granted Oddie was a poor rep., but this thing was a show with Purdue influence abounding
I thought you were a clown before the 2017 adcom, ranting about the blue dye. You nailed it though. You seem to know your facts. We're you the guy that was actually at the ADCOM?
take a look at CYTR guys ..could run like IPCIF did extremely undervalued and has large pipeline
Fabius- I hope the dream comes true... I give it 5% for approval but a positive Adcom could really make this thing run...
Could be some small time players that try to hold a short without warrants through Adcom. When you think about this, it is a good bet, but in the event of positive results and positive panel vote, they may end up covering at $5, $10 and maybe even $20 per share.
Will be interesting to see who shows up at Adcom… I think it is worth investigating these participants to see if they have "conflicts of interest" in regards to their testimony...
Yes Wim, agreed on all your points.
That is why I was talking about a wild dream.
The only point which supported my dream is that - be the Oxy approved (which is per se a dream inside the dream - our big boys can short and short...BUT...the squeeze comes into place when you start to get margin calls. IFFFFF you get an approval and the pps opens with a 5x gap...then they can use the new shares to cover but they need some days before they will have the new shares converted from warrants… the meantime they can get so burned to drive the price at 10x just as a technical fact…
that is the dream
Fabius- one more thing. In my opinion the volume the last two days is fake. It is just our old friends wash trading this up in price to get ipci on people's radar. Then the pump will start going into adcom.... Lastly, they will dump as many shares as they can as there is no risk as they have the warrants.
Fabius- I would love to see a squeeze here but patient and odidi screwed up royally by issuing those 17M warrants are .75. The guys that hold those warrants are in control and an approval would drive a big increase in pps while those scumbags sell and sell and sell... Then reality sets in and they exercise those warrants and the float goes up big time. Odidi is such an idiot for selling all those warrants. The guys that hold them will make money in both scenarios. And if they don't get approval, odidi can sit back and watch those scumbags take the pps to sub 10 cents.
Yes Wim, we know one of them for sure.
I believe your scenarios about warrants are very plausible. My dream (really no more than a dream) is that we get the approval and a bigger shark squeezes them out 4 ever.
Just a very big dream
Load up because this will be double in a week or less. It's going to run harder.
Its good for us..100K shares at 0.40 bingo
Here is my opinion on what warrant holders are doing
1. They have been and will continue to short sell as many shares as they can. The likelihood of approval is low and no approval this goes to .10 or less. If approval, they use 75 cent warrants to cover the shares they sold.
2. If approved, they will continue to short sell as many shares as possible and then cover at 75 cents for a huge profit. Approval Will lead to huge pps increase but odds are 5 percent or less.
I told penna, odidi, patient that the warrants are bad for the company. Last offering the warrants were an absolute joke. Now the guys that burned ipci to the ground will have profit again on these ridiculous warrants. And they wonder why they can't book an offering...
Still very passionate Vs ipcif.
Odidi doesn't need anyone to show his company's and personal weaknesses...he very well already proved it to the world
Thoughts on IPCI's oxy ER
1. The poisonous blue dye in the first version of IPCI's oxyER was not a superfluous add-on. It had to be removed because it kills people in higher concentrations (You're welcome, America!). BUT, as poisonous as it is, the blue dye was a necessary component of the ADF because the drug can be chewed "like bubblegum," according to Dr. Odidi. Chewing is the most common route of abuse for ER opioids, and IPCI has never released the results of their chewing HAL studies. Without the blue dye, what is preventing anyone from chewing it, "like bubblegum"? If those HAL studies were successful, we would know about it by now, and we would be hearing about it over & over. No HAL results --> No confidence.
2. IPCI's Oxy ER is not Collegium's Xtampza. Collegium's drug is successfully challenging Purdue's OxyContin in the market because Xtampza is a totally unique formulation. It is superior to OxyContin in multiple ways but most especially in chewing resistance. Unlike Xtampza, IPCI's oxyER is an OxyContin clone. It has excellent syringeability data, which was revealed at the first AdCom, but we have never seen chewing or snorting HAL data. I highly doubt that IPCI's chewing data is even comparable to OxyContin, but even if it is, that will not get it approved. It has to be good enough to qualify for the same chewing ADF label that Xtampza has in order to be approved, and IMO, that is highly unlikely. And don't forget, IPCI's clone is still locked down in patent infringement litigation with Purdue.
3. The Odidi's recently expanded their loan to the company. If they had confidence in the drug's impending success, why wouldn't they buy shares instead giving another loan? Likewise, when the company was desperately trying to increase shareholder equity to maintain NASDAQ listing, the Odidi's never converted their loan to shares, which would have made the job much easier to accomplish. Dr. Odidi has also started a new venture in China. If the CEO shows no confidence in the future of the company, then why would I?
IMO, FDA will not look favorably on a chewable OxyContin clone. But if you have a strong stomach, be my guest. However, if you hold through the Adcom, I recommend wearing Pampers on January 15. Whatever happens to IPCI's drug on that day, it doesn't change the fact that the ADF opioid market has never developed as everyone hoped. With the exceptions of OxyContin and Xtampza, every other ADF drug is a miserable failure.
I think there are about 15-17 million warrants at 75 cents. So who owns those and what happens if this ever gets there...
Does it look like there was any dilution today......just wondering what to look for? Thanks for any response...kinda new to the OTC...
Only 22 Mill in shares with a decent pipeline sure seems attractive here..
I hate to rain on anyone's parade but here is the truth about Intelli:
1. They are in desperate need of cash. They are barely making payroll and paying bills. They have been trying to secure financing for some time but this company has a very poor history because:
a. Their approvals always came late.
b. They could not monetize approvals
c. Market vision within company was poor and ideas always came to market way too late
d. They never reached cash flow positive status despite repeated promises.
e. They paid the bills by diluting over and over again. They used the same crooks every time to accomplish this. Sabby, Anson, others... The crooks finally put the screws to them and to try to preserve NASDAQ listing they did a 10:1 reverse split. It did not work and the crooks drove the PPS into the ground- sub $5M market cap.
2. Their NDA that has an ADCOM in January is for an abuse deterrent opioid- Oxy clone. Opioids are frowned upon these days. So it would be a major miracle if they get approval. I would say less than 5% chance. But if it does get approval, PPS should skyrocket. Just realize it has a very low chance of approval.
3. Shareholders have been majorly screwed by the company. In particular the Odidi's. Research how many shares the Odidi's ever paid for- exactly 0. The Odidi's have screwed this company over by their poor leadership and the only money they ever put in was in the form of 12% loans- that the company is still paying off... And yes these loans did not get hit by the 10:1 reverse split.
4. The Odidi's hold the only debt this company really has. Remember debt gets paid out before equity in bankruptcy proceedings... I think when this company does go bankrupt, the Odidi's will walk away with the ANDA approvals and all shareholders get screwed once again...
5. The Odidi's also secretly set up a Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing company that is not connected to Intelli. When this became public, I personally told Odidi this was a conflict of interest. But that **** was too arrogant and greedy to see the truth here. So put two and two together- who benefits in bankruptcy when they walk away with the ANDA approvals... Certainly not the shareholders.
Good luck to you! I may try to enter if it dips from here till Ad Com. Looks like it's running hard already though!!
Does it look like there is any dilution today?
could run to $2 before the ADCOM meeting next month
New annual high - $1 very possible short term
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